eight - sealing her fate

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Warning: 18+ Content - This chapter is very sexually explicit.


It was just a little after 11pm when Abhimanyu entered his bedroom. He had expected to find Akshara sleeping on the bed —on his bed —but instead she was nowhere to be found.

Getting agitated more so than concerned, he went searching for her in his massive apartment like room. He searched this bathroom, dressing area, the closets...everywhere but to not avail.

And that is when he found her. She was laying down on the couch in enclosed sitting area, just where he had left her earlier in the morning. He let out a frustrated sigh of relief, just as he felt his patience waning thin.

Abhimanyu punched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Why aren't you in bed?!" He hadn't meant to be this blunt. But the jet-lag and lack of sleep was finally getting to him.

And he also didn't enjoy having to deal with a rebellious Akshara either. Especially not after the long day at work he'd had.

Akshara glanced at him with sleepy eyes. "You told me to stay put and not move. Remember?" She answered cheekily.

If he was perhaps in a better mood, he might have offered her a polite chuckle. But not now.

Now all he needed was to take Akshara to bed. And keep her there.

"Baby, while I appreciate you finally following my instructions, I'd rather you follow them when I actually want you to follow them."

He then stepped up to the couch, bent down and slid his fingers beneath her body, lifting her up in his arms, just as Akshara wrapped her hands around his neck.

"Did you have dinner?" Akshara questioned, staring at his face as he carried her.

"Yes baby, I ate before I came home. Did you have dinner?" Abhimanyu grit out, trying to remain calm. Making small talk was definitely not where his mind was at right now.

"Yes." Akshara whispered back, trying to calm her nerves.

Abhimanyu nodded his head, "Good."

"This is your room isn't it?" Akshara asked, watching his eyes intently, as the heat rolled off his body, making her feel mushy inside.

Something about the hard, sleep deprived look in Abhimanyu's eyes made her feel some sort of way —a different sort of way.

"Yes." He answered casually, dropping Akshara off onto the mattress, before placing a calculated and throughly ravishing kiss on her lips rendering Akshara completely and utterly numb.

He then pulled away, satisfied by the glossy look on Akshara's face. "Stay put."

Akshara felt the water running as the shower turned on, making her stomach twist into knots. Abhimanyu Birla was an enigma. Her fingers mindlessly went to her swollen lips, the puffiness of them reminding her of every kiss Abhimanyu had given her so far. The hard ones, the soft ones, the gentle ones and especially those breathtaking ones.

The bathroom door opened and a freshly showered Abhimanyu —with damp hair and a few lose strands falling to his forehead —walked out wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants that sat low at his waist.

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