Sarah's POV:
Everyone's hanging out in the living room while Monica's pulling out a bunch of lasagnas from the oven as she talks to her Aunt Syl over the phone.
Monica: "Aunt Syl, stop yelling! All I'm saying is that if you had told me vegetarian lasagna, I would have made vegetarian lasagna.-*pauses*-Well, the meat's only every 3rd layer, maybe you could scrape."
Meanwhile, Ross, Joey, and Phoebe are reading his baby books to prepare for when Carol has the baby.
Me: "Ross, did you really read all these baby books? I mean, I barely got through my assigned reading for law school by graduation."
Ross: "Yep! You could plunk me down in the middle of any woman's uterus, no compass, and I can find my way out of there-*snaps his fingers*- like that!"
Phoebe: "Ooh, this is cool. It says in some parts of the world, people actually eat the placenta."
Joey grimaces as Chandler sets his yogurt onto the coffee table.
Chandler: "And, we're done with the yogurt."
Monica: "Aunt Syl, I did this as a favor, I am not a caterer. What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas?-*pauses with a shocked look*-Nice talk, Aunt Syl. You kiss Uncle Freddie with that mouth?"
Joey: "Hey Ross, listen, you know that right now, your baby's only this big?-*holds thumb and forefinger 2 inches wide*-This is your baby.-*high-pitched voice*-Hi, Daddy."
I laugh as Ross waves with a smile.
Joey: *high-pitched voice* "How come you don't live with Mommy? How come Mommy lives with that other lady?"
Ross' smile drops as Joey starts smiling himself.
Joey: *high-pitched voice* "What's a lesbian?"
Rachel walks into the apartment with Paolo, which doesn't help to improve Ross' mood any.
Rachel: "Honey, you can say it, Poconos, Poconos, it's like-*pokes his nose*-Poc-o-nos."
Paolo: *pokes Rachel's nose* "Ah, poke a nose."
The two rub their noses before passionately kissing while the guys and I mock him. Nonetheless, I walk over to stand in the middle of the room to hear both sides of the following conversation.
Monica: "So, did I hear Poconos?"
Rachel: "Yes, my sister's giving us her place for the weekend."
Phoebe: "Whoo-hoo, first weekend away together!"
Monica: "Yeah, that's a big step."
Rachel: "I know."
Meanwhile, with the guys...
Chandler: *to Ross* "Ah, it's just a weekend, big deal!"
Ross: "Wasn't this supposed to be just a fling, huh? Shouldn't it be flung by now?"
Rachel: "I mean, we are way past the fling thing, I mean, I am feeling things that I've only read about in Danielle Steele books, you know? I mean, when I'm with him, I'm totally, totally-"
Ross: "Nauseous, I'm physically nauseous. What am I supposed to do, huh? Call immigration?-*pauses*-I could call Immigration. Sarah, you know anybody?"

New Friends, New Family, New Forever
FanfictionSarah Bing is Chandler's twin sister. She's young, ambitious, and in love with her brother's roommate. She moved to New York briefly before Rachel broke up with Barry, but she's already made herself at home in the little group of friends. How long c...