Chapter 22: Second Chances

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Chapter 22| Second Chances

"Layton this is a way too fancy restaurant." I whined as we walked into the restaurant I couldn't even pronounce.
"It's delicious." He mocked.
"Reservation for Layton Williams." The waiter flipped threw his book and nodded grabbing two menus he lead us outside to a table for two on a balcony.
"Ah, Layton this is beautiful." I said looking out at the sun slowly setting.
"Isn't it the pretties thing you have ever seen?" He asked pulling out the chair for me.
"It's amazing. But expensive." I said looking over the menu.
"When your dad owns a big company nothing is expensive." Layton said scanning threw the menu.
The waiter came back and asked for our orders.
"I'll have a steak with steamed vegetables." Layton said.
"I'll have the same." I said.
I hated steamed veggies but the dishes where all French names.
"If you forget how expensive this place is, it is so pretty." I said looking at aw at all the chandlers and decorations. He smiled glad that I'm enjoying it.
We started talking about random things and I fell in love with him all over again. His voice, his hair, but the stupid voice in the back of my head keep reminding me I only had 3 months left. I pushed it aside and continued to enjoy the night. Like I should, like I deserve.
"Hey Becky!" I said happily as I went into the kitchen and got some orange juice.
She was sipping on some coffee while feeding Payton. A site I never though it would see.
"Hey Jade."
"All done with trials?"
She nodded happily.
"No more for 3 months. My boss thought I was over doing it so he gave me some time off."
3 months repeated threw my head.
"That's great!"
"Yeah, so since I've been so busy with work and not have a lot of time to get to know you better I figured maybe we could go hang out you me, Payton and Stella."
"Stella?" I questioned.
"Yeah, she's coming down for the week."
"That's good I can finally meet her. Whys she coming down?"
"The stupid party on Saturday."
I groaned. I hated business parties that's why Luke and I always made them fun.
"Do I have to go?"
"Sadly yes, Tom wants to see you."
"Well I don't wanna see him." I huffed.
She chuckled.
"Breaking news, Tyler Harrison was spotted in Las Vegas where he shot and killed three people."
I froze and my orange juice slipped out of my hand falling to the floor with a loud crash. Tyler killed three people. Three! Why is three such an important number? I ran out of the kitchen. I took the stairs begin they were faster right as I got up I ran into Layton. He grabbed my wrist helping me form falling over.
"Did you hear?"
I nodded not able to have words come out. I continued to my room and grabbed my phone just as I thought I had 2 miss calls from Lily. I quickly called her back, she picked up on the 2 ring.
"Jade!" She said threw tears. "He killed three people, right I front of me!" She cried.
"Lily, clam down. Okay?"
She sniffled.
"That was our deal, I would help him get you to France if nobody got hurt." she cried.
"Get me to France?" This was new information.
"Ya, he wants to start fresh in a different country that's why he is doing this well also cause he wants to be the best criminal because his dad couldn't.- yeah yeah I knew that part but he wanted me to come with him?"
"Ya, he really likes you how did you not know this?"
I was now pacing the floor Layton looked at me worried.
"Lily, where are you right now?"
"Um, in Utah. We are stopped on the side of the road at a little has station. Oh Jade I don't want to do this anymore, he broke our deal. I said I'd help him steal things not kill people. When I told him this guess what he told me. That we stole there lives." She said sobbing again.
"Just like he did mine."
"No, he actually keep his side of the deal, you broke it."
"Jade, Wyatt's alive Drake found him. Tyler didn't tell you because if he told you where he was then you would go to him and not want to leave. Instead he lied and said hat he didn't expecting you to cry and fall into his arms."
I was silent. Tears started streaming down my face.
"Do you know where he is?" I asked.
Layton saw I was crying and wrapped his arms around me.
"Ya, some what I can. But can you help me out if this?"
"Ya, I'll call the police right now. What is the name of the gas station?"
"It's a 7/11." She replied.
"So how much do you know about Wyatt?"
"His alive and in- Lily!" I heard shouting from the other end and it was clearly Tyler's.
She quickly hung up. I started at my phone and the blinking 2:45 on the screen before chucking it across the room. I fell into Layton's arms crying into his chest. He started to stroke my hair.
"Tyler ruined everything." I said threw tears.
"What deal did you make with him?" Layton asked.
"If I helped in and never told anybody about his crimes then he would work on finding my brother. Wyatt."
"You have a brother?"
"Ya his my twin."
"What happened to him."
More tears fell down my face at the thought of it.
"My mom and dad where happily married. Somewhat. My mom always regretted having us because now she was tied down and couldn't party like she wanted too. One day she finally got sick of it and started beating us. Yelling saying we where a mistake. We where only 9 and I was so confused. Wyatt would tell me to go hide while mom beat him. I always hated him taking it all but he insisted. He may have been 9 but he acted like he was 13 strong and tuff. But he wasn't. My mom almost beat him to death. Well we thought he was. My dad called an ambulance and he was sent to the hospital. My mom left that day and I could care less where she went. I sat by Wyatt's bed for 5 hours straight. Until a doctor came in and told me Wyatt didn't make it. Now if I was older I would of been smarter. You see the doctors and child care unit tricked me. They said he died when really they took him away. My dad then had custody over me but was threatened that if he ever did one thing wrote and if there was ever one mark on me he would lose me to. He didn't want that to happen. So my whole life I was told Wyatt died they even had a headstone for him and I'd go visit it. Until Tyler and Drake figured out some things when they where messing around with hacking into things. They found records that Wyatt was released from the hospital the day after I was told he died."
Layton was quiet just soaking in the new information. I picked me up and carried me to my bed laying me down he laid down next to me and wrapped me in his strong arms.
"I'm right here for you. I promise I'll talk to Rick about figuring out where he is at." He whispered in my ear.
I didn't say anything more I was a wreck. My whole life's a wreck. I don't deserve Lindsey, Jenna, or Collin. I don't deserve to be living in this house with these guys. I don't deserve Layton.
"You are too good for me." I whispered.
"What?" He asked pulling me closer towards him.
"I don't deserve to have a amazing boyfriend like you, or friends like Lindsey. I deserve to suffer. All the things I've done. I don't des ever any of it."
"Don't say that Jade. All of this is for you. You have lived threw hell and now your free. Your being giving a second chance Jade. Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?"

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