Ready Or Not

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See I told you they'd be coming :) Anyways enjoy the newest chapter! 


I'm the kinda girl 

Who doesn't say a word 

Who sits at the curb 

And waits for the world 

But I'm about to break out 

About to break out 

I'm like a crook tonight 

Dani's POV

            I lay in bed at night wondering if I’m doing the right thing. Is Avalon right? If I go through with this, will my heart break in the process? There are so many questions that I keep asking myself, and I keep saying it will be okay… but I don’t know anymore. I just don’t know anymore. As I fall asleep, I dream of a boy with intense green eyes.

            “Beep beep beeeep beeeeeep!” I groan and hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. I lay in bed for a while before I get up. When I finally jump out of bed, I walk to my window to see the darkness swallowed up by light. I loved seeing the sunrise, it just had a peaceful effect on me, and heaven knows that I need peace today. I reluctantly remove myself from the beautiful scene, and head downstairs for breakfast.

            When I get downstairs, it was eerily quiet. Usually the house was full of life with kids and parents bustling off to get their butts to work or school. But today it was dead silent, like if I dropped a pin… I could hear it. I was starting to panic not like one of my spazz attacks at school, but really panic, I think I was going to have a panic attack until I walked into the kitchen, and I heard a big, loud “SURPRISE” from my family. Now I was going to have a heart attack.

            “Guys,” I begin, “you scared the crap out of me!” My parent’s chuckle at me and I scowl. Then I remember today was my birthday… wow that’s just lame I forgot my own birthday. Well it’s not my fault; a certain someone with green eyes was on my mind.

            “Happy Birthday Sweetie,” my mom said smothering me with a big hug. I gave her big hug back and let out a squeaky ‘thank you’ to her since she was choking me. When I finally got out of her headlock, I was met by a stampede of siblings wishing me “Happy Birthday!” I gave each one of them a hug, plus a kiss on their head. When I got to Remy she looked up at me and said,

            “Happy birthday Dani, I hope all your wishes do come true today.” I give her one of my special hugs reserved just for her and give her a kiss on her cheek. I lean down next to her and say,

            “Thank you, Remy.” Remy started bursting into tears after that and nothing I could do would make her stop. I sent my dad a silent message. He got it and pried Remy off of me. The rest of the morning was one of the best; first we had a Dani Breakfast which contained pancakes, bacon, an omelet, orange juice, and a doughnut. It was the best one yet. After breakfast, mom surprised me with a brand new outfit. She told me she noticed that I had nothing new to wear. She also gave me a heart-shaped necklace that opened, with two picture slots. I really was happy for this gift, and gave my mom a bear hug which she returned gladly. The next surprise came from my dad who bought me a brand new car! I was so excited that I startled him by giving him a hug. But the best gift came from the siblings when we were driving to school. They were all getting along. I don’t know if it was just for my birthday, or if they’ve decided on a ceasefire, but whatever it was, I was happy.

            When we got to school, I was looking for my parking spot when I found a car parked in it. I was about to give them a piece of my mind when Avalon and a couple of other friends popped out behind her car and yelled surprised. Again I almost had another mini heart attack. I parked in Avalon’s spot and ran to her and gave her a big, gigantic, enormous hug.

            “Thank you so much Avalon!” I whisper in her ear. She just squeezed me tighter and told me that she was taking me out to my favorite restaurant. When we released each other from our embrace, Avalon did a double take at me. She looked at me with her eyes wide and asked,

            “Dani where did you get that outfit?” I told her my mom gave it to me as a birthday gift with the necklace. “Well, it’s different I’ve never seen you wear something like that unless you’re home,” she replies. I looked down at what I was wearing. It was a knee length blue summer dress with a gorgeous neckline that was paired with a long-sleeved sweater and a pair of my mom’s ankle length black boots. I even curled my hair as an effort of looking nice today.

            “Is it that bad?” I ask. Avalon shakes her head and starts laughing. I put my hands on my hips and say, “What’s so funny Avalon?” She shakes her head again prettily. I wish I was like her; she was like a California beach model with caramel hair and blonde highlights and a tan that seemed to be there all year long. Me, I just have dull black hair that’s been cut into the same hairstyle since freshman year, and I tan only during the summer. I look at her tapping my foot impatiently, “Well?” When she finally stops laughing she says,

            “No, Dani you look totally hot!” I look at her a little surprised. She gives me a look and says, “Please tell me you did not notice ANY of the guys looking at you?” I give her a confused look. She sighs, “You are completely oblivious!” and turns me around. What I saw was amazing, every guy who had no interest in me what so ever since middle school, were all looking at me with a certain gleam in their eyes. Most filled with lust or very feral looks. How DISGUSTING! When the guys catch me looking they turn around as if nothing had happened. I turn back to Avalon, feeling heat rise through my cheeks. “See I told you,” Avalon says again with a cheeky grin on her face. I roll my eyes and join in her humor for one day and say,

            “Come on, if I want to strut my stuff and start breaking guy’s hearts, I totally want to do it today.” We burst out laughing at my statement. “Besides, I want to see what those messed up cheerleaders think of me,” I say hooking my arm in Avalon’s, heading toward our school.

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