Chapter 30

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[No longer the draft Version]

Third POV

As the days went by,
it didn't take long for Mother Gothel to act out on her plan, having Y/n
as bait...
"Are you sure this is really going to work?" she questioned skeptically, as she stood in the middle grounds of the silent eery town, a town once busy, crowded was now deserted
"trust me"
Mother Gothel replied with a smile as she hid in the dark corners
y/n gulped hardly, soon her eyes widened as she sees the dark figure approaching her with such caution.

"My queen...."
his soft and quiet voice echoed her mind
instinctively her reflex was to grab her sword on the side of her hips however she doesn't have her sword with her

as y/n muttered with fear, Mother Gothel smiled menacingly....
The atmosphere was getting even tenser as he got closer to her

y/n tried to laugh it off and ask "what happened to your blonde hair?"

"don't be afraid,now come back to me my love" Andrew said as he tilted his head slightly with a smile as he opened his arms, invitingly..

Y/n didn't budge to move towards Andrew, this wasn't how they interpreted,
However though y/n agreed to mother Gothel plans to capture him and lock him back to his tower, there was a change of heart in her..
As her eyes meet his longing eyes,
There was a deep sadness and lost in his eyes.
"Dammit am I being empathetic right now?!" She thought to herself but her heart couldn't help but sympathize with Andrew, maybe he was just longing for a love that both his foster mom and his biological parents couldn't give him...

A little boy who was constantly lonely all the time in a tower locked away from the world's wonders,
His curious eyes could never meet upon another curious eyes, life for him was just chores, music and art
But communication wasn't part of his life other than communicating with his foster mom but as he grew up and you appeared in his eyes..
You..were.. his saving grace..
He got to see the world's wonders, experience different things and fell in love for the first time...

With those thoughts in y/n head
Her eyes soften
As she rub the side of her arms, she didn't know what to do and glance at Mother Gothel who was impatient,
Gothel frown at her a little,
Y/n the glance towards Ivan on the other side and he looked at her with anticipation , an expectancy for her to come up with something to lure Andrew in, she then glance towards Andrew, and behind that red was a little boy who was lost with no guidance on his way to growth in his life..

"Now who's the bad guy..." y/n thought to herself while she sigh heavily

"Hurry up y/n!" Mother Gothel frown upon her while whispering towards her in an impatient tone

"You can do this.." Ivan whispered with concern on his look

Is y/n going to back out? Or will she proceed with the plan?...

Andrew who was staring at her the whole time with his arms open soon walked closer to her.
Afterall her presence was enough to lure Andrew towards her,
As each step he take
Y/n heart beats heavily
And anxiously
"Does he deserve this?.." y/n thought to herself
Her mind went back to the memories of him and her, though he was obsessive, he took care of her when they were husband and wife,
He provided her things she never knew she could own, he was there to vent to, when the previous queen pressuredly asked for a grandchild...

"Maybe..he doesn't deserve to be isolated in the tower.." y/n thought

"Stay back!" Y/n yelled towards Andrew
Andrew then stop from his tracks
"W-what? Why?"
He said in a worried tone

"It's for your safety- ahh!"
The trap then fallen onto her

"You foolish child! You can't even do such a simple task.." Gothel said as she came out of her hiding spot
Andrew eyes widen when his eyes met Gothel

As Andrew muttered the word 'mother'
Gothel used the chance and cooed
"My baby son, come back to mother,don't you miss me? Come back to me and I'll set this girl free" She said with her arms open

Andrew was too shock to even speak
He was in lost thoughts
Does he want to go back to mother Gothel?
Though there were good memories made between both of them, the fact that he was kidnapped from his true life away..
He looked down to the ground
As his long black hair draped on his shoulders...

However for y/n.. it became a dangerous situation for her
She no longer was a bait but was held hostage to bribe Andrew to go back to Gothel

Is she going to persuade him to go back to his kidnapper?
"A knight always protects their king.." she muttered the words of her knight pledge which reminded herself the importance of sacrificing oneself for the kingdom, without Andrew, there won't be a heir or a king for this kingdom.

What will be their decision?....

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