{A/N: Skipping to this episode since I don't see Sarah's presence having any significant changes in the other episode}
Sarah's POV:
The six of us are sitting in the front row for Joey's latest play.
Rachel: *reading the program* "Look! Look! Look! Look, there's Joey's picture! This is so exciting!"
Chandler: "You can always spot someone who's never seen one of his plays before. Notice, no fear, no sense of impending doom."
Ross pulls a notice out from his program.
Ross: "Look, the role of 'Man #3' will not be played by Vic Shapiro. Well, we came on the wrong night."
Monica: "I can't believe I forgot to bring a magazine."
Me: "Come on, you guys. This might be good."
Phoebe: "I don't know. The exclamation point in the title scares me. Y'know, it's not just Freud, it's Freud!"
Then, the lights begin to dim.
Ross: "Oh, shhh, shh. Magic is about to happen."
The lights onstage brighten to reveal Joey in a Freud costume as a woman lies across from him on a couch.
Joey: *German accent* "Vell, Eva, ve've done some excellent vork here, and I vould have to say, your pwoblem is quite clear.
All you want is a dingle
What you envy's a schwang
A thing through which you can tinkle
Or play with, or simply let hang
Joey then starts a goofy dance, and I hold back my laughter out of respect for my friend. However, the smile never left my face, and I could almost swear I caught him glancing at me with a wink. Wait, what?
{Time skip}
We all give Joey and the cast a standing ovation before falling back into our chairs as they head backstage.
Rachel: "God, I feel violated."
Monica: "Did anybody else feel they just wanted to peel the skin off their body, to have something else to do?"
I turn to Chandler, expecting one of his famous sarcastic comments, but his gaze is on a woman sitting in the row across from ours.
Chandler: "Ross, ten o'clock."
Ross: "Is it? Feels like two."
Chandler: "No, ten o'clock."
Ross: "What?"
Chandler: *gestures* "There's a beautiful woman at 8, 9, 10 o'clock."
We all follow his gaze as Ross voices his agreement.
Ross: "Oh, hello."
Chandler: "She's amazing! She makes the women that I dream about look like short, fat, bald men!"
Monica: "Well, go over to her! She's not with anyone."
Chandler: "Oh yeah, and what would my opening line be? 'Excuse me. Blarrglarrghh'."

New Friends, New Family, New Forever
FanfictionSarah Bing is Chandler's twin sister. She's young, ambitious, and in love with her brother's roommate. She moved to New York briefly before Rachel broke up with Barry, but she's already made herself at home in the little group of friends. How long c...