Chapter 9

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Third POV

The king chuckled as he muttered "With that kind of mentality, he can't possibly saved our son right?"...

"Young lady, your free to go off now" the gaurd said as he unlock the dungeon
"Finally someone has used their brains" y/n said as she got up and exit the dungeon,
Soon as she exited the palace through the hallway she bump into Andrew,
"Young lady watch where your going!" The maidens who's escorting him exclaimed

"Why not you escort him properly?"
As the maiden was about to speak, Andrew show a stop sign towards the maiden
"Knight, what are you doing here?"
"Oh no wonder you didn't came to my rescue,you were busy princing..,well, I was in that stupid dungeon "
With the noticeable hurt in y/n eyes
Andrew soon started to be concerned
Before Andrew could even question
Y/n stomped off to the exit, making him bit his lower lips as his in deep thoughts.

A few weeks later , Missing posters were removed and cleared throughout the town ,
Andrew got a hang at his etiquette classes and his new family
but most of the days he spent thinking about y/n

"Your highness!" the butler knocked on his door

"You may come in"
The butler then entered
"There will be a ball held on this saturday"
"ah... the ball please write an invitation to y/n"

"But- your highness,it's for the nobles only" the butler replied

"Are those nobles not human?"
"They are but"
"Same goes for y/n she's human, so y/n and those nobles have similarities"

"But your highness-"
"Enough said, you may leave now"
The butler then bow nervously

Andrew then got off his desk and head to his father study room.

"Knock knock"
"Come in" his father said, soon Andrew did
"Father, I've got some questions to ask"

"Come here my son, you can ask me anything" his father replied as he enjoys the scenery through the window
Andrew then stood next to him and ask
"Why was y/n in the dungeon?"
His father sigh and lean his head down before facing back at the window
"It's a long story"

"Tell me..."

"y/n, you've got a mail!" y/n mom exclaimed
y/n walked to the living room and took the mail from her mom and entered her room to open it up

"Hallelujah~ Hallelujah~" echoed behind her head as
the letter was decorated with gold lines
and was written with fresh quality ink
y/n then read
"you are specially invited to the ball... wait what? the ball?"....

"wait what?! THE BALL?!" Virie exclaimed as she slam both of her hands on the wooden table
as y/n ate her sandwich during her knight duty break

"you?! to the ball? are you sure?, it isn't mine?" Virie asked
"well that was my reaction too" y/n replied as she hands her the invitation letter
which clearly stated "To Miss Y/n"

Virie whined in jealousy
Y/n then laughed and said
"Well it's not like I want to go to the ball either, wearing that stuffy dress your wearing"

"You call this stuffy!? This is art!"

"You call this stuffy!? This is art!"

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"It was last Christmas edition!"

"Christmas edition?, I bet there's one Santa with his reindeer painted in there too, cringe"


"Well anyways the letter does say I could invite a friend so..."

Virie eyes glisten
"Bestie, we're going shopping!"
She said as she took y/n hand and drag her straight to the town market

"Woah! Virie!!!"...

Andrew who was in his room pondered as his tailor took his measurement

"Mr Baron?"

"Yes your highness?" The tailor stopped
"I would like you to make a ball gown for this particular girl..."...

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