{A/N: I'm skipping to this episode since I don't see Sarah's presence having any significant changes in the other episode; I'm also skipping the opening scene since everyone else's thoughts are only known to themselves}
Sarah's POV:
Everyone is at Monica & Rachel's watching 'Happy Days'.
Ross: "Hey. When you guys were kids, and you played 'Happy Days', who were you? I was always Richie."
Monica: "I was always Joanne."
Joey: "Question. Was, uh, 'Egg the Gellers!' the war cry of your neighborhood?"
Then, a commercial for the Mattress King, Janice's soon-to-be ex-husband, appears onscreen.
Phoebe: "Eww! Oh, it's the Mattress King!"
Me: "Boo!"
Chandler: *to Janice* "Don't look, honey.-*to us*-Change the channel! Change the channel!"
Janice: "Wait! Wait! I wanna see this. After I divorce him, half of that kingdom is gonna be mine."
Mattress King: *onscreen* "Despair fills the mattress showroom. My kingdom is suddenly without a queen. I'm so depressed I'm going to slash... my prices!! Check it out! Four ninety-nine for a pillow top queen set! I'm going medieval on prices!"
Me: "What a wank!"
Janice: "Oh, I cannot believe he's using our divorce to sell mattresses."
Monica: "I know! And $4.99 for a pillowtop queen set? Who cares about the divorce? Those babies will sell themselves."
Monica revises her statement as we stare at her.
Monica: "And I'm appalled for you, by the way."
Mattress King: *onscreen* "I'm close. I'm cheap. I'm the king."
Chandler: "He stuffs that codpiece, right?"
Janice: "Oh, yeah!"
Janice mouths 'no' to the rest of us when Chandler's not looking. Monica is shocked, while Joey & I laugh.
{Time skip}
Everyone but Joey is hanging out at Central Perk while Rachel is on the phone. Monica walks over to hand Chandler and me the coffees we ordered.
Monica: "Ok, here you go."
Me: "Thanks, Mon."
Chandler: "Oh, you know what? I asked for no cinnamon on top."
Monica: "Oh."
Monica scoops the cinnamon out with her hand.
Rachel: *over the phone* "Ok. Ok, Daddy, we'll see you tomorrow night.-*pauses*-Ok, bye-bye." *hangs up*
Ross: "We?"
Rachel: "Are, uh, having dinner with my Dad tomorrow night. I hope that's ok."
Ross: "Oh shoot, tomorrow's not so good. I'm supposed to, um, fall off the Empire State Building and land on a bicycle with no seat. Sorry."
Rachel: "Ross, my father doesn't hate you."
Ross: "Please, he refers to me as 'wethead'."

New Friends, New Family, New Forever
FanfictionSarah Bing is Chandler's twin sister. She's young, ambitious, and in love with her brother's roommate. She moved to New York briefly before Rachel broke up with Barry, but she's already made herself at home in the little group of friends. How long c...