Chapter 2

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Third POV

Andrew sigh as he watch his mother left to run an errand, while he pulled his hair up back into the tower and wondered 'if only i could climb down on my own hair, just like mother..'
But it was just a wishful thought.
He grab a broom and sweep the floors
While humming along the melody that was played in the gramophone,
Just like any other day for him.

While back in the Village, people were participating in finding the missing prince, while y/n she couldn't care less
"A human life ain't worth that ton of money" y/n said as she shrugged

"oh come on, Your a knight now, You have the capabilities to find that royalty boy!"
"and if your lucky, you'll get to marry him" her father said, chuckling as he nudge her arm

"Even if I do find him, I'm not accepting anything at all cost" y/n exclaimed as she fold her arm

While her mother chuckled along with her father
"She's always been different, ain't she?" her father questioned her mom, as they both start chuckling.

In the castle, the King and Queen sigh on their throne seat as each people who volunteered and informed them that they have found their son, leaving them with full of hope until they were disappointed when the people arrived with a fraud, some claim to be their son while some went so far by making puppet and pointing out to the king that it was their son
"Your majesty, not to interrupt but it is your son, blonde hair-"

"get out of here! Weirdo!"

"Its a puppet!"
The people in the back of the queue shouted,

"The audacity.." the queen muttered to the king as she rub her temples.
The castle gates were soon close as they were frustrated by each of the result.
However the King and Queen didn't give up and ordered the gaurds to do a search.

"Andrew Léandre..." y/n muttered as she squint her eyes towards the missing poster

"If you manage to find him, make sure to introduce him to me" her best friend, Virie said as she flutter her fan

"alright but... I can't believe Sir Ciel place me in this task! like bam! he was like 'You are picked specially by me to find his one and only son, you better do your job' instead of placing me in a task to find the murderer.. that would have been more exciting" y/n said as she rolled her eyes while clenching on her horse leash

"Well its not that bad, at least you'll be the first person to see his face"

"ugly ass fa-"

"quiet down! that's really improper of you" Virie said as she interrupts y/n by shutting her mouth with her fan while looking around making sure nobody heard them

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