Chapter 32: Wanting what I want

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Chapter 32|Wanting what I want
Tucker's POV

"Tucker don't start something." Jade's voice broke through my thoughts.
I took a quick glance at her all dressed up in her prom dress. Her beautiful brown hair fell perfectly over her shoulders. Her greenish blue eyes begging for me to stop being a child. I looked back at Logan who's fist where clenched and ready to fight.
I hate this kid after what he did to me. After he ruined my career even tho it wasn't completely his fault he is who I'm blaming.
Logan took a step and swung his fist at me. I quickly dodged it sending my fist to his gut.
Jenna covered her mouth.
"Tucker." Jade scolded me.
I only smirked. Sending another fist flying threw the air and connecting to his face.
Jenna gasped.
"Tucker please stop." Jade said.
I looked at her the warning look in her eye damn why does she got to be so hot. I shook that thought out of my head I can't steal my brothers girl. I felt a fist to my face. I quickly covered my cheek. Stumbling backwards a little. I didn't take long to get ready to throw another punch when someone caught my arm. I froze in place by her touch.
"Tucker, now is not the place." She said.
I stared into her eyes, it was getting harder and harder to pretend like I don't like her. I grabbed my arm away from her when really I just wanted to hold her and never let her go. The door flung up and Mr Powers came in.
"What do you think you are doing in my classroom!" He demanded.
"Uh sorry sir, we where just- you know you aren't suppose to be in this part of the school. I want you out of here. Go! Leave!" Mr Powers said escorting us to the front of the school.
I pushed the door open and let the fresh air cool me down.
"We just got kicked out of prom!" Jenna screamed.
"Don't panic, it was lame anyway." Jade said side hugging her.
"Don't worry babe, I'll make it up to you." Logan said grabbing Jenna and glaring at me he turned the corner heading to his car while Jade and I continued walking straight.
"I'm sorry." I said quietly.
"Sorry? I don't understand why every time I hang out with you something goes wrong and it's followed after another thing that goes wrong it's a never ending cycle. I mean are you trying to make me hate you? Cause it's working." She said folding her arms acrossed her chest.
I felt a slight tug of pain. She hates me. But that's good if she hates me I'll never be tempted to steal her from Layton. The more I see her, the more I hang out with her the harder it is to keep my distance. I had never liked a girl this much. But usually girls are always coming to me but Jayden Parker is different.
"Ouch!" She screamed and just as she went to fall on her face I caught her elbow helping to stable her.
"These damn shoes." She mumbled picking up her broken heel.
I chuckled.
"This is why I don't wear heels." She mumbled taking off her shoes.
I couldn't help the smile on my face as I opened the car door for her before going around to mine. Raindrops barley fell on the car window as we drove in silence the radio playing a soft humming. There was no other cars in sight, we where half way when my car started smoking.
"Shit." I mumbled pulling over.
Jade groaned form beside me. I got out and opened the hood smoke came out and I had to step back and let it clear out before looking at the engine. I couldn't find nothing wrong. I closed it and went back to try and start it but it wouldn't. I reached for my phone which was in the cup holder but it wouldn't turn on.
"Are you freakin kidding me." I said staring at the screen that said low battery.
"It's okay I'll just call someone." She said feeling around for her phone.
She groaned and covered her face in her hands.
"I didn't bring it with me." She mumbled.
"Who doesn't bring there phone?"
She lifted her head up to look at me.
"I thought we would go to the dance have a nice time and then you would drop me off at Lindsey's house. I didn't know we would get stranded in the middle of nowhere. Why did you even take this road nobody even lives on it." She rambled on.
"Actually it's a shorter route to Lindsey's house, I figured you really just wanted to get home so I took the shorter one that's in the middle of nowhere rather than the longer one that's in town, cause then you would have to deal with traffic and- shut up." She growled.
I smirked at her. She was cute when she was mad. She rolled her eyes at me before opening the door and snatching her shoes from the floor.
"What are you doing?" I asked climbing out.
"I rather walk than be stuck in a car with you for who knows how long." She said slamming the door shut.
Ouch, that hurt.
"Okay, we will walk." I said staring at her standing by the car waiting for me to come around. I looked up at the clouds and sky. "But it looks like it might rain."
"Since when were you ever right." She mumbled and turned to walk but there was a ripping sound.
She looked down in horror at her dress. I followed her gaze and saw she had slammed the door with part of her dress in it when she went to walk it ripped a layer off.
"Stella can fix it." I reassured her opening the car door again and handing her the ripped material that was barley attached to the dress.
I held my hands out for her shoes and she placed them in my hands. Since she couldn't hold them both because of her broken arm. We started walking in silence it actually was really pretty on this road. There wasn't a whole bunch of city lights to blind you. You could hear owls hoo and smell the trees.
"I'm sorry." I finally said.
She was quiet so I took that as I should continue.
"I'm sorry I couldn't hold in my anger for Logan, I guess we shouldn't have went into Mr. Powers classroom. I'm sorry I spilt punch on you. I'm sorry you have to go threw all that crap about that Tyler kid. I'm sorry you can't live a normal life. I know what you have had to go threw with your mom. I had to go threw it too." I said quietly her head spun to look at me.
"I don't do backstories, Goldy." I said patting her head.
She glared at me so I continued.
"I'm sorry I killed your fake baby or what ever it was. I'm sorry I covered you in that stuff from that volcano. I'm sorry- Tucker I get it you've messed up...a lot." She said interrupting me.
She opened her mouth to say more but thunder interrupted her. And rain started coming down harder.
"Why does life hate me!" She cried.
I hurried and pulled off my suit jacket covering her arm so her cast doesn't get wet.
"No Tucker your gonna freeze." She said handing it back.
"No I won't you need it more." I said wrapping the jacket around her.
We started to run to Lindsey's house luckily we weren't that far from it. We made it to the porch. The lights were all out meaning Lindsey's parents where in bed. Jade turned to me handing me my jacket back. She was a hot mess. We both were soaked to the bone. Her hair was soaked so it no longer had the beautiful curls, her makeup was not water proof. Her dress now had a punch stain and was ripped. She held broken heels in one hand and had her other arm in the cast. I wanted so badly to tuck her hair away from her face and kiss her right there, but I knew I shouldn't. I can't. But Layton.
"I'm an idiot." I mumbled looking down at the ground.
"What?" Jade said looking at me confused.
"For thinking even for one second that I wouldn't have to feel guilty for wanting what I want." I said looking back up into her eyes. I couldn't tho, I couldn't hurt Layton that way. But his gonna hurt her.
"Trust me, I get it brothers girl and all." I said walking down the stairs.
"But wait." I said stopping short and turning back around to face her the rain came down harder.
"No, no, you know what if I'm gonna feel guilty about something I'm gonna feel guilty about this."
With 10 seconds of courage I climbed back up the stairs and grabbed her shoulders I closed the space between us. At first she didn't kiss back. I figured she wouldn't cause she hates me, but to my surprise she did finally start kissing back. I had kiss a lot of girls but there had been no kiss like this. I pulled away tucking a piece of hair out of her face and behind her ear.
"Goodnight, Jade." I said and headed down the steps, leaving her shocked without an explanation.
So this last little part is from the Vampire Diaries season 3 episode 10. Demon says it to Elena. Just thought I should give credit.

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