Chapter 11

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Third POV

Virie kept the handkerchief and went to find y/n,
However she walked pass Celine's clique
Perhaps trouble is about to start...

"Look at her dress, it's stained"

"Oh my god, that's so embarrassing, I would get my butler to get me a new dress to change"

"Poor girl.., why isn't she getting her butler to get her a spare dress?" Celine questioned as she spun her glass of champagne elegantly

While they watch Virie with a mix of weirdness and sympathy

Virie who overheard them, made her felt embarrassed.
She then scrambled to find y/n until she saw y/n on the balcony,

"Y/n, there you are!" She exclaimed

"What happen to your dress? Virie" y/n questioned in concern

"I bumped into someone and got my drink spilled on me accidentally"Virie said as she dust her gown

"Oh, well I'm surprised... your not panicking about your stained dress"y/n replied

"Well...he gave me his handkerchief for my stained dress" Virie said as she took out the handkerchief to show it to y/n

"Oh ho, your the lucky lady tonight" y/n said

"Nah it can't be, maybe his just being nice. I should probably return him back the handkerchief"

"Well do you know his name? "

"I'm guessing Xander because it's sewn in the handkerchief"

"Xander? mean Prince Xander?" Y/n questioned

"Wait what did you say?"

"Prince Xander, I've seen him around the castle on my duty in the past"

"What colour hair does he have?"


"Ah y/n, I see your out of the dungeon"
Duke Ciel approached them

"Ah, The fucking Liar is here, nobody wants to talk to you here, so fuck off" y/n said as she flip a middle finger towards Duke Ciel

Duke Ciel then chuckled as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by the prince announcement.

everyone gathered in the ballroom, so did y/n and Virie to hear the prince returning speech

"For many years, I was not rightfully where Im suppose to be but with the great help of a Knight"
Duke Ciel then stood proudly
"A knight named y/n"
The people in the ballroom gasped
The king smiled, afterall it was part of  the king plans to embarrass the lying Duke....

Mother Gothel who was in search of Andrew had gone laying low for awhile, as she deviced a plan to stray Andrew away from the kingdom, but least to say, it'll be a hard time for mother Gothel,
Will this plan succeed?

"NO!" Mother Gothel exclaimed as she push the table in frustration causing many assortments to fall.
Plans after plans, it had all still failed
What should mother Gothel do...

"What should I do now..."

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