Chapter 51

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I felt his chest move so I backed away. He rolled on his side and was coughing, I was so happy he was alive. I went to hug him but he turned around and started to growl at me. He stopped right away after seeing me, his sneer dropped and his eyes widened. He raised his large monster hand but stopped himself and I saw his ears drop. He pulled his hand away but I grabbed his hand and held it tight.

"C-Cyran?" He just shook his head no, "So you are someone else that lives within Cyran?" He nods his head yes, "Are you ok, is Cyran ok, I saw blood in the water."

He seemed shocked that I even cared about his well-being. I didn't see this coming but he grabbed me and pulled me into a very tight hug. I tapped his shoulder as he was a little too tight.

"I-I don't know your name but you're squeezing a little too tight." He eased up right away and seemed to be examining my body. His ears dropped and I could hear him whimpering, "I'm ok, just easy on the bear hug ok?" I chuckle trying to ease the tension, "What is your name if you have one."

I see him start to draw in the sand with his finger, "Duke, your name is Duke." He gives me a nod, "That's a cool name for a werewolf," I chuckle still a little scared. "Nice to meet you Duke, is it ok if Cyran can come back?" He pulled me in for another hug and whimpered louder. 'This is not what I thought werewolves would be like in person.' "Ok, you can stay out a little longer."

He nuzzled his enormous head into my neck which kind of tickled with his fur. I rub a hand up and down his back feeling the thick coarse fur. Some spots were rather soft and others not so much. As I rub his back I spot his tail moving side to side like he was happy. I couldn't help but giggle that he was like a puppy. Duke pulled back looking at me confused and tilting his head.

"Your tail is wagging like a happy dog and I found it cute," He huffed and looked away grumpy. "Awe did I anger the big scawy werewolf with my comment about being cute?" He just huffs again making me laugh, "You are big and scary Duke but you're also cute and fluffy."

I gave him a hug while laughing and he made this grumble noise but I can hear his tail going. I look at him still laughing that he's being grumpy. He gives me a snarl trying to be tough and scary. Seeing the tail wagging I was no longer scared of him.

"I know you wouldn't hurt me Duke so stop with the tough boy act. If you wanted to hurt me you would have done so already." He angry huffs again before his ears drop and he loses the snarl, he leans in and gives my cheek a lick.

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