The Thumb: Part 4/George Stephanopoulos: Part 1

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Sarah's POV:

Later that evening, everyone's sitting around the kitchen table while Ross and I are on the couch, eating ice cream and looking back on their memories with Alan.

Rachel: "Remember when we went to Central Park and rented boats? That was fun."

Ross: "Yeah. He could row like a Viking."

Then, Monica walks in with a weary smile.

Monica: "Hey."

Me: "How'd it go?"

Monica: "Oh, y'know..."

Phoebe: "Did he mention us?"

Everyone turns to Monica with hopeful looks.

Monica: "He said he's really gonna miss you guys."

Monica plops down to Ross' right, and he gently begins massaging her forehead when Chandler jerks out of his chair.

Chandler: "That's it. I'm getting cigarettes."

All: "No!"

Me: "Chandler Bing, you promised!"

Chandler: "I'm sorry, Sarah. You're my sister, and I love you, but I'm weak. I've gotta smoke. I gotta have the smoke!"

I turn to Phoebe with a pleading look, and she nods in understanding before turning to Chandler as he rushes out the door.

Phoebe: "If you never smoke again I'll give you $7,000!"

Chandler walks back into the apartment, much to everyone's relief.

Chandler: "Yeah, alright."

Well, now that that's settled, we all spend the rest of the afternoon supporting Monica to make up for our behavior earlier. I understand how hard this is for her. Chandler and Henry got along well, and when we broke up, I was afraid he wouldn't respond very well to the news, like how he had during our parents' divorce. But, to my surprise, he was completely supportive and understanding, especially after I told him why we broke up. After we met everyone else, they were just as supportive of each of our problems. It just goes to show that these people aren't just my friends. They're my family, and I couldn't have asked for anything better.

{Time skip}

A few days later, everyone but Joey is discussing what we would do if we were omnipotent for a day.

Phoebe: "Ok. If I were omnipotent for a day, I would want world peace, no more hunger, good things for the rainforest, and bigger boobs."

Ross: "Yeah, see, you took mine. Chandler, what about you?"

Chandler: "Uh, if I were omnipotent for a day, I'd.. make myself omnipotent forever."

Rachel: "See, there's always one guy.-*mockingly*-If I had a wish, I'd wish for 3 more wishes."

Chandler: "Sarah?"

Me: "I'd wish for equal pay in the workforce, freedom for all, and death by execution for every man who's ever been unfaithful to their girlfriend or wife."

Phoebe and Monica pretend to bow before me on their knees, Rachel applauds, and Chandler and Ross put their hands together pleadingly. Then, Joey walks into the cafe with a curious look.

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