The Plan Part 2

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Hey guys! I know it's been awhile, hehehe sorry bout that! Lots of homework and after school activities. You know that sort of thing..... but anyways I'm going to work really hard to get in some chapters this weekend so look out :) 

Oh by the way, if anyone can come up with a book cover for me it would be greatly appreciated! Please and thank you!

Anyways here's the next chapter

Till next time beautiful people!


Travis POV

            “Travis, how ‘bout you go on inside, and take a break,” Mr. Coleman says, “I’ll send someone in to get you if I need you outside.”

            “Thanks, Mr. Coleman,” I answer back. I head inside the house, wondering what I could do on my break. I finally decided to get a drink of water. I walk into the kitchen and who do I see? That’s right, I see Dani. She was talking to Avalon about something, until Avalon turned towards me. Dani stopped and turned also seeing that her friend wasn’t listening to her.

            “Hey,” I said awkwardly.

            “Hey Travis,” replies Avalon. She turned back to Dani and said, “Well I’d better be going now. See you two tomorrow.” I noticed Avalon give a pointed look to Dani while she walked away. She looked a bit angry about something. Oh well, that’s not my problem, but I did feel like I had intruded on some important conversation between the two. Dani was just looking at me when I caught her eye. She turned an adorable red, and then turned around to work on something.

            “So am I allowed to get a drink or something?” I asked.

            “Oh, sorry, yeah sure thing,” she replied. She walked over to the fridge with a glass and asked, “Is lemonade all right for you?”

            “Yeah, it’s fine,” I answer. Dani poured me a glass and handed it to me. She did the same for herself. We sip the lemonade in awkward silence. “Well,” I thought, “better start working on the plan.” I was just about to say something when Dani blurted,

            “Why did you and Chelsea breakup?” I blink once pretty shocked. No one flat out asks why a couple breaks up. “Oh um sorry, that was a little forward…” Dani says apologetically.

            “Nah, your fine,” I reply, “I found out she was cheating on me.” Dani nodded at me and didn’t say anything else afterwards. I chose this opportunity to take a look at her. She looked different, I didn’t mean hotness wise, I meant demeanor wise. It was a look I hadn’t seen in a long time; Dani had her game face on. I knew something was up because she was being so nonchalant like she used to be, so I did the only thing that I knew would try to faze her from her plan. Before I knew what I was doing I blurt out, “Dani do you want to go on a date with me?” I close my eyes waiting for impact, but it never came. I open my eyes and saw that she was still sipping her lemonade and was a very scary calm.

            “Is this about getting Chelsea back?” she asks. My mouth dropped to the floor; I swear I almost had a heart attack. I shake my head after the initial shock and decide to play it cool and say,

            “Um, no.” I hope that was believable. She looked at me with those brown eyes that seemed to know I was lying. She smirked at me and said,

            “Yeah right Travis, you two have been together for like two years.” Yup she caught me and now I was dead meat. I waited and waited for some response from her but it never came. She just continued to sip her lemonade. Okay she was driving me to the point of insanity, so I say,

            “How’d you know?” She just shrugs her shoulders and replies,

            “Just figured and yes I accept that date you bluntly asked me to. Where are we going?” I look at her thinking my hearing was failing me. Did she just say she’ll go out with me? At that moment I felt something I never experienced before not even with Chelsea. I didn’t know what it was but it had me feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Ick! Now I’m sounding like a love drunk idiot. Wait a minute! If she knew I wanted to get back together with Chelsea why was she accepting to going out with me? That snaps me out of my stupor and I look at her suspiciously saying,

            “What’s the catch?”

            “No catch, just figured you need to make Chelsea jealous, and knowing you, you probably came up with a plan to use me, to make that happen,” she replies, “besides you should know that it is working.” Again I’m just speechless, what else can I say, she just has me figured out. “Sure I’ll be part of your plan, but let’s use mine,” she says casually still sipping her lemonade.

            “What exactly is your plan?” I ask a little queasy.

            “Well exactly like yours; to make Chelsea jealous, but I have a couple of ideas that definitely will do that, like cheerleading,” she says. I look at her questioningly but listen to her plan. After a half hour she was done explaining it, and I was pretty impressed. I couldn’t believe Dani came up with all of that by herself.

            “You got it?” Dani asks me. I nod my head but a thought occurs to me, so I ask Dani,

            “Does Avalon know about this plan?” Dani nods her head and says to me that Avalon helped her come up with the idea.

            “So do you like the idea?” Dani asks. I nod my head in a yes motion. I give Dani a big smile which in return she gave me a small smile that said ‘you’re welcome’ and averted her eyes. She looked up and motioned to me to turn around. I turn and see Dani’s dad, who says I need to get back to work. I say okay and say bye to Dani. She says bye back looking a little exhausted. I don’t blame her, tomorrow is going to be a big day.

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