Mr. Heckles Dies: Part 2

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Sarah's POV:

Joey and I walk into Heckles' apartment in search of Chandler to find him in one of Heckles' old robes and sitting on the couch.

Joey: "Have you been here all night?"

Chandler: "Look at this. Pictures of all the women that Heckles went out with. Look what he wrote on them."

As he mentions each name and description, he hands a picture to Joey.

Chandler: "Vivian, too tall. Madge, big gums. Too loud, too smart, makes noise when she eats. This is, this is me. This is what I do. I'm gonna end up alone, just like he did."

Me: "Chandler, Heckles was a nut case."

Chandler: "Our trains are on the same track, ok? Yeah, sure, I'm coming up 30 years behind him, but the stops are all the same. Bitter Town. Aloneville. Hermit Junction."

Joey: "All right, you know what we gotta do? We gotta get you outta here. Come on, I'll buy you breakfast, let's go."

Chandler: "What if I never find someone? Or worse, what if I've found her, but I dumped her because she pronounced it 'supposebly?' You'll see, you guys are all gonna go off and get married, and I'm gonna end up alone. Will you promise me something? When either of you are married, will you invite me over for holidays?"

Joey: "Well, I don't know. I don't know what we're gonna be doin'. I mean, what if we're at her folks' place?"

I nudge Joey's arm as I take over for him.

Me: "Yes, Chandler. Anytime you want. But you're gonna find somebody."

Chandler: "How do you know that? How?"

Me: "Sister's intuition."

Chandler: "That's nice and all, but you know what? I'm not gonna end up like this. I'll see you."

Chandler storms out of the apartment. I sigh in disappointment as Joey leads me out of the apartment.

{Time skip}

Chandler informs all of us that to change his ways, he did what I'm marking as the dumbest idea he's ever had.

Phoebe: "Janice? You called Janice?"

Chandler: "Yes, Janice. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?"

Ross: "You remember Janice, right?"

Chandler: "Yes. She was smart, she was pretty, and she honestly cared about me. Janice is my last chance to have somebody."

Janice walks in with a smile, approximately 8 months pregnant.

Janice: "Hello!"

Chandler & I: "Oh, my God."

Chandler: "Janice, you're..."

Janice: "Yes, I am."

Chandler: "Is it..."

Janice: "Is it yours? Ha! You wish, Chandler Bing!"

Me: "Oh, thank God. I mean, congrats."

Janice: *shows wedding ring* "You are looking at a married lady now."

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