Fireman Alex

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Hey guys! How's it going? Here's the newest chapter to It Happens. Hope you enjoy!

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Travis's POV

            “Shit, Shit, SHIT!” I scream to myself. I can’t believe that song was played on the radio. You know the song, Smile by Avril Lavigne. Yeah, that one. It’s Chelsea’s favorite song… and it was playing in Dani’s car. So when I tried to change the radio station, Dani slapped my hand away. What is wrong with girls, jeesh! So after that happened I just sat back in my seat, and waited till we got to the Coleman’s house. Once we were there, I bolted out of the car like a rocket and fled.

            “Thanks for the ride!” I hollered at Dani, and went to find Mr. Coleman. I finally found him in his office working on something. It was a little awkward because he was working so deeply and I was standing there. After about five minutes I clear my throat loudly.

            “Oh, Travis… How long have you been standing there?” asks Mr. Coleman looking up at me. I shrug my shoulders and say

            “About five minutes maybe.”

            “Well next time don’t hesitate to bother me when you’re here, you could’ve been working by now,” he says. Geesh! Why don’t you just say that you don’t want me to be here even though I screwed up and a failure? Like really it’s not like I don’t know that already. I roll my eyes and say,

            “Sure thing, sir. So what am I doing today?”

            “Why don’t you go help out Dani with the little ones, I know she’s having trouble with them now and then. Go see what she’s doing alright?” he says. I nod my head once and head out of his office. How the heck am I supposed to find Dani? I don’t even know where she went since I zoomed out of the car. Maybe I should call her? Nah that’s stupid, she’s in the same house as me. I’ll find her… I just need to find someone to lead me to her. I roamed around the house trying to find someone who would take me to her. When I was finally ready to give up and just yell “DANI WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” I found Alex, the little kid who definitely knew how to fight. Never too young to learn I guess.

            “Hey Alex,” I say sitting down next to him. He was on the stairs playing with that red fire truck.

            “Vrrrrrrrooooooooooooom,” he says, “Hi! Do you want to pway with me?”

            “Sure do,” I say faking enthusiasm, “whatcha doin?”

            “Hahahahahaha! You sound like Isabella from Phineas and Ferb!” he exclaims.

            “Um, how about you tell me what you’re playing?” I say because I did not know how to respond to being compared to… Isabella.

            “I’m playing fireman,” says Alex, “I’m fireman Alex and I need to find someone to rescue.”

            “Well, I need help, and this is a perfect job for Fireman Alex,” I say, “I need to find your sister, Dani and I don’t know where to look, think you could help me?” Alex jumps up and down nodding his head.

            “I can help, I can help!” he screams. I chuckle,

            “Okay kiddo, show me the way.” He takes me to the playroom that I had first been to when I came here on Saturday.

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