Chapter 15: Hopless cause

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Chapter 15| Hopeless cause

"Jade! Jade!" Lindsey yelled from across the hall.
I turned smiling at her.
"Are you okay? I haven't heard from you since Saturday. Then it died getting a hold of you after and it said the line was busy then I went to your house but you weren't there and-"
"Lindsey I'm fine. Just tired and overwhelmed that's all."
"Good, cause you had me worried."
I smiled as we made our way to math.
"Hey Lindsey and Jade. Best drunks ever." Some kid said to us.
Lindsey smiled and waved. I looked at her confused.
"I'm apparently one of the craziest drunk people in our school."
I rolled my eyes.
"So since when was I?"
"Last Friday."
More kids I didn't even know tell me I was a funny drunk.
"I'm never getting drunk again." I mumbled.
"Oh ya right that's what I said but now everyone loves me."
"Whatever." I mumbled dragging her to math. Zoning out what ever she was talking about.
Mr Richards went on about x,y axis and junk. Like always I could care less. Pretty soon the bell rang. I gathered my things and waited for Lindsey, Nick came in and walked over to me.
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you but I've been busy this week. Layton is doing the talent show but he isn't quiet for it. I was wondering if you two could do a duet."
"A duet?"
He nodded.
"I'll think about it."
"You would be my favorite person in the whole wide world." He begged.
"I'll get back to you, I wanna talk to Layton first."
He nodded taking his seat as Lindsey and I headed out the door.
"You can sing?" She asked.
I started laughing.
"Ya, what is so surprising?"
She shrugged.
"You never came across to me as a singer."
"Well did I come across as a crazy drunk?"
She laughed.
"Good point."
"Layton, just the person I wanted to see." I said walking up to him.
"Why did you want to see me?"
"Nick said you where doing the talent show. He also said you weren't quiet sure on it. So he asked me if I would sing with you."
"Like a duet?"
"Ya like a duet."
"Hey you where awesome at the party last Friday." Some jock kid said nudging my shoulder.
I smiled in responds.
"So?" I asked turning my attention to Layton.
"Alright, sounds cool."
"Okay great." I said smiling and walking back over to Jenna and Lindsey then realizing what I just said yes too. I was gonna go on stage, and do a duet with Layton all together. What was I thinking?
"So what did he say?" Jenna asked.
As we continued walking to our 6th hour.
"He would do it."
She squealed.
"You two will make the cutest couple."
"We aren't a thing? Plus he doesn't like me." I responded.
"Do you like him?" Jenna asked.
"No." I scoffed.
"Bull crap." Lindsey said.
"Whatever," I said walking into Mrs. Little's class.
"Alright class today is the day you get your babies."
Lindsey and I both groaned. As kids passed out babies. I got handed a baby girl. With a bag full of baby stuff.
"You will have them for this week. And remember they turn off when school starts and turn on when school ends. You are welcome to leave them in my room every day. But do not what so ever put them in your lockers."
"Please, that's where mines going." Lindsey said from beside me.
"Now on this piece of paper Jordan is passing out write your name and your babies name. You have to write down when it cried, why it cried, and how it made you feel."
"This is stupid." I mumbled writing my name at the top.
"My babies name is Matilda." Lindsey said writing it down.
"Ya, what's you babies name?"
"I'm not naming it. It's just a plastic doll." I said setting it on the desk.
"Your a hopeless case." Lindsey mumbled.
I laughed. We continued to listen to Mrs Little or acted like we listened until the bell rang. We gathered our stuff and headed out the door.
"When do these things turn on again?" I asked.
"I think today 3:30." She responded.
"We have an hour,"
"I'm just gonna let my mom take care of mine." She said turning the corner to the bus.
"I wish I could do that." I mumbled.
Her smile fell.
"Oh Jade I'm sorry."
"Don't be it's fine." I said giving her a small smile and heading out to the parking lot. Layton and Tucker where leaning against Layton's mustang.
"Took you long enough." Tucker mumbled climbing in.
I rolled my eyes getting in the back seat.
"You have to have one of those things?" Layton said laughing. "Good luck."
"Ya I hate it already. Are you doing anything tonight Tucker?"
Before he could answer I cut him off.
"Good, because we need to work on our science project."
"What science project?" He asked.
"You know the one you have been avoiding, that's due next week."
"Nope doesn't ring a bell, I'm hanging out with the guys tonight anyway."
"On a school night. Mom won't let you" Layton responded.
"Mom doesn't need to know."
"She will if you don't work on the project with me."
"Oh so your threatening me now?" He said raising his eyebrows at me.
"I am."
"Well when you put it that way, no."
"Tucker. I need to get a good grade on this, I have a D in science."
"Hey me too!" He said holding up his hand for a high five.
I pushed his hand down.
"See you need a good grade too."
He growled and I took that as a yes.
"While your working with bozo here, I'll try and find a duet for us." Layton said as we pulled in.
"OO, you two are doing a duet?" Tucker asked.
"Ya for the talent show."
"This is gonna be entertaining. I can't wait to watch you ruin it."
I glared at him dropping my bag on a chair.
"Let's just get this project over with."
"What do we have to build?" He asked taking a seat on the counter and eating grapes.
I shrugged.
"As long as it's science related."
"Let's make a rocket ship." His eyes brightened.
"A solar system?"
"Then what can we make?"
"I'm thinking something way out of the ordinary, something nobody has done before." I said grabbing a grape.
Tucker slapped it out of my hand.
"My grapes."
I rolled my eyes.
"Like a- Volcano!" Tucker cut me off.
"No, I was gonna say- Tucker covered my mouth with his hand.
"We are making a volcano it's final."
I licked his hand and he pulled away.
"Ew, I got Jade germs on me." He whined wiping it on my sleeve.
"I promise you'll live." I said taking a seat at the bar.
"So what do we need for this volcano of yours?" I asked resting my head in my hands.
"Well, we need dirt, and lava, and-"
"Your a hopeless cause, just like this project."
He glared at me.
"We are gonna need baking soda, vinegar, what are we gonna make the volcano out of?"
"I'm sue I can get Rick to get us some stuff for that. Like sculpture dough or something."
I nodded.
"Okay you go do that while I start writing down our plans." I said looking up form my notebook to see he was already gone.
"Douche." I mumbled.
"When does that thing turn on anyway?" Luke said walking into the kitchen where Tucker and I where working on our volcano.
I looked over at my baby sitting in a chair then the clock.
"Not another 10 minutes."
"If it wakes me up I'm gonna come into your room and make it shut up." Tucker warned.
"Noted." I chuckled.
"Oh yes anybody who wakes Tucker up form his beauty sleep will pay."
"Well I don't think your beauty sleep is really helping. Maybe you should sleep longer."
He glared at me.
"I hate you."
"I'm glad we feel the same way."
"You two are hilarious." Luke laughed as he made himself two sandwiches.
"Hey guys." Ryker said coming in.
I bite my tongue. We hadn't really talked much. Things are awkward between us.
"How was baseball practice?" Tucker asked.
"Doesn't it go for an hour not half?" Luke asked.
"Coach cut it short." He shrugged grabbing Luke's other sandwich.
"What you two making?" He asked his mouth full.
"What does it look like?" I asked.
"A pile of mud."
"Well sorry, Tucker sucks at everything he does."
Tucker glared at me.
"It's a volcano." He replied to Ryker.
"Ah, now I see it." He nodded pouring himself a glass of milk.
"Hey Ryker think fast." Luke yelled.
I looked to see my fake baby flying threw the air and landing in Ryder's arms.
"Sweet." Tucker said grabbing the baby and chucking it to Luke.
"Idiots. It's gonna turn on soon." I hissed.
"Don't worry will stop before it turns on." Luke said catching it and tossing it to Ryker who had now moved out into the hallway. Luke and Tucker followed him.
"Seriously if I fail this class it's your guys fault."
"Relax. Jade." Ryker said.
"Why do you even think this is smart?" I said.
I seriously wanted to bang my head against a wall, how more stupid could they get.
"Hey Layton think fast!" Tucker shouted.
I looked up to Layton who was at the top of the stairs. No way Layton will catch it. It's gonna turn on soon.
"Tucker!" I yelled.
Then the dreading crying came. If Layton caught it it'll still live right? Layton's hands where ready for it. To fall right threw. I watched in horror as the baby fell down the stairs screaming at the top of it's little fake lungs. Until coming to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. The crying stopped. It just die.
"Tucker you killed it." Ryker said hitting him on the back of the head.
Luke picked it up, poking it.
"Uh, Jade I think something's wrong." Luke said.
"No duh, Sherlock." I hissed swiping the baby from him.
"It wasn't even on for a minute and you killed it. How is that possible?" I shouted at Tucker.
"Well you see now."
"Douche bag." I mumbled grabbing my bag and heading upstairs.
"Watch your language missy." He yelled after me.
"Screw off Tucker." I yelled back.
I went into my room and put the baby down on my desk. Poor thing didn't even live a minute. My door opened and I swear I was ready to punch those three. I cooled down a little when I saw it was Layton.
"Hey." He said closing the door behind him.
"Hey." I replied laying down on my bed.
"Sorry bout your baby."
"It's just a fake baby." I replied.
He chuckled.
"Really cause you just lashed out at Tucker down there about it."
"That's because Tucker is a self centered, douche bag, dick."
He chuckled, again.
"Pardon my French."
"Well I found a song do you wanna hear it?"
I sat up. He was leaning against a pole on my bed.
"Ya I wanna here it."
His smile grew as he pulled out his guitar.

