Chapter 23

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Third POV

"You foolish child!"
Mother Gothel exclaimed as she slam her hands on the table

"It was an accident!" Celine replied

"I said 2 drops!, You could have avoided that by drinking that yourself!"

"Oh, so you want me dead?!" Celine exclaimed

"I rather have you dead than Andrew to be dead"
Mother Gothel angrily said as she leaned in towards Celine
With a glare as she clenches her hands into a fist,

"Now we'll just have to hope Andrew survives, if not..., I'll have you killed in a blink of an eye, you dumb child"
Mother Gothel said before taking her leave

Leaving Celine in frustration and anger
"I'll get Andrew heal before you know and we'll see what happens to you when I become queen...Just you old hag"

While back in the Léandre's palace,
Y/n was about to press her lips against Andrew's
However Ivan cast a spell of a small invisible barrier in between both of their lips

"I'm sorry,your highness..."
He muttered with guilt,
as both of them leaned forward
for their lips to meet however
they didn't notice the barrier.

"Done!" Y/n exclaimed as she pulled back and away from Andrew as fast as she could

"So..did it work?"

Ivan coughed for a bit before replying
"Looks like it didn't work"

Andrew became disappointed, intensely disappointed
"Try again.."
Andrew muttered

"I just lost my lips virginity just for it to not work!?
And to try again on you? , no thanks, I'll take my leave now, my effort has prove that I can't heal you, you need the priest, Andrew"
Y/n said as she walk towards the exit

Andrew yelled as he struggled.

While y/n left, Ivan was about to leave however he glance back at Andrew who was crying and screaming,
Before shutting the door behind him

"Is my son healed?"
The king approached them with desperation in his voice

"I'm deeply sorry ,your majesty, unfortunately it didn't work"
Ivan said

"Oh Lord!" The king said as he covered his face with his hands

"Try getting a priest your majesty, we'll take our leave"
Y/n said as she bow
So did Ivan before leaving

"You kissed Andrew!?" Virie exclaimed as she got off from her bed

"Virie don't remind me about it" y/n said with her hands on her forehead as she's seated on the chair facing Virie bed

"I've never imagine you would be kissing anyone in your life"

"Well I didn't plan to and it didn't work" Y/n said as she leaned her back on the chair

"Enough about Andrew, how's you and Xander?"

"His been talking about marrying me so soon" Virie said as she slowly sat down back on her bed

"And did my best friend agree?"
Y/n replied with an eyebrow raised

"Not yet, I still want to enjoy my life before I become queen"

"Why? isn't that your dream? To be part of something in the royal castle"

"Yeah..but Xander gave me a trial once on princess duty..and it was tough"Virie replied with a sigh

"Tough? A knights duty is tougher than what you consider tough" Y/n smirk

"It was tough for me okay!?"
Virie exclaimed


"Come in"
both of them said

Soon the door opened and it was Ivan
"Hey, can I talk to y/n for a second?"

"Sure" Virie replied,
Ivan then walk towards y/n and grab her hand to drag her out of the room.

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