Chapter 17

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Third POV

"Ah shit...." Ivan muttered
"Well since she's in the hands of Prince Andrew I'm pretty sure she'll be fine, you could maybe perhaps check up on her with your magic sorcery or something" Xander said as he and Ivan took a stroll around the palace hall

Ivan then sighed,
"I'll take my leave"
he said before leaving to the library,
He then grab a book of teleportation
And then start casting a spell to teleport.

Soon he was met with y/n trying to cut the chains on her hand with a spoon

Y/n paused for a moment as her attention shifted towards the blue haired male

"Finally!, Someone is here to save me!"

Ivan then burst out laughing
"How ironic coming from a knight" he said as he walked towards y/n casting a spell on her chain to release her

As their attention was on the chains, Andrew entered the room and swiftly, Ivan's neck was met with his sword 

"How dare you enter my property!"
Andrew exclaimed with his blue gem eye wide
Ivan then back up with both hands in surrender
"Your highness, I apologize"

"Who send you here!?"
Andrew question in anger as he was still pointing the sword towards Ivan neck

While y/n signal Ivan with her eyes about her chains
"Ah it was Prince Xander"

"Prince Xander huh? I knew it..his interested in y/n isn't he?"

"Urm your highness I'm not sure-"

Before Ivan could finish his sentence y/n took the opportunity to kick Andrew in the crotch very hard, leaving Andrew to drop his sword and fall on the floor in pain
he yelped in pain while holding on his crotch

"Quick!" Y/n said as she hold her hand out towards Ivan, soon Ivan freed her from the chains and wrap his arms around her waist, teleporting her along back with him to Prince Xander Castle's Library

"Quick!" Y/n said as she hold her hand out towards Ivan, soon Ivan freed her from the chains and wrap his arms around her waist, teleporting her along back with him to Prince Xander Castle's Library

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"Why'd he even chain you up?"
Ivan questioned y/n, curious about the situation as he let go his arms off her

"The missing Prince turns out to be a psycho"

"Psycho? You can't just insult a Prince so casually, you'll be dead, before you know" Ivan said as he brush his shoulder, tidying his suit

"Well I rather be dead than to be chained up" y/n replied as she rub her wrist which was irritated by the metal chains

Ivan noticed it then sigh,
"Come here" he said as he grab y/n arm pulling her towards a seat for her to be seated

"Show me your hand"
He said as he knelt Infront of y/n to her level

"What are you going to do?"
Y/n questioned

"Just show me your hand"

Y/n then did

"Stay still" Ivan said as he cast a healing spell on y/n wrist
Soon it started to glow, y/n was mesmerized by the glowing light, soon as the healing was done, the glowing light died down

"Done" he said as he let go of her wrist
Before getting up to leave

"Thank you Ivan" y/n said as she rub her wrist

"....Just don't go around causing trouble again or you might lose your job or your life, I won't always be there to save you, Your a knight you can save yourself" Ivan said before walking towards his work desk as he sat down and put on his reading glasses

Soon it was silent,
Y/n then get up from her seat and walked towards Ivan's desk, curious in what he was doing, out of curiosity y/n reach out for a book
But Ivan grab her wrist "Don't. touch. it."

"Okay relax, it's just a book"

Ivan then let go of y/n

"So this library is your workplace?"
"Your not much of a talker aren't you?"

Ivan then gave y/n a side eye
Before getting back to his work

"So you do witchcraft right?"

"It's not witchcraft, it's magic.."

"Black magic? Or white magic?"

"...none of your business"

"It will be once I get back on duty"

"And what has it got to do with your duty?" Ivan raised an eyebrow

"Ah you know, what if you plan to kill the prince" y/n said as she lean toward Ivan with her eyes squint

Ivan then flick her forehead
Y/n yelp in pain as she rub her forehead
Ivan then take off his reading glasses and said
"I believe when you mention 'psycho' you meant yourself"

Ivan then chuckled from y/n's facial reaction



"I'm not a woman"

"Well you act like one"

" your a child..that explains..."


Ivan smirk a little before getting back to his work.

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