Mr. Know It All

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Mr. Know It All 

Well you think you know it all 

But you don't know a thing at all 

Ain't it something y'all 

When somebody tells you something 'bout you 

Think that they know you more than you do 

So you take it down, another pill to swallow 

Travis POV

          I stared at Dani, while she had Avalon Baxter in a headlock and dragged her away. I was way beyond pissed OFF, so I turned to Ryan. I mean seriously! When he asked Dani when we were going to hook up, I wanted to pummel him to the ground, and don’t even get me started on Chelsea and Justin! My world was becoming hell.

           “Ryan, what the HELL was that for?” I say.

            “I was just joking around,” he says, “I didn’t know she would react that way.”

            “Yeah, sure you didn’t,” I say angrily, “besides why would I go out with Dani?” I look around making sure no one else heard what I said. Especially Dani, who might come back to her locker to get something that she forgot.

            “Because your single now AND I know you like her,” replies Ryan.

            “Ryan, just because I liked her when we were in middle school does not mean I like her now you doofus,” I say smacking him in the head even though it was totally true.

            “Say what you want, it’s going to happen sooner or later, you just watch,” says Ryan.

            “Whatever, I gotta get to class.” I say in a neutral voice. I turn and walk to home room. While walking to homeroom, I tried to keep my mind off of Dani, but my brain had other ideas. Today she looked pretty cute, with her hair half up and half down, and even though she was in a t-shirt and jeans she still made it look cute. Man she looked even better then Chelsea today which was saying a lot. “WTF,” I thought, “Travis grab a hold of yourself and stop thinking about Dani… NOW!” I also thought about what Ryan said. Could it really happen, me and Dani? I mean Dani’s not out of my league and I’m DEFINETLEY not out of hers. Besides, I could really make Chelsea jealous about this. “I’ll figure a way out,” I thought. 

            I reach homeroom, and the next thing I see is Chelsea sitting on the lap of Justin. What a great start to the day. I really needed to punch this jerk in the face, but instead I just brush past Justin, and pick a seat. Justin smirks at me and says,

            “Yo, Mitchell what do you think of my new girl?” I look at him, then at Chelsea. She looked away. I don’t know whether she was ashamed or to mad to look at me. It’s probably both.

            “Gray, your girl is just great,” I reply “you know just be careful.” He looked at me with an expression of shock. Guess that wasn’t the reaction he wanted. I knew he wanted me to take the bait, but why give in. I mean, it’s not like Chelsea and I are getting back together anytime soon, you know unless Dani magically appears. Then just before the bell rang, she appeared with Mr. Flynn behind her. I guess she was pretty shocked that she and I had homeroom together. Hey, I’m pretty shaken up too. Who would’ve thought my wish would actually come true?

            “Ahem,” Mr. Flynn cleared his throat. Dani turned around and looks behind her and starts turning red. “Young lady, if you would like to take a seat, we can get class started,” says Mr. Flynn a little annoyed. Dani turned and started looking for a seat, and when she found one her face contorted with horror. The only available seat… was next to me.

            “Mr. Flynn, I can’t sit there,” she says a little exasperated, “aren’t there any other seats?”

            “Dani is it,” he replies, “if that’s the only seat available, you must sit there.”

            “Fine,” she huffed. Dani scurries toward the desk, and sits down next to me. While she passes by me, she mumbles hey to me. When she finally sat down, Mr. Flynn introduced us to him and said these seats would be permanent for the rest of the year. I look at Dani, and she looked like someone shoved something up her ass. Was I really that bad to sit by? I mean sure I don’t like her, okay maybe I do. You know what I don’t need to explain! But seriously, the look on her face hurt me a lot. I was good looking, captain of the football team, did I mention good looking? My point is any girl would love the chance to sit by me, but not Dani, no not her.

            While Mr. Flynn passed out some papers, I got a note, from whom else, Justin. I roll my eyes and open the note. The note said,

                        Hey Mitchell, don’t you love my gal. Maybe you can use Dani to make Chelsea jealous. As if you could. You don’t have a single mean bone in your body, but if you do use the idea, try to mention my name when you fail. Haha.

            I roll my eyes again, crumpled the piece of paper, and threw it. I knew he wanted to provoke me, and it was working. Before I did something drastic to his face, someone hit me in the head with a paper ball. “What the hell,” I thought. I turn around and find Dani staring at me.

            “Did you throw this?” I ask.

            “I don’t know, did you throw that at me?” she replies. Oh so that was where it went. Oops. I sigh and say,

            “Sorry, didn’t mean to.” She looks at me, confused. Heck, even I was confused. I don’t apologize, especially to Dani Coleman. Then a light bulb went off, I had my plan to get Chelsea back. Dani Coleman. Yes, I’m going to use her to take Chelsea back, but not like Justin said. I’ll spend just enough time with Dani to make Chelsea jealous. Sure there may be a few dates here and there, but I don’t want to become a couple with Dani. So setting my plan in motion, I give Dani one of my heartbreaking smiles and say, “So Dani, do you want me to take you home after school?” I say this loud enough, only so Dani, Chelsea, and Justin could hear me. Dani looked up at me a little confused, but cocked one eyebrow and said,

            “What’s the catch?”

            “There’s no catch,” I reply, “just thought you’d want a ride home.”

            “Thanks, but no thanks,” Dani replies, “I’ve got four kids to bring home… unless your car is big enough for the five of us?”

            “Yeah, it’s not,” I reply defeated. This was not turning out as I planned. I needed to get her alone. Not in a car that was filled to the brim with her siblings! Just as the bell rang I say, “So I guess I’ll see you at your house after school then.” I turn around not waiting for her answer and high tail it out of the classroom.

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