twenty nine - challenging preceptions

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"Akshara!" Abhimanyu entered Room 5C of the emergency ward and embraced Akshara in a tight, soul crushing hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her. Abhimanyu leaned his head against her ears, letting his raging heart calm down.

Getting that phone call about Akshara being taken to the hospital had been one of the most scariest moments of his life. He'd felt like someone has sucker punched him in the stomach, knowing the wind out of him, wrangled his insides and driven over him with a large truck.

Abhimanyu pulled away from Akshara to glance at her entire body for any bruises or marks. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" His eyes went soft, his voice hoarse but worried.

"Yes. I don't know what happened to me. Seriously. I was totally fine one moment and the next I felt like my world was titling and boom, I hit the ground." She smiled.

"This is not the time to be funny, Akshara. You scared the living daylights out of me. I told you to stay home, but no, you don't want to listen to me, do you? I do not appreciate getting a call in the middle of the day telling me my fiancé fainted and has been taken to the hospital. And what happened to 'I'll be back soon!'? Four hours! Four hours is not soon!" Abhimanyu bulldozed his way through Akshara, his voice loud and harsh, not withholding any of the thoughts that were running through his mind throughout the entire day.


"No but Akshara! I do not appreciate the careless attitude you carry towards your health and well-being!" He reprimanded, glaring at her.

"Sorry." She whispered, lowering her lashes. Akshara leaned in and wrapped her arms around Abhimanyu, resting her cheek against his chest so she could listen to his throbbing heart. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry."

Abhimanyu took a few deep calming breaths, as he wrapped his arms around Akshara too, resting his chin atop her head. "Akshara, don't ever, ever, scare me like that again, understood?"

Akshara nodded her head against his chest. "Yes."

"Did the work you ignored your health for go through? The adoption? Was it successful?"

Akshara pulled away from the hug to stare at Abhimanyu. "Yes. It was a success." She whispered proudly, silently elated that Abhimanyu had shown interest and actually asked about the work she did.

"Good. Or else I would have been even angrier." He replied, kissing the tip of her nose, making her giggle.

Just then a knock was heard on the door and Abhimanyu and Akshara put some distance between themselves as they turned around to greet the doctor who had just walked in.

"Hello, Ms. Goenka. My name is Dr. Aruna Sethi and I have your reports here with me."

"Reports?" Abhimanyu asked, glancing between the two women.

"Blood report and a urine culture. We do them just a safety precaution for patients who come here after an e episode of fainting and or food poisoning as Ms. Goenka claims."

"Doctor, what do the reports say?" Abhimanyu asked, glancing back at Akshara.

"I'm sure they say nothing. It was just a simple case of food poisoning which probably lead to dehydration." Akshara replied, rolling her eyes. The worse part about getting sent to the hospital because of food poisoning was now Abhimanyu would restrict her street food intake. Junk food, her second best source of happiness. The first being him, obviously.

Dr. Sethi opened the file and quickly skimmed over it. "Well, looks like the sickness you've been feeling and the fainting cannot be attributed to food poisoning after all Ms. Goenka. It seems like you're pregnant, Ms. Goenka. Congratulations."

"Pregnant?" The smile disappeared from Akshara's face as she stared at Dr. Sethi, trying to recover from what had just been said.

"Pregnant?" Abhimanyu turned around to stare at Akshara, unable to comprehend what was even happening anymore. He felt as if his entire body was going numb, a chill ran down his spine, leaving him speechless.

"Yes. I cannot tell you how far along you are as for that we'll need to do an ultrasound but from your intake form, you said your last period was over a month ago, so I assume you're about 3-4 weeks pregnant."

Akshara felt her palms growing sweaty and her hand automatically move to rest over her stomach where now her —their —Abhimanyu's baby rested. Pregnant. She was pregnant.

"So I'm going to refer you to a gynecologist who will then book you in for an ultrasound just so we have a better understanding of your pregnancy timeline and in the time meantime, I'm prescribing you some prenatal vitamins." Dr. Sethi ripped off a slip of paper and handed it over to Akshara.

"And I'll take my leave now, I have other patients to attend to." And with that, Dr. Sethi bid them goodbye and exited the room.

"Pregnant." Akshara pointed out, hesitantly, looking down at her stomach where her hand rested, protecting the baby.

She didn't know whether she should be happy or horrified. The baby was not a part of their plan. They hadn't even discussed having children either. She didn't even know if Abhimanyu wanted to be a father, start a family. No, of course he did. He had to.

But most importantly, she didn't herself know or understand how to feel about the baby. Life was just throwing one curveball after the other at them, surprising them at each and every step. But now that it had, they had no other option but to take this pregnancy in stride, and be ready for the rollercoaster of emotions they'd be subjected to.

Akshara glanced at Abhimanyu and wrapped her free hand in his. Abhimanyu himself seemed like he was reeling from the news of her pregnancy. His brows were furrowed, his eyes emotionless, as his hands felt eerily cold and harsh, no sense of warmth and comfort in his touch.

"Abhimanyu..." Akshara called out to him, trying to break him free from his trance.

Abhimanyu had no idea what to say or even how to react. Somehow, to him, the news about Akshara's pregnancy seemed worse, than the hundreds of other illnesses that he'd imagined, making him sick to the core.

A baby? He didn't want a baby. The baby was not a part of the life he had planned for Akshara and him. He'd never wanted to be a father. Never.

But the most important question was. How?! How had he managed to be so careless? Akshara. That's how. Whenever he was with her, the rational side of his brain stopped functioning and he became consumed with desire to have her, possess her.

"Abhimanyu?" Akshara called out to him again.


"Pregnant. We're pregnant." She whispered, uncertainly.

"It's okay. We'll figure it out." He said curtly, nodding his head.

Akshara nodded her head, understanding Abhimanyu's words to mean they'll find a way to make this pregnancy work. "Okay."

"Come, let's go home." Abhimanyu helped Akshara climb down from the raised bed and they walked out of the hospital, hand in hand. They'd figure a way out of this pregnancy, he'd make sure of it.


Ah! So vote and comment please and just so you know, next chapter will again be a heavy one.

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