Chapter 25

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Third POV

"Celine?.. help with the prince antidote?..."
Ivan questioned himself as he got up from his work desk, reading the letter on his hands,
He couldn't possibly ask y/n.

However soon another solution strikes him,
he knew an old friend, from far land who could help.
While the moon was still gleaming, he planned out and wrote a letter to Celine, telling her, that it would take a few weeks before he could return with an antidote for Prince Andrew's condition.

The next day,
Celine wrote back agreeing the idea and soon Ivan prepare to pack his things

Y/n who walked pass Ivan's room glance at what he was doing
Curious, she asked
"What are you doing there?"
"Meeting an old friend of mine"

"Ah I see, well stay safe"
She replied
"I'll be off for some time, so take care"
Ivan said with concern in his eyes  before getting back to packing his stuff
Y/n then shrug before heading towards the kitchen for breakfast.

While on the other side, Celine sigh in relieve,
"The antidote...Once the king knew I saved his son, he can promise me an engagement!" She muttered to herself as she lean back on her chair giggling.

While Ivan was away to get an antidote,
During the first week
Y/n frequently visited the market and her home
however soon on her first day of the 2nd week,
she was approached by a few knights
"Miss y/n, the king has requested to meet you right now, please follow me" one of the knight said,
Y/n then followed along the knight while wondering what the king wants from her....

Before, y/n was requested by the king,
The first week, the king became worried about the royal family future
"We need a heir.." the king muttered

"A heir!?, Darling, you can't do this to our son!, He isn't in a healthy condition nor is he fitted to be married yet" the queen said

"Silence!...our son is at the state of no going back he isn't fitted to be crowned king and the only thing we can do is get him a heir" the king replied

"Your telling me...we arranged a marriage for him!? No! I do not agree with this!" She exclaimed

"Enough! you know the stake of this country now!? And we're getting old" The king exclaimed

The queen then went silent
"At least let him choose his wife.."

The king then sigh.

"Y/n! I want y/n!"
Andrew exclaimed towards his mother,
Soon the decision was made by the king and queen it was only time for them to inform y/n parent's and y/n lastly...

As y/n followed along the knights she was clueless about the misery that will greet her back as she greeted the king before seating down

"Your father and I have arranged, that you...and my son will be engaged"

"What the fuck?"....

..."WHAT THE FUCK!? Can you say that one more time!??"
Virie exclaimed shockingly
While y/n stared off in the blank wall still processing what just happened

"Y/n, we are going to be queen!?"

"I didn't ask for this, nope, I didn't ask for this"

Virie then laughed looking at y/n misery face...
While both of the girls had quite a chaotic conversation.
Back at the palace,
The king told the knights to unchain his son
"Andrew, calm down alright, I have good news for you"


"You will be engaged to y/n!"

Andrew eyes soon widened,
Soon the glowing veins died down,
However his cheeks became flushed,
The king noticed and sigh in relief and soon he stood up from his chair to exit, Andrew then stood up from his bed as the king left,
Andrew closed the door and leaned his back against the door

Andrew eyes soon widened,Soon the glowing veins died down, However his cheeks became flushed,The king noticed and sigh in relief and soon he stood up from his chair to exit, Andrew then stood up from his bed as the king left, Andrew closed the doo...

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"Y/n as my w-wife?..."
Andrew muttered under his breath
Soon the potion effect calmed down,
Andrew was slowly back to his normal state as he started to sweat nervously about the wedding....

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