Chapter 21

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Third POV

"Celine, Listen to what I have to say.."
Mother Gothel said as she grab a bottle from her bag

"Place 2 drops of this in his drink and soon it'll grant you,your engagement" handing Celine the bottle

"So..your saying this is some kind of a love potion?" Celine asked as she swirl the bottle around to observe the liquid that's contained

your saying this is some kind of a love potion?" Celine asked as she swirl the bottle around to observe the liquid that's contained

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"It's more than just a love potion"

"More than a love potion?"

"It intensifies his feelings"

"Oh.... I see what you did if he misses 'home' this thing will intensify it and he'll eventually wants to come back to the tower won't he?"
Celine said with a smirk

"Oh Celine dear,
he perhaps would be looking for me and don't you worry, you'll be the future queen garuanteed.." Mother Gothel said as she grab both of Celine's hand, patting them to assure her before leaving
"what an odd woman..." Celine muttered before walking back to her room with the potion in her grasp.

As things were soon unfolding,
Y/n hid refuge in Ivan's home for weeks
However, the longer she stayed there, the more trapped and stuffed she felt

"I need fresh air!" she exclaimed

"There are plants around here to provide you that" Ivan replied

Y/n rolled her eye and look out of the window, she soon lit up and turned towards Ivan who was sitting down, reading a book

"Could you perhaps teleport me to the mark-" before she could finish her sentence , Ivan threw her a key

"Could you perhaps teleport me to the mark-" before she could finish her sentence , Ivan threw her a key

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"Whoa!" Y/n yelped as she manage to grab the key

"What is this?"

"That is a key."

"Of course its a key, I'm just muttering some rheotorical questions"
Y/n said with an eyebrow raised

"It's not any kind of key..., Its a key of teleportation
,You can use that to teleport in and out of my home, without having to ask me.
Many ways out but only one way of returning."
Ivan said as he shut his book closed

"What do you mean?"

"you can exit out of this house to many places but when you want to return, that key only allows you to return back to my house"

"So how do I use this?" y/n said as she hold out the key
"hold onto it and close your eyes, imagine the place you want to go" Ivan said as he got up from his seat

Without hesitation, Y/n soon clench around the key and closed her eyes
"relax" Ivan said as he approached y/n and place both of his hands on her stiffed shoulders
"take a deep breath and imagine"
Y/n then open up her eyes to be met with the busy roads of the market in her hometown
"Get your fresh fruits here!"
"Buy 1 get 1 free!"

"Haha! you can't catch me!" a kid exclaimed loudly until he bumped onto y/n from behind
"oof!" the kid yelped
"whoa! Becareful there buddy!" Y/n said
The kid then looked up towards y/n
"aren't you the lady in the poster?"

"What poster?"
the kid then pointed a poster placed on a jewelry stall

In panic, y/n walk towards the stall
"Hello miss, would you like to look at some-"
before the stall vendor could complete his sentence he was met with y/n fiercely tearing the wanted poster off of his stall

"Son of a..."
y/n muttered

"Ah~ So thats where you've been" a male voiced whispered behind her
she turned around to be met with the familiar blue gem hues
"Back off" y/n said as she step back, her back was then met by the stall table

"I'm not here to take you away" Andrew said as he raised both of his hands in surrender
"wait what?"

"I'm here to personally clear all these wanted posters of you and it seems like you have cleared the last one. Thank you" he said as he grab the torn poster from y/n and hand it to his guards to be burnt

"See you around y/n" Andrew said before leaving with his guards

"What the fuck just happen..."

"Hey! you said a bad word!" The kid who was unexpectedly still there called y/n out.

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