Hit Me With Your Best Shot

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Put up your dukes, lets get

down to it!

Hit Me With Your Best Shot!

Why Don't You Hit Me With Your Best Shot!

Hit Me With Your Best Shot!

Fire Away!

(Picture of Ryan)-------------------------------->


Dani POV

"Okay," I thought, "that was a terrible first day of school." It was terrible all because of Travis. Especially in homeroom, where he asked me if I'd like him to take me home. What's up with that? I mean the other day we both hated each other and now he's offering me rides to my house? He's probably trying to earn brownie points from my Dad. Yeah that's probably it... anyways I thought he was talking to someone else, but I heard my name in his sentence and looked up. God, did he have to say it so loud. Chelsea Han was right behind him and she was glaring at me. I knew Travis wanted to make her jealous, and that's just low by using me, but I couldn't just leave my siblings. Only one person can drive out of the four, and that's Cam. Trust me if he asks you to drive you home, decline and run away as fast as you can. I was still looking at Chelsea, who was shooting me death rays. I realized that Travis was waiting for an answer so I said, "What's the catch?"

"There's no catch," Travis replied, "just thought you'd want a ride home." To which I said,

"Thanks, but no thanks, I've got four kids to bring home... unless your car is big enough for the five of us?" He looked at me like he was defeated, but boy did I earn a death stare from Chelsea. Why wasn't she making out with her new boyfriend? I mean seriously, why do you care if Travis asks to drop me off, it's not like you two are going out! I was disrupted from my Chelsea Han rant when Travis said,

"Yeah, it's not." He could have stopped there but no, he said even more, which earned me another glare from Chelsea. Travis sure was doing a good job. He would have Chelsea back in no time. When homeroom was over, he sprinted away from me and his glaring ex, leaving me at her mercy. She comes over to me and slams both of her manicured hands (which probably cost a lot to pain her witch nails) on my desk and says,

"Look, I know what Travis is doing and it's not going to work." I looked at her ever so sweetly and said,

"What's not working Chelsea, did I do something wrong?" She gave me another evil eye and said,

"I don't know why he picked you, and I don't care okay, just stay away from him." Okay now this got me fuming. Who the hell did she think she was, telling me who to stay away from? If I wanted Travis to be my boyfriend, which I don't, she's not the boss of whom I can date and who I can't. I mean hasn't she already done enough by stealing my best friend and setting me up as the biggest loser on the planet?

"Chelsea, why does it matter if he picked me," I ask, "you two broke up so he's free game."

"Look Dani, if word gets out that he likes you, then my reputation will be damaged forever," she replies, "and I don't want my reputation to be ruined by the likes of you, are we clear?"

I smile and said, "Crystal." I left the room before she could utter another word. I definitely wanted to stay clear away from Travis and I thought it would be easy to stay away from him, but no, I had to have every single stinking class with him, including lunch! Who are the people up there who have decided my fate? Am I going to die this year by Chelsea's hand? I was interrupted from today's horrible memories when Avalon ran up to me.

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