Chapter 26

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[be warned: Things are getting hot and steamy-]

Third POV

"Celine!, Didn't you hear!? Prince Andrew is getting married tomorrow!" Penelope exclaimed ,
Celine then dropped her tea cup, the tea cup soon shattered to pieces so did her plan.

As morning starts to dim down,
Celine paced back and forth in her bedroom,wondering,
"Who is the bride?..."
She muttered
While biting her lower lip in anxiousness
Soon she starts to chuckle
"It must be part of that old hag plan isn't it?.."
She then smiled menacingly as she soon grab a dagger from her dresser

"Miss y/n, if there's anything that feels uncomfortable, please let me know" a maiden said as she bowed her head

Y/n then smiled awkwardly, not used to being served,
"You may leave" she said
The maiden then obide

Y/n then look at herself in the mirror
She then gulped and muttered to herself
"For the sake of money and my family..."

"Miss Y/n, are you ready?"
Andrew's butler asked as he knocked on the door

"Yes..." She replied while sweating a little from nervousness

Soon she walked out of the guest room and was escorted to the hallway leading to the ballroom

Soon she walked out of the guest room and was escorted to the hallway leading to the ballroom

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The music starts getting louder once the door to the ballroom was opened.
Y/n then grip onto her wedding dress nervously
"What the fuck..." She thought to herself, as she slowly walk towards Andrew.

Andrew gulped nervously from the sight of y/n in a wedding dress,each time she got closer, his heart started racing
The first woman he saw in his life soon became his wife.

As the priest signal them to hold each other hand, amongst the crowd, Celine stood up and walk normally towards the front before charging at y/n with the dagger,
However with y/n skilled agility, reflex and strength, she then grabbed Celine hand and bang it on the side table causing Celine to lose grip of the dagger,
While the two ladies were fighting
Andrew shouted for the guards to take Celine away, soon the guards did as y/n let go of Celine.
Vannesa and Penelope who witness it soon felt shocked and ashamed by what Celine has done

"Is she foolish?" The guest whispered
"Thank God , the prince married a woman who can protect herself"

"Mommy, I want to be like the bride" the little girl whined
"Didn't you see that it was so cool!" The little boy exclaimed

As whispering of praises were amongst the guest
The priest then coughed for their attention and soon they continued.
They soon exchange their vows and place their rings.

With their own agenda,
Y/n for the money,
Andrew for having her as his.

The guest then soon applaud,
Y/n's father whistled with cheer
Is this really the ending y/n wants?
Or was her heart aching for something? Something more than being a knight?
Something more than money?

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