If We Ever Meet Again

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Hey guys this is my first time writing a story on here. So hang in there if it seems pretty boring at first. I would definetly like reviews, comments, messages, anything to make the story better!

XOXO bookdreamer2012

So guys! I know it's been a long time since I've uploaded. And it probably will be like that for a while since I'm revising all my chapters. Looking back at all the comments and rereading my story I realize that most of my chapters are too short. So if you guys could bear with me for awhile it would be greatly appreciated. 

On another note I'm done revising Chapter 1 of it happens so I'm excited for new comments and reads from old and new fans! 

Thanks for sticking by me


(Picture of Travis to the side)----------->


I'll never be the same - if we ever meet again

Won't let you get away - said if we ever meet again

This free fall's, got me so

Kiss me all night don't ever let me go

I'll never be the same

If we ever meet again

Say if we ever meet again


            As I walk up the stairs to the massive house, I take a deep breath. It was a glorious Saturday and I was stuck here. Stuck here with her. It’s been about six years since I’ve been here last. The last day I saw her happy to see me. Now she utterly hated me, and I have no idea why. When I finally reached the door to her house, I rang the doorbell. When the door opens, I’m face to face with none other than her. She looks shocked as she sees me, and then narrows her eyes at me. I stand there awkwardly under her scrutinizing gaze outside waiting for her to let me in. She doesn’t. I sigh; this was going to be a long day if she was going to keep looking at me like that. Suddenly her father shows up next her.

            “Ah, Travis nice to see that you could make it,” says Mr. Coleman. As he let me in I chanced a glance at her. She was soooo not happy. “Dani, that was quite rude of you,” says Mr. Coleman, “you know better than making someone stay outside.” Dani gawks at her father, then mumbles an apology and looks away. Mr. Coleman turns back to me and starts talking. I tune out as soon as he started moving his mouth, and instead I looked at Dani from head to toe. Not in a creeperish way, just in an observing way. Fine, fine think what you want, but in my defense she looked pretty hot today. She was wearing a dark red shirt that was from American Eagle with some very short shorts that made her legs seem to go on forever. And her lips, her oh so kissable lips….

            “Stop this Travis!” I mentally slap myself up the head, “She’s obviously does not like you anymore so stop thinking about her kissable lips!” Thankfully I’m interrupted from my inner dialogue by Dani when she says,

            “What is he doing here?” Mr. Coleman stops talking and looks at me, then at Dani, then back to me.

            “You two know each other?” Dani’s dad, Mr. Coleman, questions with his eyebrows. Geesh, it’s been six years, I really don’t think it takes a person that long enough to forget who I am. I inwardly roll my eyes. Mr. Coleman did always seem to have short term memory loss.

            “Um, yeah we both go to Pine Forest High,” I say, “we had a couple of classes together last year.”

            “That’s… nice,” answers Mr. Coleman as I see a flicker of… recognition in his eyes, “well than I’ll let Dani give you the grand tour.” He turns and starts to stiffly walk away, all the while that Dani’s keeps her eyes narrowed at me.

            “Yeah, nice to see you to,” I thought.

            “I don’t know what your game is here Travis, but I swear if I hear of this at school I will personally hunt you down and stick a football up your ass. Got it?” says Dani. I just blink. What the hell am I going to say to that. Okay maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to be here, I could just make an excuse and leave and…

            “Come on then,” huffs Dani as she marches off to a room not even checking to see if I’m following. I stay where I am, and after a minute start following her.

            “I’m definitely not going to survive today.” I thought. 

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