Chapter 21: Sleeping Pill

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Chapter 21| Sleeping Pill

"What?" I asked turning around to face him again.
"You shut him out. He wanted to be someone in your life but you shut him out." Tucker said his eyes never meeting mine.
"I didn't." I responded.
"You did, that's all you do. Trust me I know what it feels like."
"I doubt that." I mumbled folding my arms across my chest.
"Listen, we are more alike than you think. And don't try to changed the subject. You hurt Layton, I sat and listened to it the whole night."
"Layton got drunk?"
"Because you rejected him."
"I did not."
"You shut him out."
"No we are in a friend stage. He drove me to school and stuff."
"His acting, he wants to make you happy."
I was silent.
"You've been hurt too many times so your afraid. You have to get over that fear."
"Tucker you don't know anything." I said angry boiling up inside of me.
"Maybe so, but I do know that if you don't see Layton his gonna keep wasting his nights at the bar."
"Idiot." I mumbled.
I bent down to help Tucker. Grabbing a towel for him. He took it.
"Now go see Layton before you ruin him."
"Let me make sure your okay first."
"Jade just go." He said.
The look in his eyes, the tone of his voice. They where so sad, depressing. I couldn't understand. Tucker was such a mystery I know nothing about him and just when I think I have figured out a piece to his puzzle I learned it doesn't fit.
I slowly nodded heading for the door.
"You sure?" I asked.
I know Tucker is a douche but I don't want to just leave him throwing up.
He nodded.
I headed out to Layton's room. Slowly I opened the door his bedroom light was off but bathroom light was on. I went in and saw him in just as bad of shape as Tucker. Layton looked up to me surprised.
"Why aren't you in bed?" He asked.
"Why did you go get drunk?"
"I asked first." He said smirking a little but clearly he didn't feel good.
"Couldn't sleep." I said sitting on the counter.
He nodded.
"Your turn, why did you go get drunk?"
He was silent as if he was running an excuse threw his head.
"You." He said quietly.
I felt my cheeks heat up. He slowly got up and came over to me. The butterflies grew in my stomach and I couldn't get the smile off of my face. He smiled at me as he stood only inches from me.
"Because I hurt you?" I said softly.
"It's not your fault, it's the people in your life before you that hurt you. Damn those people." He said softly wrapping his hands around my waist.
"Promise you won't be one of those people."
"I think I'd die if I hurt you." He said and soon our lips connected.
It started off slow and uneasy but once I started to kiss back it speed up becoming more desperate. He pulled my closer to him and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He picked me up and I let out a little squeal as we landed on his bed. I laid my head down on the pillow him on top of me. I could taste the beer on his breath but I didn't care. I felt so alive. So free and carless. I hadn't felt this way for a long time. He slowly pulled away laying down next to me. Pretty soon we where tangled up in each others arms and legs. And I couldn't think of any other sleeping pill.
"So can I call you two love birds now?" Luke asked as he came in.
I blushed.
"I'll take that as a yes."
"Shut up." Layton hissed.
Luke chuckled as he grabbed an apple and walked out of the kitchen. Tucker walked in he still hadn't changed the only difference was he had no shirt on.
"How's the hangover?" I asked.
He glared at me.
"Layton should have a worse hangover than me!" Tucker complained.
Layton just smirked. Tucker rolled his eyes opening the fridge and pouring himself a glass of milk.
"How do you think Harlee will take this?" Tucker said raising an eyebrow at me.
I shrugged.
"She already told me off."
"I'll go shut her up." Tucker said.
"Your way of shutting up a girl is by kissing them." Layton said.
"It works." Tucker shrugged which caused me to laugh.
"I heard she's going to a boarding school next year." Layton said eating his cereal.
I froze, I totally forgot. I'm leaving in 2 months! Stupid! Stupid! You just started a stupid relationship. I got up and left the room.
"How could you be that stupid."
I felt someone grab my arm and twirl me around. Worried was in Layton's eyes.
"What's wrong?"
I stared into his eyes, I like him a lot. But I can't be in a relationship.
"I'm leaving in 2 months, to a boarding school." I said looking everywhere but his eyes.
He nodded slowly.
"So we will make these 2 months amazing."
"No, Layton."
"Listen Jade, I rather have you for 2 months then not have you forever."
"But you know what will happen after 2 months, I'll leave. I'll be the one leaving you behind. Layton. And I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't I promise." He said closing the space between us.
I pulled away our foreheads pressed together.
"You make an awful lot of promises." I said biting my lip.
"I'm known for keeping them too." He smirked.
I smiled closing the space between us.
His hand felt so good in mine. I mean I've held a guys hand before but Layton was different. We walked hand in hand over to his group of friends, which Jenna and Lindsey have now apparently joined. I heard Josh has something for Lindsey.
"Jade!" Lindsey screamed leaving Josh and coming over to talk to me.
"Guess who just asked me to prom!" She screamed.
"Prom?" I questioned.
"Yeah, so anyway Jake Little asked me to prom!" She squealed.
"That's great." I said smiling.
"Although I assume your not going cause your going out with Layton." She said looking over at Layton.
I looked at them both confused.
"Seniors can't take juniors, it's a junior dance only." Lindsey said in a duh tone.
"Oh. makes since." I said nodding.
"Don't worry I got someone planned to go with you." Layton winked at me.
