Chapter 8

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Third POV

The maiden soon came back and informed Andrew that y/n is off duty for today, he sighed, soon the maiden approach him to cut his hair but he back away

"Your highness,your father wants you to get a haircut"

"No, I like it this way"

"Your highness, I understand but perhaps just a little trim?"

"A little trim....fine"

Andrew sat on a luxurious chair
As the maidens start cutting his hair
But that little trim wasn't little at all

Soon his hair length became somewhere shoulder length,
Andrew looked in horror
As the maidens cut, however strangely his hair being cut did not change colour

While the hair strands that was detach from his hair turned black

"Your highness it is done, we have to get you wash and dressed up for a reunion dinner"

Andrew kept silent disheartened from the maidens lies
If he knew what power his status as prince held, he would have ordered the gaurds to execute them.

He looked at the mess on the ground, his beloved hair that was complimented by his crush

Soon he kept silent as the maiden escort him to a private bath in the castle, the maidens then dressed him in an elegant outfit specially tailored for the prince returning

Soon a butler knocked on his door "Come in" Andrew said The butler then escort him to the dinning hall Andrew eyes was astonished by the decor of the dinning hall"My son!, Come take a seat" The king exclaimed

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Soon a butler knocked on his door
"Come in" Andrew said
The butler then escort him to the dinning hall
Andrew eyes was astonished by the decor of the dinning hall
"My son!, Come take a seat"
The king exclaimed

Soon enough Andrew took a seat next to the king, the queen who was on the opposite side changed her seat next to Andrew
And hugged him tightly

The king chuckled and said "honey you might be hugging him too hard"

"I know but oh how I miss my baby boy"
The Queen said

The king then cleared his throat to signal the butler and maidens out of the dinning hall.

"My son, All this time, we've been searching for you, now that your back we want to know who took you away from us? That person deserves to die under our grasp" The king said as he clenched his hands into a fist

Andrew widen his eyes, hesitate he answer "it was... A.. a bad person!"

"Who is that bad person, describe that person to me my son, I'll catch that baby thief"

The queen then chuckled

"What are you laughing at honey?"

"The baby thief" the queen said
Soon Andrew chuckled a little as he couldn't hold in his laughter

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