Ghost Of You

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So I had to delete this part.... and then retype it again..... so if you guys could please please please keep the votes/followers/reads coming in that would be great....

Anyways.... enjoy! (even if you've read it already :D )


One of these days I'll wake up from this, 

Bad dream I'm dreaming. 

One of these days I'll pray that I'll be 

Over, over, over you. 

One of these days I'll realize that, 

I'm so tired of feeling confused. 

But for now, there's a reason that you're still here in my heart. 

Dani's POV

Well let’s just say that dinner was absolutely horrible… for me. Everyone else was getting along just great. Dad was with Uncle Doug in the living room, while Mom and a couple of the other kids were in the dining room getting dinner ready. I decided not to help since Austin was behind me still complaining like a child.

            “Would you stop?” I exclaim turning around. Austin freezes and then glares at me.

            “Of course I’m not going to stop!” he exclaims.

            “Why the hell do you have to be so annoying?” I retort.

            “Because it comes so naturally when I’m with you!” he replies. Frustrated I begin to walk again with Austin by my side. We were silent for a few minutes, nothing but the sound of the clickety clack clack of our shoes. We both jumped when my mother hollered that dinner was ready. Clearing my throat, I look at Austin. He just nods and follows me back to the dining room. By the time we get there were only two seats left side by side to each other. Groaning, I take my seat with Austin behind me. I eye my mother suspiciously for a moment knowing that she planned this. How the hell am I and Austin supposed to sit together? Does she not remember those family picnics we held every year with each one turning into a disaster because Austin and I had done something terrible? Nope, obviously she doesn’t. Sighing, I begin to eat my dinner.

            Everything was actually great at the beginning of dinner; I got to listen to Uncle Doug’s famous stories. Every single one of his stories was funny. I could always count on him to cheer me up. Toward the middle of dinner, conversations became small talk with the people surrounding each other. I was sitting across from my parents. Uncle Doug was the head of the table and Austin was next to me. Dinner was pretty much done, and most of the family left including Mom who had to put the younger ones to bed. The remaining people at the table was me, Austin, Cam, Dad, Mom (who had returned), and Uncle Doug. The twins were probably somewhere nearby perving on Austin.

            “So Dani,” starts Uncle Doug, “a pretty young lady like you surely has a boyfriend right?” Since I was taking a sip of my water, I ended up coughing violently spitting my water out at Cam.

            “DANI!” he yells.

            “I’m sorry!” I exclaim, “I didn’t mean too.” I hear laughing next to me and I turn around to face him.

            “I’m sorry do you find something funny?” I ask.

            “Yes,” he says, “yes I do.” We both stare at each other neither one of us wanting to lose the fight. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Dad says,

            “Dani, you never answered.” Reluctantly I broke my eye contact with Austin and answer,

            “I did but it didn’t work out.”

            “That’s too bad.” Uncle Doug replies.

            “It’s no big deal,” I say, “I mean I sort of did it to help him.”

            “You mean like a prostitute?” Austin asks. I look at him wide eyed.

            “No you ding dong!” I say angrily, “he asked me to help him get his girlfriend back.”

            “WHAT?!?” Cam, Mom, and my Dad exclaim. Oops! Did I mention that I never told them about the plan? With all eyes on me I sit in my chair awkwardly.

            “Can I be excused?” I finally say, leaving the table without waiting for an answer. I sprinted out of the dining room and ran outside. I know a sensible girl would probably hole herself up in her room. But obviously I’m not a sensible girl. When I’m finally outside and far away from the house, I drop to my knees and let the tears fall. Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me and a husky voice asking,

            “Dani are you okay?”

            “Why are you here?” I ask sobbing, “just leave me alone.” Austin stands behind me for a few more minutes, before sitting down next to me and pulling me into his lap. I begin to cry even harder then, I don’t know why. It just felt really good to let it all out. Pressing my head against his chest he whispers,

            “Shhh, shhhh, it’s going to be alright.” We stay like that; me crying into his chest, and Austin stroking my hair, comforting me. Once I was done crying, I lift my head from Austin’s chest, immediately missing the warmth.

            “S-sorry about m-making your shirt wet.” I hiccup still crying a bit.

            “It’s kay” he replies, “you feeling better?” Wiping the tears off my face, I look up at him and reply,

            “Yes, I actually feel a lot better; guess I was just having a bad day huh?”

             “I wouldn’t call that a bad day?” he replies frowning, “you really liked this guy didn’t you?”

            Sighing I nod, burying my head in his chest again. If it’s possible I feel like Austin held me close to him tighter. “Well that guy’s a jerk.” he replies. Lifting my head up a little and say,

            “No he’s not, he just doesn’t like me the way I did.”

            “So you’re over him?” he replies. Thinking about it for a while I reply,

            “Yes, yes I am over him.” And that was definitely the truth.


What!?!?!?! She's over him??????????? Hehehehehe! Well ya'll probably hate me right now.... and I realize my story's becom cliche so you never know who I'll make Dani end up with.

Vote if you think Travis is a jerkface and should die in a hole. Comment if you think Austin is sweet. And as always follow me if you like my story :)

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