Chapter 5

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Third POV

The early sunrise,the birds chirping
Y/n awoke from her slumber quickly got ready in her knight armour , "Finally! This annoying search has come to an end!" Y/n mumbled to herself as she grab her helmet and left her room

"My daughter, your awake this early! Where are you heading?" Her mom asked as she swept the floor with a broom on her hand

"I've found the prince Mom" y/n replied the news made her mother drop her broom


"I gotta go now mom! Cya!" Y/n interrupted her mother as she left her house and head to her horse stable,getting on her horse "Hiyaa!" She said and soon her horse starts running
And off she goes, on her way saving a distress bachelor.

Who would have thought, a girl could save a prince.

And soon she came to a halt a little further away from the tower, not to get caught by the old lady.

"Andrew, I need to head off now!" Mother Gothel said

Andrew groggily got up from his bed and head to the main room area to let his hair down, helping his 'mom' get down from the tower.

Soon y/n will have a shock of her life
A lady whom she doesn't recognise got down from the tower and soon when the long hair got back up to the tower
The lady soon turn into the old lady she recognise.
Y/n gasp, a sight she never thought she'll see.

Soon the old lady head away from the tower, y/n waited for a moment before getting out of her hiding spot, soon she stood Infront of the tower and cleared her throat, an attempt to imitate the old lady voice "Andrew! Let down your hair!" Y/n said

Soon enough, the hair appeared Infront of her, "oh my god, it work!" Y/n mumbled
Soon she attempt to grab onto the hair, the way the old lady did, soon enough she was pulled up to the tower.

"Ugh! Why is mother super heavy!,ugh ngh!, Did she b-buy a pack of fruits again!?" Andrew exclaimed to himself as he struggle to pull his hair up.

Soon enough Y/n got in the tower while Andrew was laying on the floor panting not aware who was Infront of him but assuming it was his mother
"Mother.. what did you get today, that was quick" Andrew said as he wipe his sweat off from his forehead before getting up
Only to be met face to face with a knight.
Y/n got so close to his face, he got flustered
"Ah! So your the prince.."
Y/n said

"AHHHH!!!" Andrew scream
"AHHHH!!" and so did y/n.

"Who are you!? Are you the bad guy who's here to take me away!?" Andrew exclaimed

The knight sigh, and soon took of her helmet.

Do you believe in love in first sight?
Yes, great!
No, too bad

Andrew was struck by y/n's beauty
A beauty he only see in his fairytale book,
A sight to behold for him, he couldn't stop gazing at y/n.

"Look, I'm not a guy and I'm definitely not a bad one either, I'm a knight!"

The word knight echoed in his mind

"Mommy, what's a knight?" Little Andrew asked
"Well my dear Andrew a knight is someone who saves people in distress" mother Gothel replied

"I want to save people in distress!" Little Andrew said

Mother Gothel chuckled and pat his head "Oh yes you will, well... you already did, you're my knight"

Little Andrew and Mother Gothel both chuckled...


"Andrew?, Andrew? Are you okay?"
Y/n said and shake him

Soon enough Andrew gain back his consciousness

"How can a knight be so..beautiful.."

"O-oh!" Y/n said as she blush from his compliment, y/n glance away and cough

"Well I should properly introduce myself to you, before I rescuse you back to your castle"

"My..castle?.." Andrew questioned softly

"Yes.. well My name is y/n, one of your knights from your castle, your highness"
Y/n said as she knelt down to show respect

Andrew was shock but soon gathered his thoughts

"We should get going Andrew, before that evil lady comes back" y/n reaches for his hand

"Evil lady? No! She's my mother!" Andrew replied as he back away

"Andrew...poor you..your mother is the queen, and she dearly misses you"

"The queen?"

"Yes, let's go now" y/n replied and took out a really long rope she prepared and tie it on the tower tightly

"Come on" y/n said as she hold out her hand

Soon enough out of Andrew curiosity he took her hand
Soon enough y/n carried him and slide down from the tower

Andrew hugged y/n tightly, it was his first time feeling cold wind all around his body, while he hugged y/n
He glance at her h/c hair
'How can one hair be shiningly h/c ..' he thought to himself

He lean his head on y/n shoulder
And the scent of her perfume hits him

He didn't know what perfume was but it made him feel cozy and soon it made his heart beat.

Looks like Andrew has a crush on y/n

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