Chapter 34: Are you Stupid?

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Chapter 34| Are you Stupid?

"I'm scared." I admitted as I held on to Layton's hand.
"It'll be okay, I'm right here."
I nodded. Taking a step into the jail. Layton did all the talking and then we where waiting at a metal table. Lily came out.
"Jade am I so glad to see you." She said smiling and I gave her a quick hug.
"So tell me about Wyatt."
"I saw him Jade. I talked to him. But only for a few seconds."
"Where were you?"
"Colorado, Denver. We where in Denver. I can't remember what he said he was doing there. But he said he travels around a lot."
"Did he ask about me?" I asked hopefully.
She nodded.
"I told him where you were at."
"I just don't understand why he hasn't tried to call me. Find me."
"Cause he was told that as far as you know his dead. He was told he couldn't ever see you cause you either wouldn't believe it was really him or you would be way to shocked."
"Who's they."
"I don't know the organization. The one that helps orphans or what ever."
"So how am I suppose to find him then?"
"Rick and my dad where working on it." Layton put in.
"I just want to see him." I said.
"You will."
I let my head rest on the table.
"Why does life have to be so hard." I groaned.
"1 more minute." A guy came and told us.
"It's so has not been 5 minutes." I said.
Lily smiled weakly.
"Jade, I'm sure you'll find him. That has been your life long dream to find your twin brother but don't try and rush things. If it's suppose to happen it will if not than don't let it bother you."
She said and got up.
A guard led her back to a door and she was gone from my sights.
"Come on, I think we need a little cheering up." Layton said pulling me up.
I followed him back out to his car. And sunk down in the seat.
"Your dad told me you might get a record deal with" he trailed off .
"I don't even know the name."
"You should come to my interview." He said.
"Ya I'll come. There's always food there and plus I think it'll be fun to mess around in your dressing room while your having your interview."
He laughed.
"No, like come sit with me."
"In front of a camera no way."
"Come on your gonna get a record deal and your afraid to be in front of a camera. Come on it'll be fun. I promise."
"Fine." I huffed.
He smiled in victory. We pulled into a McDonalds drive threw and got smoothies before going to where ever Layton was taking us. We drove in silence only sing along to a few songs that came on the radio.
"Be sure not to miss, The Earlier Bird with a rising star Layton Williams." The lady on the radio said.
Layton and I looked at each other.
"Your name just came over the radio. They just talked about you on the radio!" I cried.
He smiled, pulling off by some trees.
"Where the heck are we?" I asked getting out.
"You'll see. " He smirked grabbing my hand and lead me threw the trees.
We came out into a opening where a lake set tucked behind the trees. A little fishing boat sat at the shore. And he went over to it.
"Did you plan this?" I asked.
"I always plan these things." He laughed.
He pushed the boat to get it going but didn't jump in fast enough and fell. I started laughing. As he came up his hair covering his face.
"You think it's funny?" He said.
I shook my head still laughing. That's when I felt two hands grab my waist and pulled me in.
"No Layton I don't wanna get wet." I said but it was too late I was already under water.
When I came to the top I glared at him. My hair was in my face and I was soaked.
He started laughing, and tucked my hair behind my ear.
"You look like a drowned rat." He laughed leaning in.
I held up my hand which was full of sand from the lake bottom. Smiling as his lips touched it. I slammed it into his face. Quickly swimming away.
"Jade Parker!" He shouted.
"Luke Williams." I mocked with my hands on my hips.
He went under the water and I tried my best to keep an eye on where he was hoping he would come up for air so I could see where he was at. But to my luck he could hold his breath for a long time.
"Layton." I yelled starting to get worried.
"Where are you?"
I felt something grab my ankle. I screamed and kicked it but it pulled me under. Wrapping me in his storing arms and coming up to the surface his lips fell on mine. Once I pulled away mud was in my face.
"I hate you." I yelled.
"You love me." He smiled.
I dunked my head to get the mud off my face and came up to the surface to see. Layton and behind Layton was two anger looking police officers and an anger guy.
"Would you two please get out of the lake." The police officers voice boomed.
Layton looked behind him. I swam over to Layton and grabbed his hand as we made our way to the shore.
"You two do realize this is private property." The policeman said.
"No, sir, we didn't know that." Layton said.
The other police officer had worked on getting us handcuffed.
"Sir, this is all a mistake. Just let me call my father." Layton tried to argue.
"We will settle this at the station." He said putting us into the cop car.
The police slammed the door shut and joined the other two men.
"Did you plan this too?" I asked.
"Nope." He said popping the 'P'.
I started laughing. Layton looked at me funny before laughing along with me.
The policemen got in the car. And we stopped.
"What where you kids thinking?" The one in the passenger seats said.
"I was thinking man it's hot outside why don't we go cool off." Layton said which made me laugh.
"Why not go to a local swimming pool?" The officer replied.
"People pee in pools." I replied.
The officer rolled his eyes clearly annoyed with us. We made it to the station. And they lead us to a cell.
"Wait don't we get one phone call?" Layton asked.
The policeman rolled his eyes and let us out leading us to a phone hanging on the wall. Layton picked up the phone.
"Call your dad." I replied.
Layton nodded typing in three numbers than stopping and looking at me.
"I don't remember my dads phone number."
I rolled my eyes.
"Well you have to remember someone's." I said.
He nodded typing in a number and waiting.
"Hey Luke."
Luke? Really his probably at a bar getting wasted. I need to talk to Stella about that see what she knows.
"Ya, um Jade and I got into some trouble can you come down to the police station." He said.
"Huh. Yup. K thanks. Bye." He hung up and we where lead back to the cell.
"How do you not know your dad's phone number?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"So you do?"
"Ya 435-873-2678." I replied.
My smile fading.
"Although it wouldn't do much help now."
"I'm sorry." He said quietly.
"Don't be." I said.
Luke appeared.
"What's with all the sad faces?" he said clearly high.
"How did they let you come can that not tell your drunk?" Layton asked.
"Me drunk?" He asked.
Opening the door with keys.
"Wait, why did they send you back here alone?" I asked stepping out.
"Run!" Luke shouted pushing us towards the emergency exit.
The siren started going off and sprinklers went off.
"Are you stupid!?" I shouted at Luke.
He only smiled and jumped into his car.
"You drove here drunk too!? Out of your whole family you have Luke's number memorized." I said shaking my head at Layton.
He just laughed.

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