The Race Car Bed

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{A/N: I'm skipping to this episode since I don't see Sarah's presence having any significant changes in the other episode; I'm also skipping the opening scene since everyone else's thoughts are only known to themselves}

Sarah's POV:

Everyone is at Monica & Rachel's watching 'Happy Days'.

Ross: "Hey. When you guys were kids, and you played 'Happy Days', who were you? I was always Richie."

Monica: "I was always Joanne."

Joey: "Question. Was, uh, 'Egg the Gellers!' the war cry of your neighborhood?"

Then, a commercial for the Mattress King, Janice's soon-to-be ex-husband, appears onscreen.

Phoebe: "Eww! Oh, it's the Mattress King!"

Me: "Boo!"

Chandler: *to Janice* "Don't look, honey.-*to us*-Change the channel! Change the channel!"

Janice: "Wait! Wait! I wanna see this. After I divorce him, half of that kingdom is gonna be mine."

Mattress King: *onscreen* "Despair fills the mattress showroom. My kingdom is suddenly without a queen. I'm so depressed I'm going to slash... my prices!! Check it out! Four ninety-nine for a pillow top queen set! I'm going medieval on prices!"

Me: "What a wank!"

Janice: "Oh, I cannot believe he's using our divorce to sell mattresses."

Monica: "I know! And $4.99 for a pillowtop queen set? Who cares about the divorce? Those babies will sell themselves."

Monica revises her statement as we stare at her.

Monica: "And I'm appalled for you, by the way."

Mattress King: *onscreen* "I'm close. I'm cheap. I'm the king."

Chandler: "He stuffs that codpiece, right?"

Janice: "Oh, yeah!"

Janice mouths 'no' to the rest of us when Chandler's not looking. Monica is shocked, while Joey & I laugh.

{Time skip}

Everyone but Joey is hanging out at Central Perk while Rachel is on the phone. Monica walks over to hand Chandler and me the coffees we ordered.

Monica: "Ok, here you go."

Me: "Thanks, Mon."

Chandler: "Oh, you know what? I asked for no cinnamon on top."

Monica: "Oh."

Monica scoops the cinnamon out with her hand.

Rachel: *over the phone* "Ok. Ok, Daddy, we'll see you tomorrow night.-*pauses*-Ok, bye-bye." *hangs up*

Ross: "We?"

Rachel: "Are, uh, having dinner with my Dad tomorrow night. I hope that's ok."

Ross: "Oh shoot, tomorrow's not so good. I'm supposed to, um, fall off the Empire State Building and land on a bicycle with no seat. Sorry."

Rachel: "Ross, my father doesn't hate you."

Ross: "Please, he refers to me as 'wethead'."

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