Chapter 35: Hurt

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Chapter 35| Hurt

"Layton I can't believe you are making me do this." I said walking into the studio.
"You'll love it. Plus you need to get use to it. If your gonna get that record deal."
"So I got to go to makeup first." He nodded.
"I'll show you where it is at."
I nodded following him threw the studio.
"Hello, Layton. Who is this beautiful lady." A lady with honey colored hair said.
"This is my girlfriend Jade."
Her smiled widen.
"You two could be Hollywoods big thing."
Layton squeezed my hand.
"Maybe. I'll see you down there. K? " He said leaving me with the lady.
"I'm Lucy." She replied.
I nodded. She started to do my makeup and rambled on about how cute Layton and I where together. Until a guy peeked his head threw the door.
"Jade your on in 5 minutes."
The butterflies grew in my stomach.
"Oh geez, I'm so nervous." I said.
"You'll do great." She said squeezing my shoulder and leading me down to the stage.
Susan Kay the host of The Earlier bird sat at a chair with two chairs across from her. A small audience had filled in. Soon Layton was at my side and griped my hand.
"You excited?" He asked.
"More like scared." I replied.
He kissed my cheek.
"You'll do great."
"Today with us is rising star Layton Williams and his girlfriend Jade Parker."
With our names called we made our way out to the couches. Layton was a natural waving as we took our seat. Me on the other hand was keeping myself from puking. The lights where so bright on stage you couldn't see your audience.
"So Layton it is so nice to have you here. How is your album coming along?" Susan asked.
"Great actually. There is even a few songs Jade is in." He said looking at me.
"So Jade your also a singer?" Susan said.
I nodded.
"Ya I guess you could say that."
"She is even getting a record deal." Layton added.
"Geez Layton make sure we don't tell the whole world would ya." Susan laughed.
"Sorry, I'm excited for you."
Susan laughed again.
"You two are a great couple I hope it lasts."
"Me too." Layton said squeezing my hand.


"Stella! Oh my gosh I have been calling you none stop. where have you been how come you haven't answered?"
"Sorry, wedding planning." She sighed.
"Oh makes since."
"Okay so what's up? Oh I almost have your dress fixed."
"Really? You really did it?"
"Ya, what you doubted me. The punch stain is being a little stubborn but I'll get it."
I laughed.
"Okay back to why I called you it's Luke. His been at the bar a lot lately."
There was silence on the other end.
"He hasn't been talking to me."
"Should I just straight up ask him?" I asked.
"You could, but I'm afraid he will just get mad at you."
"I can handle it. I just wanted your input."
"Ya, I've been worried bout him. Wait aren't you suppose to be in school?"
"School?" I said. "I'm so in school right now." and hung up.
"I got to go." I told Lindsey as we made our way back to the high school.
We had got tried after 1st hour so we left and I think it's lunch right now.
"Find Luke?"
I nodded.
"Tell Layton- never mind his not here."
"His sick uh?"
I nodded.
"Too much food at that interview I guess."
She laughed as we went different ways. I had to find Luke. Luckily he was where he always was at lunch.
His car.
I knocked on the window. He looked up at me surprised to see me. He opened the door and climbed out.
"Usually you have a buddy with you. Why not today?" I asked.
He shrugged.
I sighed.
"Okay Luke I'm just gonna come say it. Did Krystal break up with you. For good."
"Who told you about Krystal?" He asked.
"That doesn't matter. Now did she? Is that why you have been drinking."
"Stella told you didn't she?"
"Luke just tell me!" I shouted.
"Yes okay! She dumped me again!" He shouted.
"For who!?"
"Ryker! She dumped me for Ryker." He said.
I could see the hurt in his eyes.
"Ryker broke the bro rule. He stole my girl."
"Luke." I started.
"Don't Jade. I don't need you pitting me. I don't need that. I'm fine. See." He shouted smiling.
"No your not. Please let me just-"
"No Jade. Leave damn it! I loved Krystal I really thought she was the one. I felt everything with her. But she dumped me faster than." He trailed off. "Why am I even talking to you."
"Cause I'm your friend."
"Just leave me be! Jade I don't need you to care about me! What happens to that Jade the one afraid to fall in love! You told me all the time when we would hang out at those parties you didn't want to fall in love you just wanted to travel the world. But look at you know falling for my brother. Are you stupid? You can't see it can you!?"
"See what?" I asked.
"Forget, I tried. Just leave Jade."
"Screw you!" I yelled at him and stormed off.
Geez how did he turn that on me all I did was asked a simple yes or no question. I pulled out my phone and typed Ryder's number.
He answered on the second ring.
"Where are you!" I yelled.
"At school, where are you?"
"Are you going out with Krystal?"
"Ya is that a problem?" He said.
"That's Luke's girl?"
"Well she's mine now."
"What happened to those bro rules or whatever they are."
"It's funner to break them. Who's side are you on Jade? Why aren't you happy for me?"
"Because you stole Luke's girl."
"Why are you even getting in the middle of this?"
"Stella said Luke would get drunk. I've seen what happens when people get drunk it's not good Ryker!"
"I think you should stop sticking your nose into other peoples business." He said and hung up.
"Douche." I mumbled shoving my phone back into my pocket.
"Nick!" I said running to catch up to him.
He spun on his heel to face me. Olivia was by his side.
"Hey Olivia." I said waving at her.
"What's up?" Nick asked.
"Do you know what going on with your brothers?" I asked.
Nick looked at me confused.
"They are turning agaisnt each other Ryker and Luke. But the bigger thing is Luke has turned to drugs as his answer to make the pain go away."
"They will get over it." Nick shrugged.
"Are you stupid. Do you not realize what is going on right here? My mother came home drunk every day and beat my brother. I've seen the effects of drinking! If Luke gets hooked on them he won't be able to get out of them."
"I'm sure he will." Nick said turning to walk away.
"Nick, are you even listening to Jade!?" Olivia said.
"I am." Nick argued.
"No your not?"
I hit my hand against my head. Leaving them to fight that one out. I texted Lindsey to meet me at her car where I explained everything to her.
"Can you just take me home. I need to see Layton." I said.
She nodded getting into her car.
"Why didn't you ask Tucker, I'm sure he could get everything straightened out?"
"If you haven't noticed I've been trying to dodge him for the rest of my life." I said.
She sighed pulling up to the house.
"Thanks, I'll text you later." I said getting out and walking up the steps I opened the door and headed up the stairs to Layton's room. I hope he wasn't feeling too crummy. I opened the door not bothering to knock since he was probably asleep. But once I saw the sight before me I wished I did knock. I felt tears prickling my eyes. And I cursed myself for caring too much. I let myself care about all these William brothers. But all it did was get me into a huge mess. I cared too much and in the end I was the one that got hurt.

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