Chapter 14: Most Wanted

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Chapter 14| Most Wanted

I woke up with a horrible headache. The sun sipping threw the window hurt. So I buried myself in my covers. I see why people have parties on Fridays, so they can have the hang overs on Saturdays. I don't even remember last night. I don't even know how I got home. I heard my door open and someone sat in my chair at my desk.
"What do you want?" I growled.
"Hangover?" Luke said.
I lifted the covers up enough to see him, he was happily eating a banana.
"You didn't drank last night?" I asked.
"A little, but some one had to be stable for you and your friend. You two are fun when your drunk tho." He smirked at me.
"Luke, what did I do?" I asked slowly setting up.
He laughed.
"Do you remember anything from last night?"
I shook my head. Which caused him to laugh more.
"Go take a shower it'll help with the hangover." He said getting up.
I went and climbed into the shower. Glad to get the drunken smell off of me. I really wanted to know what I did last night. I dried off and put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. Putting my hair into a messy bun and headed downstairs. Luke wasn't in the kitchen tho.
"Where's Luke?" I asked as I stumbled into the kitchen.
"Here take these." Some guy said.
"Who are you again?" I asked.
He smiled showing his perfectly white teeth.
"Oh, back from a business trip?" I said as I swallowed the pills.
He nodded going back to his paper work. I looked over at Nick and Mark who where eating donuts. I swear they are always eating.
"Where's Luke?" I asked again.
Nick looked up at me and laughed.
"Do you remember what you did-"No I don't remember what I did last night!" I cut him off.
Mark started laughing.
"You know too. You weren't even there." I pointed at him.
"No, but Tucker is really good at videoing."
"He video me while I was drunk!" I screamed.
Nick nodded still laughing.
"Everyone knows Lindsey is one of the funniest drunks there is, but you. I think you have her beat.
"Where is Tucker?" I said threw gritted teeth.
Nick and Mark just continued to laugh.
"By the way Nick I saw Tucker with Olivia last night. I think they are a great pair. Don't you think?"
He glared at me.
"His up in Layton's room." He mumbled. "With Luke and Ryker."
I smiled at him.
"Thank you very much."
"Your not welcome very much." He mocked.
Rick laughed form behind us.
"Oh your good." He said laughing.
" I try," I responded darting over to the elevator.
I stormed to Layton's door not even bothering to knock. Just like Nick said they where all in here.
"Some body better tell me what Tucker did to get back at me."
He smirked walking over to me.
"Oh you know. I'm really handy with a video camera."
"Show me what you video."
"If you say so." He said grabbing the phone and turning it sideways.
He hit play.
I was standing on top of a speaker singing some random song. Collin was below me dancing with some girl. That's okay I didn't like him that much anyway. But according to the song. I was in love with a bear. Then some guy grabbed me off the speakers.
"Who's that?" I asked pointing to him.
"Jake Little." Luke said laughing.
"Jake Little!"
I watched as I danced with Jake. He was a buff football player. Then Collin grabbed me and the video ended.
"Okay that wasn't so bad." I responded.
Feeling a weight lift off of me.
"Oh that's not even half of it." Tucker said flipping to a different video.
This time Lindsey and me where on the speakers a mic in our hands.
"Hey, Jade. They say when your drunk the truth comes out." Lindsey slurred.
"Who says I'm drunk?" I slurred.
"Well let's here some truth. What is your favorite banana?"
Tucker fast forward it.
"That's just you two asking stupid question to each other. This is the best part."
"Luke Williams! Are you out there!" Lindsey shouted.
"She admitted she likes you in front of everyone?!" I asked Luke.
"Everyone already knows." Luke replied. "Plus who wouldn't want this."
"I heard he can belly dance." I shouted.
"Ah, a belly dancer. Come on Jade. Get some guy up here. A William."
"Let's see. You got Luke, Ryker hates me, and Tucker's a dick. Nope no William boys for me." I said jumping down.
"Wait, what about Tyler Harrison. Didn't you know him?"
"Oh yeah, Tyler Harrison!" I shouted.
"Nope not home." I replied.
Tucker stopped the video.
"Did I say anything more about Tyler?" I asked.
"Nope, just that. Unless you said something to some one with out the cameras off. Then we would never know because you don't remember anything." Ryker said.
"I'm never getting drunk again." I said leaving the room.
"Your funny when your drunk," Tucker laughed.
