chapter Twenty

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Thaddeus Spade.

Michael Sheldon, the file on my desk reads.
I flip it open and began reading.

Everything was present on the pale white pages.
His medical records to academic ones.
Every complaint ever filed against him and uploaded to any server was mine to observe.

Michael's blood type is B-
He was recently released from the hospital after sustaining injuries that caused him to enter a comatose state.

Michael needs to make an appointment with his dentist it seems.

I moved to his academic papers. Michael is failing nearly every course but his math courses.
He appears to be quite good at math which might explain why he's majoring in computer science.

He suddenly switched colleges last fall.
That piqued my interest.

I flipped passed pages and pages of his life in this new college and landed on his last one.

'An investigation was open up by the assistant dean to look into claims of sexual misconduct perpetrated against Hilary dolman, Gracie Gwen and Giana McGinnis. Hilary claims that Michael drugged her and molested her sleeping figure. Gracie claims Michael groped her intoxicated form, barred her from leaving his dorm for a weekend and threatened to kill her if she told anyone after she managed to escape. Giana McGinnis claims that she left to use the  bathroom and when she returned she saw Michael slipping something into her beer. When she accused him of it, he attacked her verbally and when she told him she would expose his alleged actions, he choked her-"

I felt  no satisfaction in reading those words.
It only verified that Anita was one of his many victims.
That she was hurt and it wasn't just some lie to placate her boyfriend at the time after an affair.

I scrunched up the particular record in my hand.

There's a light knock at the door, needing the distraction, I press the button allowing access to the room.

"Hi- is now a good time?" I heard Anita's voice peeking into the silent room.

"Join me."

I close the file and place it on-top of the other in the

"I was wondering when you'll get a break." She says taking the seat infront of me.
"I don't typically take any other breaks after lunch." I tell her. " My work isn't exactly tasking."

"Ah... okay." She looks disappointed that I can't help but indulge her.
"But a break wouldn't hurt every now and then." I see her brighten almost immediately.

"I want to go out for a walk, no where outside of the guidelines you set but just around." She says gesturing behind me.
"A walk sounds great."

I change my shoes while she tells me she's going to put her more excitable cat on a Leash and take her with us.

We walk passed the hedges that guard the garden. The cat she named joy refuses to move her snort from a particular spot and not wanting to harm her in anyway Anita brings our movement to a halt.

"You have a beautiful home, I don't believe I've ever said that." Anita tells me, smiling a bit awkwardly.
"I'm sorry about joy, she's a bit particular."

"I can tell as she doesn't mind the leash." I comment ignoring her comment about the house behind me.
"Her old owner said she loved being outside and obviously I don't have a yard so I couldn't let her roam. I honestly didn't think she'd take so well to being walked. But she's overpowered by her desire to explore."

I watched her try to usher the cat away, until she finally succeeded.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I called you out here for a walk and we're not really walking." She apologizes meekly. I felt my heart swoon at her expression.

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