Chapter 6

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Third POV

"Where are you taking me?" Andrew questioned as he's seated behind hugging y/n for stability

"To the castle" y/n replied
He was confused but kept silent, being naturally curious he looked at the detail of y/n armor and soon shifted his gaze to her horse, he never rode one nor have he seen one in real life before,
Seeing y/n ability to ride a horse impressed him but there goes his heart beating fast again
'am I sick?..' Andrew thought but
soon they've reached the town, Andrew focus shifted away to the market.
As they rode past the market, lots of people shifted their gaze towards Andrew
And began to whisper
"That guy is weird...why does he have such long hair?"

"Is that the prince?"
"No it can't be, it's a girl, look at her long hair"

Andrew overheard it and starts feeling anxious, he tighten his hug around y/n as he felt discomfort for the first time
soon his fragile body start shivering
"Are you okay?"
Y/n asked
Andrew didn't replied
His body soon lumped upon y/n back ,passed out from being too overwhelmed, with y/n noticing that, she made a turn back to her house
"I can't bring him to the castle like this..." Y/n muttered...

"Is that the prince!?" Virie Exclaimed as she slammed the guest room door open
"Quiet down! ,his royal Highness is resting" y/n whispered

"Can't believe it... He looks like a gir-"
Before Virie could finish her sentence y/n covered her mouth

"If he hears that..."
Y/n signal towards Virie by sliding her finger around her own neck

"t-true" Virie replied
"He looks just like his baby picture" Virie said,
"Well that will definitely convince the king that his their son" y/n replied

"Don't you think he needs a hair cut?"
Virie said as she touch a strand of Andrew's hair

"He does...I'll talk to him once his conscious" Y/n said as she sat on the guest chair..

Soon Nightfalls,a raging storm outside, startled Andrew from his sleep
Andrew grip onto the blanket tightly
He slowly got up and walk out of the guest room with the blanket covered around him

"K-knight?" He whispered as
He walk through the dark halls, soon he noticed a door with a sign 'Knight off duty'
He knocked and attempt to open the door, it worked, he sees
Y/n peacefully drifting to sleep, he approached her
And wake her up

Y/n groggly got up and rub her eyes
"5 more mins..."

"I-im scar- 'BOOM' -ahhh!" Before Andrew could finish his sentence he jump onto y/n for a hug

Y/n was startled but soon laughed sleepily and said "Your scared of the thunder?"

Andrew nod
And whispered "Mother would comfort me when there's thunder....."

"Your highness, perhaps some tea will help you calm down" y/n replied, Andrew pull away from her, allowing her to get off her bed and followed her to the kitchen

He watched y/n make tea

"I hope this chrysanthemum tea makes you feel better" y/n said as she hands him a cup of tea

"I've never had tea before.."
Andrew said

"You'll like it, your highness, your parents are a fan of tea but a different tea, they drink tea that are high class and fancy, but unfortunately my family doesn't can't afford it so I'm sorry your highness, that you'll have to drink this crap" y/n said as she bow

"H-hey get up...Stop calling me your highness..and it's okay.., I don't know who your talking about I only know my parents is my mother.." Andrew said as his hands clench around the tea cup

Soon things became tense but to clear the air y/n questioned him
"Mind if I ask.. what's with that very long hair of yours?"

"Oh..Mother loved my hair and didn't allow me to cut it.."

"Well do you want to cut it?" Y/n questioned

"I-...I never thought about it... Mother usually makes decisions for me..."Andrew said as he took a sip of his tea, his eyes lighten from the taste

"Well I think maybe you should get it cut"
Y/n said
Soon y/n led him to the toilet and brought him a chair to seat , she grab a pair of scissors and start cutting his hair, she grab a strand to cut it but strangely his hair turned black
Y/n gasp
'oh shit, oh shit, oh shit....'
Internally panicking, she smiled nervously and said "I think Long hair looks great on you"

"Mother tells me that too" Andrew said as he twirl his hand around a strand of his hair, flustered from her compliment

"We should head back to bed"
Y/n said and soon they did.

Andrew tossed and turned at night from y/n's compliment, he felt weird and strange which prevented him from falling asleep, he sat down and twiddle the blanket

"I don't feel like this when mother tells me that.." he muttered, soon his mind turned delusional, imagining if he and y/n were so close, he couldn't describe to himself what kind of relationship it was but he imagined them holding each other hand, complimenting each other , embracing,giving each other a peck on the cheek, kissin-...
He exclaimed as he realized he was in his weird imagination, he hid himself under the blanket in embarrassment

Oh what a night for Andrew...

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