Chapter 23: Black Mail

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Chapter 23| Black Mail

Can I just say laying on the couch in your boyfriends hoodie cuddled up to him while eating ice cream and watching movies is probably the best thing in the world.
"I feel fat from eating all of this ice cream." I laughed.
"Well do you wanna stop eating it?" Layton asked looking down at me.
I giggled.
He laughed wrapping his arms around me. I nuzzled my head into his chest taking in his cologne.
"You know you need to go pick out your dresses."
"One for the party this week, one for Prom, and one for senior ball."
"One dress can work for all." I mumbled.
"Becky and Stella insist that you get three."
"I hate getting all dressed up."
"You'll look gorgeous."
"Your just saying that becuase your my boyfriend. That's what boyfriends are suppose to say."
He laughed.
"Wait why am I going to the senior ball, if prom is all juniors isn't senior ball all seniors?"
"I'm sure I can sneak you in to senior ball."
"Why can't I sneak you into prom."
"They are more strict about prom."
"Well I think that's stupid, I need to have a word with Nick."
Layton laughed.
"Stella should be coming any minute now."
"I'm surprised she isn't crazy after living in a house full of guys."
"Well she is the oldest she had more control. Somewhat."
Just then the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" Becky called from the kitchen.
"I wasn't planning on getting it." Layton mumbled.
"Come on I wanna meet her." I said getting up and holding out my hand.
He groaned and took it. I lead him to the front door where Becky was hugging who I'm guessing is Stella. (A/N: I changed Stella's age to 23.) She was gorgeous. I was jealous of her hair. It was amazing. Her eyes lite up when she saw me.
"Oh my gosh you are so pretty Jade." She said wrapping me up into a hug.
"I'm so excited to go shopping with you it'll be like a sister thing." She squealed.
I smiled at her happiness.
"Well I got to go. I have a meeting with Ronny." Layton said kissing my cheek.
"So did you get the record deal?" Stella asked.
"That's what we are gonna talk about today." Layton said.
"Have fun." I smiled at him as he walked out the door.
"Well I'm ready to go if you are." Stella said.
"Aren't you tired you just got off a plan?"
"Oh no the excitement is not gonna end." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me out.
"Isn't Becky and Payton coming?" I asked.
"Ya there meeting us."
I nodded climbing into one of the cars.
"So you like Layton?"
"His amazing." I said trying to hide my blush.
"Ya, just be careful Layton can get cocky and a big ego."
"Layton cocky?"
"Ya he has a bad reputation of going out with a girl and then getting to cocky. Because other girls get jealous he isn't single so then he cheats on them."
"How many times has he done this?"
"About 3 times."
"So his cheated on 6 girls."
She nodded.
"I just thought you should know. But after three times I think he has learned his lesson. One time one of the girls wrecked his car. It was so funny." She said laughing.
I nodded. Layton is way too good to do that he has grown out of it.
"Okay so what kind of dresses to you like long, short, puffy, tight?"
I shrugged.
"Depends on what it looks like but I prefer a long semi puff dress."
She nodded.
"I'm a fashion design if you didn't know, so clothes are my thing."
"Are you married?" I asked just out of the blue.
She nodded.
"No, but I'm engaged." She said holding out her hand.
Her ring was gorgeous.
"Who's the lucky guy?" I asked.
"Caleb Bywater."
"So your names Stella Bywater?"
"I believe that's how marriage works." She laughed and I joined in.
We pulled up to a fancy looking dress shop. With beautiful dresses hanging in the window. She got out and we walked in. Dresses of every color every kind filled the isle.
"Okay let's just find some you like and narrow down to at least 15 then try 'em on and choose."
I nodded getting lost in the dresses. I picked up a few and threw them over my arm and meet Stella at the dressings room where she had three chairs full of dresses. This is gonna be a long day.
"So let me get this straight you dropped Nick out of a shopping cart?"
"It was mostly Ricks fault but yes." She said handing me another dress to try on.
"Now on to Luke."
"They are gonna kill you when they find out you told me this."
She laughed.
"If. anyway Luke has a scar on his arm from running into a tree while playing tag. You should ask him it is pretty big too."
"Tell me more about Luke, I got to blackmail him."
"Him and Tucker are a lot alike. Even tho they aren't blood related. They both have short tempers not as bad as Nick but still pretty bad. And they turn to drugs when they are mad or sad or just hate the world."
"I didn't know that."