"Just as friends." I added.
He nodded kissing me on the cheek. I swear every time he kissed me my face flushed red.
"We better get going don't want to be late." Layton said pulling me along.
"Late for what?" I asked.
He just smiled and dragged me to his car.
"Layton where are we going?" I whined.
"It's a surprise."
"Well I hate surprises. Every girl hates surprises."
He chuckled and turned up the radio. I leaned back in my seat and let out a sigh knowing I wasn't gonna get it out of him.
"What about my baby? I was suppose to pick it up at miss Little's class." I said.
"Tucker's got it."
"Tucker's gonna kill it."
"Relax, babe."
I rolled my eyes.
Speakers came on the radio and Layton gave me a weird look.
"What?" I asked.
"This is our song." He said turning it up and singing along.
I rolled my eyes but joined. It being one of my favorite songs so how could I not. I loved to hear his voice it is amazing. He should really get a record deal.
"Okay we are almost there, close your eyes." He said turning the radio down.
I did as I was told and felt the car come to a stop. He helped me out and covered my eyes with his hands. Leading me the way to where ever we where going. He talked to some people but I couldn't hear what they said. Then he sat me down in a chair and removed his hand.
"K, you can open." He said.
I opened them to see a recording studio, a buffet table and Ronny Johnson was sitting in a rolling chair.
"Layton! You never said we where coming here!" I shouted glaring at him.
I looked down at my appearance normal school day clothes it wasn't anything professional to see the guy who is in charge of golden records!
Ronny chuckled.
"Jade, Layton I'm so glad you could meet me." He said shaking each of our hands.
"I had a guy go watch your performance since your dad is a great friend of mine." He said looking over to Layton. He just nodded in responds.
"He video a little for me and let me just say I was blown away."
I was taken back, Ronny Johnson the guy over Golden Records was blown away by my singing?
"If you two wouldn't mind, I'd love to hear it in person." He said motioning to the recording studio.
"Um-er- ya sure." I said nodding and looking at Layton.
We got up and I followed Layton into the studio.
"I've never done this before," I said grabbing a pair of headphones.
"Just sing into the mic, we don't need the headphone right now." He said.
I nodded placing them down. Instead stepping in front of a mic, Layton on my right.
Ronny spoke into the mic.
"Ready when you are."
I looked at Layton who winked at me and smiled. I tried to hide the blushing but I don't think it worked as he sang. Pretty soon I joined in our voices mixing perfectly. I swear we where the magic duo. When every we sang together I forgot how scary it was, I forgot about all my problems about me leaving in 2 months, about Tyler still begin out there, about Ronny Johnson sitting only a few feet from me. When I was with Layton everything was different I saw things clear. I was happier. My eyes never left his as I sang, taking in his appearance. His messy but adorable hair. He was wearing a ugly striped shirt but what ever, he still looked cute in it. His eyes seemed to sparkle from the light and his teeth where perfect. How am I so lucky to have found him. But your losing him in 2months. A voice in the back of my head said. I shook it out looking away from Layton for the first time and at Ronny who sat back in his chair. I couldn't read his expression. When we finished our song he clapped and we made our way out of the studio and back to the chairs.
"I love your voices together, they are amazing. You both have real talent. But, I'm afraid I can only give one of you a record deal." He said crossing his right leg over his left.
"Pick Layton."
"Pick Jade." We both said at the same time.
Ronny frowned.
"Ronny, sir. Layton has way better talent then me he can play multiple instruments and his voice added to it is amazing. His worked so hard and his hard work needs to start paying off." I said not looking at Layton's death stares.
"Sir- Layton started but I cut him off. "Don't." I warned.
Ronny chuckled.
"I'm sure you are a very busy man. I'm so glad I got this opportunity to met you and to perform for you but we have to go and I'm sure you do to. And please give Layton the record deal he deserves it." I said shaking Ronny's hand.
"Thank you for your time." Ronny smiled. "I'll keep in touch with you."
I grabbed Layton's hand and pulled him along. Not really knowing what way I was going since I was blind when I came up.
"What was that?" Layton said.
"I was helping to get you a record deal." I said turning a corner.
"You don't want one?"
"I have so many other things to think about Layton. A record deal would just add to those things and I'd never get anything done."
"Your positive. Cause I- I cut him off again.
"Im positive I do not what so ever want a record deal." The lie just rolled off my tongue. I'd die if I could get a record deal, I mean who passes up a record deal? But I'm a broken person in my broken life and nobody wants broken things.
"Positive?" He asked stopping me to look at him.
I swallowed and looked at the ground before meeting his eyes.
He nodded, and started going the opposite way I had been going.
"Let's go then."
I nodded catching up to him. He slipped his hand into mine and I put on a fake smile, kissing his cheek.
My lie didn't hurt me the most the part that he couldn't call out my lie killed me. Wasn't that's what a boyfriend should do or at least a friend. See past the smile your faking and see the tear streaming down there face. I guess he just doesn't understand and in a way that's good. He deserves it, doesn't he? His worked so hard.

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