Chapter thirteen

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Triggering- memories of trauma from sexual assault.

Anita stone

I've been avoiding Thaddeus.
It's kind of hard not to when everytime I look at him I see him stabbing that man over and over.

I suppose I've been avoiding Sargio too even though we were hardly in the same places.

Avoiding Sargio and Thaddeus has led me directly to Alexi who seemed to be doing the same.

"Can I stay here with you?" I asked Alexi who looks up at me over his book.
"There's more than enough space." He tells me his voice a rumble.

"Cool." I say sitting across from him.
He brings his book down once more.
"What's the matter?" He asked. "Nothings the matter." I chirped bringing inv the sketchbook he'd brought me to my chest.

"Why are you here then?" Alexi asked, "I thought a change of scenery would inspire me."
"You're getting better at lying." Alexi compliments.

I frowned, "whatever," he says eyes drifting back to his book. "Just be quiet."

I leaned back looking over his figure. Okay so maybe I didn't need a change of scenery and maybe I didn't just run into him in this dark part of the house.

Maybe I asked Candice where she saw him last and found him here.


He shushes me immediately.

"I know I know, you wanna read-"


"Look I just need to talk about this with someone, I do my best thinking out loud." It wasn't a lie, I get too distracted in my own head so talking helps slow me down and keep me on track enough to decipher my own thoughts.

Alexi closes the book with a loud thud.

"Out of everyone in this house and in the two behind this, I'm the one you're choosing to talk to?" He asked almost in disbelief.

"You're my only friend." I tell him drastically exaggerating our relationship or lack there of.

It makes him laugh. The
Foreign sound isn't comforting at all.
"I'm not your friend."

"You're entitled to your opinion, but to me you're my friend."

He looks me over and then leans back in his chair and I assume he's telling me to go ahead.

"I saw Thaddeus kill someone yesterday."

"And?" He asks after a moment of silence following my confession.
"And it's fucking me up."

"Why?" He asked slowly.
"Because I think I was starting to like him.. I mean I was there when he killed that other guy but it was- I don't know, I think I'm losing my mind." I explain poorly to Alexi who belted out a laugh.

"You like Thaddeus? Romantically? And you're upset because you're seeing him being who he is?"
He sounded surprised at the whole thing.
"Yeah... pretty much I guess."

The amused look is wiped off his face. "I can tell you something that'll wipe away all your stress... there's no point 'liking' Thaddeus, he will never want you back and even if he did you'd be wholly undeserving of him." Alexi tells me.

"That's pretty fucking rude."

"I told you I wasn't your friend." Alexi sneered.

"He wants me, I know he wants me because I've felt him." I remember being pressed up against Thaddeus's body, his erection getting larger and larger every second.

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