Chapter 3

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Third POV

"ugly ass fa-"

"quiet down! that's really improper of you" Virie said as she interrupts y/n by shutting her mouth with her fan while looking around making sure nobody heard them.

"Think about it, His missing, so he might be out in the woods right now, maybe.. looking like one gorilla! , no bath, no clothes-"

"His a PRINCE- y/n" Virie exclaimed,
"fine, fine. I'll just do my job" y/n said as she raised both of her hands in defeat while backing off towards her horse before she gets on it.

"Well goodluck y/n" Virie said before y/n took off with her horse away from the town and into the forest..

"Sir Ciel.. , you know how important my son is to the kingdom" the king said
As they both stood infront of the royal family portrait

 , you know how important my son is to the kingdom" the king said As they both stood infront of the royal family portrait

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"I understand your majesty.., I've assign a few knights to search for your son" Sir Ciel replied.

Y/n hums while exploring deep in the forest in search for the prince.

Until she stumble upon an older lady who tripped and fell on a rock

"Ah ! Fuck" the lady with a hooded cape mumbled

Y/n halt her horse and got off, approaching the lady
"Are you alright?" Y/n question while lending a hand

"Ah yes, I'm alright" the lady replied while getting up with the help from y/n and dust her dark purple gown

"What are you doing here in the woods? It is dangerous for a lady like you " Y/n said

"Ah.. I was having a little picnic" the lady replied while holding out a basket

"Ah I see.., well have you seen this lad?"
Y/n said as she showed the missing poster to the lady.

The lady eyes widen but soon she calm down and spoke to y/n "I have not seen him"

"Oh alright, well stay safe" y/n replied as she rode off..

"Mother, are you alright?"
Andrew asked as he sets the tea tray down on the table as he see his mother walking back and forth

Mother gothel soon stop, she reaches for his shoulder and look at him concernly, saying
"The bad guys are looking for you"

Those words that came out of Mother gothel repeated in Andrew's mind day and night,worrying with sleepless night.

He wondered, "Who are those bad guys? And why me?"...

"Have you found the prince yet?" Virie asked

"Nuh uh, I just stumbled upon a lady in the middle of the forest having her picnic " Y/n said as she pick up her cutleries,ready to munch on her scrumptious meal

"A lady in the middle of the woods huh? For a picnic eh, What if she's the kidnapper? Hm?" Virie said as she flutter her fan while raising an eyebrow

"You know what?"


"Let me eat my dinner first and we'll discuss later, I'm starving" Y/n said and soon ate her dinner.

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