Chapter 20

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Third POV

Third POV

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"Whoa..." Y/n exclaimed in astonishment,
walking around,
"What is this place?"

"My work area"
Ivan said as he walk towards his desk
While sliding his fingertips along the table desk

"You must be tired running around, perhaps you could take a sit in the living room" Ivan said as he escorted Y/n out of the work area and into the living room

"You must be tired running around, perhaps you could take a sit in the living room" Ivan said as he escorted Y/n out of the work area and into the living room

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Y/n then take a sit nearby the window

"I'll go grab some tea"
Ivan said as he was about to head to the kitchen

"Why don't you just use your magic?"
Y/n asked, stopping Ivan's track

He then chuckled as he shook his head
"Even if I'm a sorcerer I'm not that lazy to grab a drink" he said before walking towards the kitchen to grab tea

"Here you go" he said as he sets the tea tray on the table

"Here you go" he said as he sets the tea tray on the table

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"How cute.. the tea sets matches your hair" y/n remarked
While Ivan sigh, out of embarrassment
"It was gifted by a friend.."

As time pass,
Ivan took a few sips of his tea as he looked out of the window, soon y/n questioned him

"So.. where are your parents?"
Her question took Ivan aback
He then sets his tea cup down

"My father had some business to take care of"

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