Rearview crosses
Railroad ties
Oh, Hail Marys
Friday nights
Heartbeat baby
Low-beam lights
God, I miss when you were mine

Back when that song was a song
I could sing along without thinkin bout you every time it came on
Every beat, every line, every word, every time
When a road was a road
I could roll on through without wishin that empty seat was you
Money was gas, dreams were dust
Love was fast and we were us

Shotgun sunset
A cool mint kiss
Backseat promise
Breaking it
Floorboard feeling
County lines
God, I miss when you were mine

Back when that song was a song
I could sing along without thinkin bout you every time it came on
Every beat, every line, every word, every time
When a road was a road
I could roll on through without wishin that empty seat was you
Money was gas, dreams were dust
Love was fast and we were us

In a sleepy town, just jumping in
Far too young to know that summers end
We were us, we can't go back
It's what it is, but God I miss

Back when that song was a song
I could sing along without thinkin bout you every time it came on
Every beat, every line, every word, every time
When a road was a road
I could roll on through without wishin that empty seat was you
Money was gas, dreams were dust
Love was fast and we were us

Every beat, every line, every word, every single time
I just close my eyes and you're ridin shotgun
You and me, baby, on the run
I can feel your heartbeat, baby

"Luke I love it! Although I've never heard it before."
"Ya, that's because I made it."
"In half an hour?" I asked shocked as I stared at the paper.
"No, I've had a few songs already made I just picked my favorite and made it into a duet."
"You should be a song writer when you grow up."
He smile just grew.

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