Chapter 22

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Third POV

Andrew who's in his room, smiled to himself as he recalled his encounter with y/n,
He wanted to meet y/n again..
"But how?..." He muttered to himself as he questioned his own thoughts


"You may enter" Andrew said

"Lady Celine is here to see you"
The maiden said, soon Andrew was escorted by the maiden towards the lounge room

"Your highness!" Celine said as she stood up and bow

Andrew then took a sit and asked
"Lady Celine, may I know why you're here?"

"Well I just wanted to talk to you" Celine said as she fidget the ends of her hair

"Maidens, please prepare some chrysanthemum tea"

Soon the maidens did, as the maiden set the tea tray down and poured the tea
Celine then took out the potion
"I hope his highness don't mind but, I have a syrup here that goes well with tea" she said as she open up the potion

"Syrup? I've never heard of it"

"Give it a try"
she said as she poured 3 drops on the prince tea,mistakenly but Celine didn't think much.
Andrew was a bit skeptical about it
As he raised an eyebrow as he watch the potion made his tea colour change , however Celine manage to convince him to have a taste.
So he did.

"Y/N!,Y/N! BRING ME! Y/NN!!"

"Gaurds hurry up! Get the doctors now!!" The king yelled with a sense of urgency and worry.

While Andrew was on the bed chained up, sweating profusely
While his whole body struggled as his hands and feet were clenched, His veins were popped out intensely while it glows

While Andrew was on the bed chained up, sweating profusely While his whole body struggled as his hands and feet were clenched, His veins were popped out intensely while it glows

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While his eyes were widened with veins appearing around his pupils

Andrew yelled with intensity in his voice as he arched his back, struggling

While the king panicked, he obeyed his son's request and ordered the order guards to get y/n.

"Calm down Andrew, I'll get y/n for you alright, just calm down, she's coming, she'll be here" the king assured as he knelt down on the floor to reach his son's bed height and hold onto his son's hands
While Andrew attempt to calm down,panting,
After hearing what his father had said.

Y/n who is back in Ivan's house started preparing dinner in his kitchen


"Oh Ivan your just in time, I prepared dinner"

"Well no time for dinner, King of Léandre request you to be at the castle"

"Huh? Why?"

"It's an emergency just come" Ivan said as he grab onto y/n hand and teleported into the throne room of the  Léandre castle

Right Infront of her sight was the queen sobbing on her throne
"I can't bear to see my son like this!"
The queen exclaimed as she sobbed

"Follow me" the guards who walked towards them said
Soon they were escorted outside of Andrew's room
As Ivan was about to enter along with y/n the 2 gaurds standing each of the door side blocked Ivan with their spear like sword, stopping Ivan's tracked
"Go, I'll wait here" Ivan said as he steps back

Soon y/n entered to see the king on his knees sobbing on Andrew's bed, soon she shifted her attention towards Andrew
"What he possessed?"

"Oh y/n, good to see you have came" the king stood up,wiping his tears

"I'm sorry you have to see this but come here take a seat"
She then took a seat which was next to Andrew's bed

Andrew then turned his hands to y/n's direction and soon he calmed down, smiling

"Your majesty... I'm sorry to say this but I suggest you should get the preist not me.." y/n said as she stood up
Making Andrew eye widen as he struggled


causing y/n to be startled by Andrew's voice

"Andrew calm down, she's here, she won't go anywhere without my orders, don't worry son. Y/n I request that you stay"

Y/n then slowly take a seat back on the chair.

"Your majesty, I think someone must have place a black magic on him, I know a good friend of mine who can help..."

Ivan who was now standing infront of  the 3 of them,
He then snap his fingers and soon a floating book appeared, he then flip through the book

"It doesn't seem to be a case of magic but a potion..."

"P-potion!? How is that possible? Nobody here have access to any potion"

"Did Andrew drank anything today?"
Ivan questioned

"He had chrysanthemum tea with a guest"
The maiden who was standing in the corner then spoke up

"A guest? May I know who?"

"It was Lady Celine, daughter of Ciel"

"Oh that son of a bitc-"
Y/n muttered out loud
While Andrew struggle to get close to y/n.

"Well the only potion that could give  such an effect is the ardor potion.."

"How can I heal my son?, I'm willing to pay any cost to heal my son"
The king said in eagerness

"...a kiss from the one he loves"

"T-the k-kin-"
Y/n questioned out loud

Ivan then flicked y/n's head
"you idiot!, The one he loves, it's obvious it's you"

While the king was then confused, the king then stood up and said "since it can be done with a love kiss, I'll take my leave and give you privacy"

Ivan then sigh
"You idiot, right Infront of his majesty, how blatant can you be...but still you'll have to kiss him"

"What is this?! Snow white!? Sleeping beauty!?"

"Just do it y/n"Ivan said as he sigh

Soon y/n bit her lower lips as she leaned in, leaving Andrew startled

Slowly as their lips were about to meet

Ivan felt a pang of jealousy and hurt from the sight, he then slowly turned away from the both of them and questioned himself
"What is this?..."
He muttered while his hands clenches his heart.

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