Chapter 27

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Third POV

y/n sat and pondered on the bed at night
Reminiscing her past when she was truly free
Though she felt like a bird trapped in a cage, the thought of her family smiling with less worries with their luxurious life was what drives her to stay.

"Tsk" she scoffed annoyingly
"Out of all woman in the world, it has to be me,really?" She muttered as she face towards Andrew who's asleep..

While on the other side, Ivan seek for y/n's explanation...
Few years ago
When he got back from his trip to get an antidote,
He walked past a community board and soon something catches his eyes and it was the news of Andrew and Y/n royal wedding, Shocked, He dropped all his items and muttered

As months passed, there was no sign of y/n exiting the palace or attending the ball,
Ivan tried teleportation it worked, however he was only able to talk to y/n briefly, telling her about the antidote before he could even explain to her, he was then captured by the guards to the exit. Soon it turn to a few years,

"How frustrating..."
Ivan muttered as he leaned back on his chair...

Back at the palace, the morning sun rised , Andrew who was awake early,wrapped his arms around y/n's sleeping figure, chuckling softly while muttering to himself
Before getting up to get ready,before he left the room, he kissed his wife forehead and ordered the maidens to serve her breakfast on bed before going about his duties.

Y/n was soon awaken by the smell of breakfast

"Your highness, your breakfast is ready" the maiden said as she place a tray of breakfast on the bed Infront of y/n gently as she slowly sit up from the bed Yawning tiredly, she rubbed her eyes The maidens bowed and take their leave

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"Your highness, your breakfast is ready" the maiden said as she place a tray of breakfast on the bed Infront of y/n gently as she slowly sit up from the bed
Yawning tiredly, she rubbed her eyes
The maidens bowed and take their leave.
"I wonder what's Andrew doing..?" y/n muttered to herself before munching on her breakfast.

While the whole kingdom celebrates king Andrew 2nd year anniversary of his returning
A ball was then organized, Andrew whose in his study room checked a few list of attendees and
list of people blacklisted
"I want Ivan to be place on the blacklist"

"Yes your majesty" his butler replied

"Make sure to seal every inch of the castle with a protection shield spell, I wouldn't want the queen getting hurt" Andrew said with a strict tone as he placed both of his arms on his back while looking at the view outside the window

"Yes your majesty" the butler replied again soon there was a knock on the door

"Come in"

The door then opened to reveal a maiden
"Your majesty, her highness,the late queen have come to see you"

Soon Andrew gulped

he then met his mother nagging at him for a grandchild

"How long do I have to wait till I get a grandchild? Until all my hair falls??"

Andrew sigh and made eye contact with the floor.

While the king was being nagged by his mother, the queen was in their bedroom, finished getting ready for the day

"Do I want to go to the garden or... Sneak into the knights armoury and steal a sword...." Y/n pondered

Soon the door opened to reveal Andrew entering the bedroom with a sigh

"What's wrong?" Y/n questioned as she walked towards Andrew and helped him remove his cape

"Mother nagging once again"

Y/n then chuckled
"Poor you.."

Andrew then chuckled too
"Poor me? Wait till you see in bed"
He said with a smirk

Y/n then became flustered and looked away.
While the king and queen of Léandre were busy teasing each other

The castle in Devunce was lively
"Mama! Papa!" Exclaimed Virie son named Victor

"Ah... my son!" The king of Devunce, Xander said as he reached down to pick up little victor

"Who's gonna be prince someday?" Xander questioned

"Me! Me!" Little victor exclaimed with both hands up

Both father and son chuckled while Virie was busy picking a dress to wear for the Léandre ball.

"Maidens, are there any other dresses?"

"No, your highness"

Virie then fold both of her arms
thinking as her eyes scan through the dress the maidens were holding.

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