Unfriend You

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So it's over, yeah we're through 

So I'mma unfriend you 

You're the best liar I ever knew 

So I'mma unfriend you 

'Cause I should have known 

Right from the start 

I'm deleting you right from my heart 

Yeah, it's over 

My last move is to unfriend you 

Dani POV

            I sprint to my room, locking my door as well. I needed to be alone. I took deep breaths, in and out, in and out, but it did not help because everything came rushing back to me. All the painful memories I had made were coming back to rip my heart out. I shut my eyes as one very particular painful memory came back to me.


            It was almost the beginning of 6th grade and Travis hadn’t called me at all to come over. I’ve called him plenty of times during that summer, but he always said he was busy. One day I decided enough is enough! I was going to go over to his house whether he liked it or not. I seriously could not take it anymore and I ended up riding my bike to his house. It wasn’t that far it was just a fifteen minute bike ride. As I stopped my bike in front of his house, I saw him outside laughing with someone, but he was blocking the person. Some kind of best friend he was! Who says there busy and then starts hanging out with some other person? Rude much? When Travis finally moved, all the air was knocked out of me; it was Chelsea, the girl who Travis ditched me for that one time during recess. So this is what he was doing all summer. Goofing off with her? When they finished laughing, Chelsea spotted me. I thought she was going to say come over here, but instead she took Travis by the hand and tried leading him inside. I guess Travis didn’t get why she was pulling him inside, seeing as they were oh so comfortable outside, so he looked around and saw me. The look on his face was either priceless, or a slap in my face. I’m still not sure to this day. He whispered something in Chelsea’s ear and she giggled. She went inside but not before giving me a smirk. Travis came down and gave me a big hug, though I didn’t want one after that tremendous experience.

            “Hey Dani,” he said, “how’s your summer been?” I looked at him. Did he really think I would just answer that question as if nothing had happened?

            “It’s been fine,” I replied, “but I’ve been spending the summer with my family.” He looked a little guilty when I said that. “Ha” I thought. But as quickly as it was there, the quicker it was gone. I could see that he changed over the summer. A lot. He looked so much different the last time I saw him, but then again three months can change a person.

            “So,” he tried again, “what are you doing here?” I was a little caught off guard by that question. I didn’t realize that the question hurt me back then until now. When I didn’t answer he sighed and said, “Look Dani, don’t you think there’s a reason why I didn’t call you over?” I just looked at him. He kept on talking but I didn’t listen. All I was thinking about was how that bitch stole my best friend and turned him into an effin asshole! When I still didn’t say anything to Travis he sighed and said, “Dani, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that to you… can you please forgive me?” This time I looked at him real good in the face and I saw a glimpse of guiltiness, but it was too late for that.

            I took a deep breath and said, “No, Travis I will not forgive you. I don’t think I ever will.” Then I turned around so fast because the tears were coming. He didn’t even try to stop me that day. I was crying all the way back to my house before I bumped into Avalon. She told me to watch it when I almost hit her, but she saw me crying while I was trying to apologize. She instantly apologized, and took me into her house for cookies to cheer up. She’s been my best friend ever since.


            I didn’t realize I was crying so hard. That memory was the worst. Travis being the kind guy that he was back then, kept apologizing to me afterwards but I wouldn’t give in. I never gave in. He compromised our friendship to be with some girl and sooner or later he gave up, and completely ignored me afterwards. That’s when we both decided things will never be the same between us. As Chelsea put it to me one day, Travis was popular and I was a loser. That was the year when I made cheerleading, but so did she. I went through it for one year before I decided I couldn’t take her insults anymore and quit.

            I stood up and went to the bathroom splashing cold water on my face. As soon as I was done, I heard a knock on my door. I unlocked it and opened it, standing there was Cam. I think he had been standing there for a while listening to me cry. He looked at me with worry and asked,

            “Are you okay sis, your eyes are completely red.” I close my eyes and say,

            “Yes Cam, I’m fine, thanks for checking in on me.” I give him a quick hug before I close the door on him. I felt bad for closing the door on him, but I needed to be alone even though I needed his comfort right now. I walked over to my window where I saw Travis talking to my dad. If Travis wanted to play the jealousy game with Chelsea and wanted to use me… then he could. Once they got back together he’d be out of my life and everything would return back to normal. Now that I knew what I had to do, I picked up the phone and dialed.

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