Chapter 28

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Third POV

It was the day, the anniversary of King Andrew's returning

Both y/n and Andrew are on the royal carriage, greeting citizens with waves ,
It was a tradition carried out in any occasion of celebration for the royal member to greet their citizens
While both the king and queens were greeting, the citizens yelled,

"When are you going to have a baby!??"
"When will we get to see the prince!??"
"Is it a prince or a princess?!"
"Are you pregnant!?"

A little girl yelled
"How do I become a knight someday!?"

Which caught the attention of y/n,
Y/n then chuckled and looked at Andrew

"Don't you think..., it's a great idea if we organize a knight program for children of all genders"

Y/n ask with excitement in her eyes

"If you were to ask me y-"

"Ahh!" Y/n yelled as she leaned forward towards Andrew embrace

A fury ball of fire was shot on the carriage

" Guards, bring the sorcerer!! And catch the culprit!"
Andrew yelled as he hold y/n in his arms tightly while the citizen and people screamed as chaos took place

"What is going on!?"

"I assume it's..."

"Ivan" Ivan said as he appeared Infront of y/n and Andrew

"Ah, it's been long my dear old friend, Y/n.."

"I-Ivan?" Y/n questioned as she was about to get off Andrew's embrace to look at Ivan, Andrew tightened his embrace, locking her in an embraced position

"Tsk tsk, When will you change for the better, Andrew?" Ivan questioned as he laid back on the seat

"Change for the better? Maybe you should go look at yourself first"
Andrew said

"Maybe you just need a little more help?" Ivan said with a smirk as he hold out a flame ball on his hands,
Andrew felt threaten.
What he didn't know, it was what Ivan wanted,
Andrew  then draw his sword immediately however the second he let go of y/n, Ivan and y/n disappeared Infront of Andrew before he could point his sword at Ivan, realizing it, his eyes widen and his breathing got heavier, he then dropped his sword and leaned back on his seat, deeply upset, he couldn't save his wife.

Was this a rescue or a disaster?
It was now all up for y/n to decide...

Y/n who was teleported in Ivan's home didn't recognize the place

"Welcome back"
Ivan cheered a little

"What do you think of the place? Doesn't it look brilliant?"
Ivan said as he open his arms up

Y/n then chuckled as she place her hand on her face
"Ah...the goose chase is about to begin again.." y/n muttered as she chuckled nervously

"'re disappointed? I saved you, at least a thanks would be nice" Ivan said

"Look Ivan, where were you during the past few years?"

"I tried okay? Each time I was so close to you, just one step closer..., I couldn't reach to you" Ivan said as he step forward closer towards y/n

Y/n who was uncomfortable back away
"Save me? And your resort was violence on the day of celebration where innocent citizens and people gathered together?!"

"It was the only way I could-"

"No! It's not the only way!, Children, families could have gotten hurt!"

"Look, I did everything for you" Ivan said as he reached out for y/n hands

"What!?, I didn't ask for the violence and the Ivan ,I knew.....wouldn't do that!" Y/n said as she backed her hands away from Ivan

"So you rather be trapped by a psychotic royalty man, no not man, a boy than having your own freedom!?"

"Ah.. let her do what she wants...Ivan"
An old woman voice appeared, soon revealed herself

"Y-you...y-your the old lady!"

"Old lady? That's not very nice of you...,and it wasn't very nice of you to kidnap my son from me... But anyways, what's in the past is in the past am I correct?"
Mother Gothel said as she approached y/n

Mother Gothel smirk menacingly as she reach her hand out for a shake

"Call me Gothel or maybe perhaps Mother in Law..."

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