"Yeah, they do. Luke has gotten out of it, Tucker." She sighed. "Tucker is Tucker we never got along for some reason he hates me. Like Luke and I talk all the time I know exactly what is going on in his life. Like right now he is a little unsteady because Krystal this girl he has been going out with on and off for 2 years now broke up with him again."
"What?" I asked stepping out of the dressing room.
She quickly covered her mouth.
"I didn't say that. Oh gosh his gonna kill me, never trust me with anther secret again."
I put my hand on her shoulder.
"Stella it's okay I won't tell." I said pretending to zip my lips and throw away the key.
"Well I just have to tell you this about him, watch him carefully because I'm afraid Krystal has had enough and might move on. If she does Luke is gonna spend his night at the bars."
"Got it." I said stepping up to look in the mirror at the dress.
"I hate this dress." I said twirling.
"Me too take it off right now!" She said pushing me into the dressing room.
"Enough about Luke, tell me some stuff about Layton."
She laughed.
"Gonna black mail your boyfriend."
"I would never do such thing his too amazing."
"Oh you two are so cute. Tell me what you love about him."
"Well." I said as I slid off the dress.
"I love his smile and sparkling eyes, they are so easy to get lost in. I love his voice and how he can play guitar. I feel like I can tell him everything. His hair is always a perfect messy and don't even get me started on his cheek bones."
She laughed.
"You have only been going out for what a week?"
"Almost 2." I corrected her. "Although he has his flaws. But who doesn't?"
"Like?" Stella said.
"Sometimes I fell he doesn't understand me. And I mean I guess it's hard I have came from such a horrible background who could understand. But still."
"Jade, it's only been 2 weeks, give him a few more weeks to understand you and memorize you."
"Your amazing you know that Stella. Make sure I get your number after this."
She laughed as I stepped out and looked in the mirror. Stella gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.
"This. Dress. Is. Perfect." She said.
I didn't say anything spinning around I couldn't believe it. It was a pink dress that was short in the front and long in the back with a white top.
"This is a yes." I said. "Senior Ball."
She nodded.
I grabbed the next dress from the pile.
"So Layton?" I said getting back on the subject.
"Right Layton. He is an amazing brother. His always there for me. One time when we where in elementary school together I think I was in 5th and he was a 2nd grader or something any way some boy made fun of my hair and he beat him up. A 2nd grader beating up 4th grader it was great gave him a bloody nose and everything. Layton is really protective over people he cares about. His sweet like that."
"But those girls you said he cheated on, did he not care about them?"
"Jade, those where his rebellious years he was like 15 he didn't understand love."
"I don't think I do either." I said pulling on another dress.
"You've been hurt, way too many times you should of. I mean losing your dad and brother your just confused."
I looked at her confused as I stepped out.
"How do you know that stuff?"
"Luke and I talk about everything." She explained as she shook her head and waved me off to the dressing room.
I checked my phone and I had 1 miss call from Layton.
"Stella we have been here for 1 hour and we have only found 1 dress." I whined.
"Don't worry we will find the last two." She said handing me another dress."
"So Layton he is like the perfect guy, I mean his strong, funny, smart, caring, protective, rich, has everything you will ever need."
"Yeah, but I'm leaving in 3 months."
"Who said long distant relationships didn't work out?"
"Everyone who has done one." I replied stepping out.
"I like this one." I said twirling.
It went to my mid thigh and chevron white, black, grey, and turquoise.
"For the party this week." I said.
"Agreed." Stella said.
"Now long distant relationships, where are you going exactly?"
"I have no clue, but I bet it's far away, my stepdad wants me to start new somewhere far away."
"I'm sure you two can make it work."
"Ya, sure." I said digging threw the pile of dresses.
I stopped at a certain one. Pulling it out of the pile.
"That one was kind of just grab one." She said going to grab it.
"No, I really like this one." I said turning and taking it into the dressing rooms. I slipped it on.
It was a beautiful turquoise that reached the floor. It had a laced flower top. It wasn't too puffy or to tight this dress was perfect for prom. I just wish it was Layton who was taking me. I stepped out and Stella gasped.
"This dress is- she didn't even have any words as I made my way to the little stand.
Stella started babbling on about how I could do my hair but I was too stunned by the dress. It was the dream dress. My thoughts got interrupted when I heard my name. I spun on my heel to see brown eyes I never thought I'd ever see face to face again.
"Tyler?" I barley made out.

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