Remember When (Push Rewind)

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Cause as my future got bright we started losing light, 

And I couldn't see that you were the one, 

So can we push push push rewind, 

Go go back in time, 

When we were kids sneaking bottles of wine, 

Take take take me back, I wanna go back, 

Back to what we had!


"So this is the living room, this is the dining room, and this is the office my parents work in," said Dani. So far we've been to at least five rooms and Dani's been going on and on. I just nod and follow her. Man, Dani sure has a bigger house then I remembered. It's like she upgraded since the last time I was here. There were satin curtains and rugs. There were also decorations from India, China, Africa, and some other places I've never heard of. And each room looked like it was a house on its own. Plus, Dani sure had a lot of siblings from all around the world. We started to walk upstairs, and I was getting really distracted, not by the luxurious things around me, but by Dani's swishing black hair swaying back and forth where it reached her waist. I wanted to run my fingers through her hair like I did some days I saw her. But I had a pretty hot girlfriend of my own so it's not like I'm missing out on much. But dammit I miss her so damn much! Hey don't judge me! Before Dani got all distant and bitchy, I used to be best friends with her, and then something shifted between us one summer. I became popular and well... she became a loser.

Dani suddenly stops and I nearly ram into her. She turns around, hands on hips, and says,

"Have you even been listening Travis?" Shit, I got caught. I don't know why I was embarrassed; I mean it's been years since I've been this close to her alone, but still.

"Uh, yeah I'm listening." I say

"Whatever," she replies and starts walking again. "Here's our playroom for the little kids." I sigh, and rub my neck. This day was never going to end! I follow her as she heads into the playroom. What I see was utter chaos. There were toys everywhere the eye could see. There wasn't one single space in that room. And what I saw was even worse than the chaotic mess. I saw two kids going at it, throwing fists in the air, and beating the shit out of each other. I look at Dani, she didn't seem as freaked out as I was, and instead she pulled the two little kids apart. As soon as she did that they started going at each other once again. She looks up at me and says,

"A little help would be nice here." That broke me out of my daze and I head toward her and the fighting kids. I grab the first kid and Dani grabs the second. They were still screaming and kicking when we pulled them apart. It felt like an eternity before the two kids would stop screaming. When they were finally settled down a bit, Dani takes a deep breath and says, "Nikki, Alex what's wrong?" And all at once all hell broke loose again. Both kids were crying and complaining now.

"Alex, t-took my toy twuck again," says Nikki. Dani looks at Alex whom I think is the kid in my arms right now.

"Alex is this true?" Dani says calmly. Alex shakes his head no. "Alex," Dani says sternly. This time the kid shakes his head yes very slowly. "Alex, you know you have a toy truck just like Nikki's. Why do you want his?" she asks.

"Nikki wasn't pwaying with me, so I took his twuck away fwom him." Alex replies. Dani looks at Nikki and whispers something in his ear. Nikki nods his head and she lets go of him. Dani motions me to do the same with Alex. When I let go of Alex, Nikki hugs Alex and says,

"I'm sowwy Alex, I'll pway with you." Then the both of them sit down and start playing with their trucks again. I look at Dani and I see her stand, so I do the same.

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