Forget You

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I see you driving 'round town 

With the girl I love and I'm like, 

Forget you! 

Oo, oo, ooo 

I guess the change in my pocket 

Wasn't enough I'm like, 

Forget you! 

And forget her too! 

I said, if I was richer, I'd still be with ya 

Ha, now ain't those some shoes? (ain't those some shoes?) 

And although there's pain in my chest 

I still wish you the best with a... 

Forget you!


            I held my breath because I was pretty sure Dani was going to slap me… HARD. I didn’t mean to stare, but the twins caught me looking, and so did Dani. But instead she went upstairs. I was saved from her spazz attack… for now. I look back at the piece of paper showing the schedule Mr. Coleman had given me. I had to come back here on Monday after school. I groan, being very impolite. The twins saw me and I tell them,

             “Um, tell your dad I’m going to leave.” They nod and watch me until I leave. I get into my car and start it. When I get home I could hear screaming and yelling. I walk inside the house and say, “I’m home!” Suddenly my sister comes storming out of the kitchen, not even giving me a second glance. I sigh it was a typical Saturday at the Mitchell’s house hold. My dad telling my sister no to something he wouldn’t get her and my mom was trying to console her afterwards. When I walk into the kitchen my dad sees me and says,

            “What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be at work?”

            “Mr. Coleman let me off early today,” I say, “I’m going back on Monday after school.” My dad looks at me suspiciously, then sighs and leaves the kitchen. Things between me and my dad have sort of been on edge since that Friday night. I sigh inwardly and go to the living room to watch some T.V.  It wasn’t like I asked to work for Mr. Coleman, I just sort of got caught because I was passed out drunk… on his yard. What teenagers do stupid things, and I’m just one more example of bad judgment. But hey teens also like to party, so you really can’t blame us.

            Just as I was about to sit down on the couch in the living room, I hear my phone ring. I look at it, and see that it was a call from Ryan. I picked it up and answered, “Hello?”

            “Dude, where were you this morning?”        

            “Ryan, remember I got caught, so I have to do community service,” I say

            “Well, you missed a hell of a practice!” he exclaims.

            “Hit me,” I reply.

            “Alex Felt pummeled Justin Gray to the ground during practice,” he reveals, “it was epic!” I grin to myself. “Wish I could have seen that, got in on video?”

            “Hell ya, who do you think I am?” he replies sounding a little offended.

            “I know, I was just joking around a bit.” I say. I hear a yell and say to Ryan, “Send me the video; I gotta go see what’s up.”

            “Alright, later dude,” he says, “oh and I almost forgot I saw Chelsea cheating on you.” Then he hung up.


            What Chelsea was cheating on me? With who? Why? I had so many questions for Ryan, but he hung up before I could. Some friend. I couldn’t believe it! What was wrong with her? I gave her the best two years of my life and for what? HER cheating on ME? I almost felt guilty for wanting to kiss Dani, but not anymore. Nope not anymore. I couldn’t take it so I took my phone out and texted Chelsea.

                        Me: We r over.

            I immediately got her text     

                        Chelsea: Why? What did I do?

                        Me: Don’t act all innocent, uve been cheating on me!

                        Chelsea: I didn’t mean 2. L.

            I frowned at the sad face.

                        Me: 2 bad we r over, and I’m never speaking to u again tramp!

                        Chelsea: Fine! I was going 2 break up w/ ur royal highness anyways! Oh and by the way, I’m going out with Justin Gray now.

            I stare at this message for a long time. Justin, that great big oaf! What did he have that I didn’t? What was happening to my world? First I feel like kissing Dani, and now Chelsea’s breaking up with me and going out with Justin? I seriously needed to punch someone and I knew who I would do that to, if only I wasn’t in danger of getting kicked off the football team. One thing was for sure though, next time I saw Justin on the field, I was going to pummel him to the ground.

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