Chapter 20: Lies

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Chapter 20| Lies

"So how's the love birds?" Luke asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"We aren't a thing." Layton said.
I just ate my banana, ignoring the weird looks from Luke.
"You guys did amazing." Luke said. "Everyone wouldn't stop talking about it, exceptionally since you kissed in front of- Luke we where there we know what happened." Layton said finishing his glass of milk.
I could tell Layton was pissed but I mean we where still in the same room together so we weren't officially awkward.
"Guess who's not signal any more!" Nick shouted as he walked into the kitchen.
I turned my attention to him.
"Olivia Gates is my official girlfriend." He said happily.
"That means, Tucker broke up with her." Layton said looking at Luke.
"Don't worry his taking it pretty good. his only problem is he got dumped."
Luke started laughing. But everything went silent as Tucker came in, he threw open the fridge and grabbed a yogurt. Turning back around.
"What?!" He asked glaring at all of us. Nobody said anything.
"What did you think of our performance?" I asked, Nick, Luke and Layton looked at me surprised.
I'm guessing Tucker is really mean after break ups.
"You two did great. Then you two probably made out in the back, it's why you ran off huh. Getting ahead of yourself. Pretty soon you two will be in the same bed and- I chucked the rest of my banana at him.
"You have a dirty mind, Williams." I said walking out. "Layton you still giving me a ride?" I shouted.
Layton followed completely shocked.
"How did you do that?" He asked.
"Do what?" I said smiling and grabbing my bag.
"After every break up, every single one Tucker has been rude and grouchy. Everybody's learned to stay clear of him after a break up."
"So him talking to me was new?"
"Well he didn't lash out on you, I beat you right now his lashing out on Nick and Luke."
"Okay, then. On to more important things. Everyone in the whole school saw us kiss."
"So they are excepting a couple." Layton said pulling into the parking lot.
"Ya but we aren't." I mumbled getting out and throwing my bag over my shoulder.
"Once we walk in we will go our separate ways, deal?"
I nodded.
Once we got in eyes where all on us. I got a few glares from some girls, some guys came up and talked to Layton about the kiss. Honestly I was embarrassed I mean we kissed on stage, in front of everyone. I just wanted to go home. I turned the corner leaving Layton to talk to his buddies. I went off to find Lindsey.
"First of all, you sang amazing. Second, you looked pretty sexy one stage, and third you kissed Layton!"
"Yeah so?"
"Well it was in front of everyone, and you two are a thing now. Oh!" Her smile fell.
"Why oh?" I asked confused.
"That oh." She said pointing behind me.
A group of girls was strutting over to me. I could only guess that it was one of the popular girls, I'm not very good with names so I don't remember there names.
"That's Harlee, and her little posey." Lindsey whispered to me as if she read my mind.
"She has had an extremely huge crush on Layton for years."
Great. I thought as she stood 3 feet away from me hands on her hips.
"Who do you think you are walking into this school and becoming everyone's favorite person. That's me!" She said in her high pitched voice.
"I didn't mean for any of it to happen it just happened." I said holding my books up to my chest.
"Well first you get drunk and your one of the funniest drunks, then you sing and everyone loves you. Now your Layton's girlfriend. And your living with the Williams. how do we not know your sleeping with each of them every other night?"
A crowd had gathered around, I griped my books tighter.
"You think I'm a slut, because I'm far from it." I said through gritted teeth.
"You are a slut, just watch next week it will be Tucker. Then Luke maybe even Nick. I mean your just so good at stealing other girls guys."
"Layton wasn't even yours, if I've heard correct. Your just a creepy girl who is in love with him when he is not in love with you!"
"At least I'm not a slut."
I took a step forward ready to punch her but someone pulled me back. I looked to see Tucker.
"Don't." He said.
I took a deep breath, glaring at Harlee and turning and head out of the crowd to math. I fell down in a set and ignored the glares I got. A few people congratulated me on my singing. If Tucker wasn't there she would have a bloody nose by now.
"Tucker told me you had a ruff start this morning." Layton said as we walked inside.
"It was interesting." I agreed.
"You should of punched her, teach her a lesson. I bet you could beat her."
"Ya then get suspended. That would be great."
I sat my bag down with my new fake baby.
"Nobody touches this thing, got it?" I said looking between the boys in the kitchen they all nodded.
"Ms Parker, Tom is on the phone. He wants to talk to you." Sue said from the other room.
I nodded.
"Layton don't let anyone touch this thing, I'm lucky I got a second try."
He laughed nodding. I left to the other room grabbing the phone.
"Hey Jayden."
"Jade." I said but like always he didn't listen.
"Great news, I found a boarding school for you."
"A boarding school?"
"Yeah you will live on campus in a dorm with other girls it will be great for you."
"And-and when are you exactly planning on me leaving?"
"When school starts again so in 3 more months."
"3 months." I repeated.
"Ya isn't that exciting, then you can call somewhere home. I want you to start fresh, forget everything that's happened."
"Thanks?" I said still shocked.
"Alright, well I got to get back to work love you bye."
"Bye." I said hanging up.
I ended the call and started at the blank screen. 3 months? Boarding school?
"Idiot." I mumbled.
"Who was on the phone?" Ryker asked as I walked back into the kitchen.
"Just Tom, checking up on me." I lied.
I didn't even think about it, the more and more I lie the easier it has become. I said it as fast as I would if I wasn't telling the truth.
"So guess what." Layton said sitting on the counter.
"What?" Tucker asked.
"When we sang Friday apparently a very important guy heard about it and came."
"Who's this guy?" Tucker asked.
"Ronny Johnson."
"You mean the guy who is over Golden records?" Ryker said. "I love that guy."
He nodded a big smile on his face.
"What did he say?" I asked.
"Rick planned a meeting with him, next Thursday at 2:00."
"Layton that's amazing." I said.
"Well it should be he wants to see you too."
"I don't want a record deal." I lied. I would love a record deal.
"Come on Jade."
"I'm not coming."
"Why don't you wanna go sing your little heart out." Ryker said patting my head.
"Because-" I paused do I tell them I'm leaving in 3 months?
"Because I got too much on my plate."
And there goes another lie.
They should invent better sleeping pills because this is not working out. And adding the crying baby doesn't help. I threw my covers off of me and walked out, all the doors where closed. The only difference was Tucker's had light coming from under it. I walked over and slowly turned the knob peering around the door there was nobody in bed. I then heard someone throwing up. Great his sick. I made my way to the bathroom there he was leaning against the bath tub. He looked like crap, messy hair he had never changed out of his clothes.
"Your sick?"
He shook his head and waved me off.
"Why weren't you at dinner?"
He took a deep breath.
"Why do you care?"
"Because," I replied.
"I'm fine just go back to sleep."
"Tucker if you aren't sick then you must be recovering from a hangover."
"Just go, Jade."
"Don't shut me out Tucker. Why did you go get drunk?"
"It's none of your damn business." He said leaning over and puking.
"Please don't shut me out."
"Why should I not have to but you can?" He glared at me.
"What do you mean."
"Your whole life you say you don't care for people, that they always leave but really you just shut them out."
"No I don't they leave me. My mom left, dad, brother, Tyler. I barley have anyone."
"No, you shut them out, there's a difference."
"Your drunk." I said heading for the door.
"It's what you did to Layton."

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