New Girl?

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Hey guys there's a POV change here! So watch out :)


Travis's POV

            By the time I got to school, there was gossip everywhere. A couple of dudes from the team came up to me and asked if I saw Dani yet. I told every single one of them that no, I haven’t. I think at least all of the guys in the senior class asked if I saw Dani yet too. Wow, I was wondering what exactly Dani did, if almost every single guy has asked me about her. I tried scoping her out in the hallway, but couldn’t find her at all. I sighed and decided to go to homeroom, knowing I would see her there … and Chelsea. When I got to homeroom, I was shocked at what I saw. The Dani from yesterday was completely different from the Dani here sitting in the desk next to me. Something in the back of my mind was nagging me. Why was Dani dressed like this? Was it for the plan or was it about something else? I looked at her again; she was talking to one of the nicer cheerleaders on the squad. They were laughing about something with every guy’s eye trained on Dani, even Justin. Then suddenly it hit me. Today was Dani’s birthday.

            Smiling to myself I walked toward my desk and tapped Dani’s shoulder. She turned around and what I saw blew my mind. Dani was absolutely amazing today. I thought looking at her from behind was amazing, but the front was even more breathtaking! I was still in a daze when Dani started snapping her fingers in front of my face. I blink and remember what I was going to say.

            “Happy birthday Dani,” I say. She gives me a smile full of warmth that it brought a smile onto my face. She gives me a hug and says excitedly,

            “You remembered!” I nodded still smiling at her. When I looked up, our eyes locked. It was like there was no one there except for us. I wished this moment would last forever until the stupid bell rang. Class was in session. I sighed when Mr. Flynn came out of nowhere and went droning on and on about some assembly that was going on later on this week. I was looking at Dani, whose eyes were twinkling with happiness. I felt happy knowing that I caused this happiness. When homeroom ended, the class was gathering their things, the boys seemingly speedier than usual. Guess, I found out why, all the boys were crowded around Dani’s desk. If Dani noticed she didn’t let on, she just went on putting things in her bag casually like there wasn’t a bunch of boys trying to get a piece of her.

            I just couldn’t take it so I gave Dani a hand and picked her bag up for her. She looked at me confused, and noticed all the guys with a hungry gleam in her eyes. She looked panicked for a second then composed herself. She gave me a smile that said help me! That was all the motivation I needed! I get out of my seat, grabbing Dani’s hand, pulling her out of her chair, and push her to the door. While rushing to the door, I saw Chelsea’s mouth drop open. “Good.” I thought. When we were finally out of homeroom, Dani turned around and gave me another heart stopping smile.

            “Thanks,” she replies, “I thought I was going to be their chew toy.” I laugh; she had no idea what the guys would do to her if she was ever ended up dating one of them. Dani cleared her throat and I didn’t realize I hadn’t let go of her. Embarrassed, I release my grip on her. “So,” she says, “are you ready for our plan tomorrow?” I nod my head. I forgot about the plan. She was about to leave for next period when I say,

            “Hey, can I walk with you?” She looks at me, but says yes. I don’t know why I asked, but I felt like if she wasn’t protected she would be walking to class alone with hungry guys looking at her, and considering I had every class with her, it was going to be a long day.

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