"Well if I say something I don't mean to say I'm doomed."
"Whatever." Tucker said patting me on the back as he left to his room.
"I'm gonna call up your little friend." Luke said to me which made me laugh.
Ryker followed him downstairs leaving only me and Layton who had been surprisingly quiet.
"How come you didn't tell me?" He asked pulling me back into his room.
"Don't start this. This is what Ryker did to me." I said.
Layton sighed running his hands threw his hair.
"I just- Look at it this way. If you where to know that your best friend was a criminal?"
"No, I just thought we where you know close. And could tell each other anything." He sighed.
"We are and I probably would of told you later. When I felt ready. I promise."
"Okay." He said nodding.
I headed back to my room and called Lindsey.
"What!" She growled.
"Listen this is important. Meet me at Starbucks in half an hour." I said.
"Why, just do it."
She groaned and hung up. Taking that as a yes. I got ready to head to Starbucks.
"Okay first things first. Do you remember last night?"
She smiled.
"Ya, well part of it, then I watched a video of me on Instagram." She said taking a sip of her coffee.
"We where complete idiots."
"I'm always like that when I'm drunk, it's great." She laughed.
"Next, I don't like Collin anymore and I don't like Ryker either."
"Sounds great. Now, heard anything from Luke?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Oh, no reason." She shrugged.
"Tell me."
She sighed.
"We may or may not have kissed." She said staring down at her drink.
"You what?!"
"Why are you the one who's talking, you and Collin where making out."
"I what?!"
My mouth was wide open, shocked. That's what I was shocked. How could all of this happen in one night.
"I'm never going to a party again." I mumbled getting out of the booth.
"You have to tho. There is a ton more this year. I swear they will be the best parties you have ever been too."
"I really don't care." I said grabbing my drink and the car keys Becky let me borrow.
I got in the silver car and pulled out my phone, finding Collin I called him.
"Hey." He sounded like he just barley woke up.
I looked down at the clock it was almost 11:00.
"Do you remember anything from the party last night?"
There was silence on the other end.
"Do you remember anything?" He asked me.
"I asked first."
He sighed.
"Yes, I wasn't even that drunk, 3 beers that's all."
"So then you remember us making out."
There was another long silence. I didn't want to be know as the girl who just goes around and kisses guys at these parties.
"Listen Jade, I'm sorry. I took advantage over you. It's just I really like you and I knew you would never like me the way I like you. Cause you like Ryker. But I saw an opportunity to get you away from the crowd. You where drunk, and I never should of taken advantage of you."
"Collin, you're an amazing guy. I bet any girl would love to have you. That date you took me on was by far the best I have ever been on. You need to find some one that likes you as much as you like them. I like you but as a friend. I think that's how we should be."
"Ya, I agree. I'm so sorry."
"Stop saying sorry. One sorry works just as well."
He chuckled.
"Alright well I'll see you Monday then?"
"Ya bye."
I tossed my phone into the passenger seat and started the car. I was actually surprise Lindsey never came out. She either left without me knowing or she is still inside. I backed out and headed down Main Street. Stopping at a red light, my phone started to buzz. I grabbed it answering the phone without looking at caller ID, first mistake.
"Hey Jayden how's my girl?"
"Seriously cut the act what do you want?"
"Well let's just say you have some friends that are pretty good at hacking into things."
"What did you do?"
"Have you not heard?" Lilly shouted.
"Turn on the TV." Nina shouted.
I was guessing Tyler had it on speaker phone.
"I'm in a freaking car."
"Then turn on the freaking radio!" Drake shouted.
I did turning it onto the news.
"We just got breaking news. Tyler Harrison stole 2 cars." I zoned out the descriptions.
"How does stealing 2 cars have to do with hacking into things?"
"Oh, no we hacked into police records, hospital records just to find the person you are looking for." Tyler said.
My eyes widen.
"Did you really find him?"
"Yeah, we did Jade. His-" Lily got cut off.
There was some talking in the back ground but I couldn't hear.
"Hello? Where is he?" I asked.
"We can't tell you." Drake said.
"How come?"
It was silent on the other end.
"Listen, Jayden Parker. You better tell me where you are at or else you will never see your brother." Tyler threatened.
"Oh so now we are threatening. If you don't tell me where my brother is I'll go to the FBI. And you know that I know your plan. I know exactly where you are heading next. Just marking off that little check list aren't you. You need more money so your gonna rob a bank. But no way you could do it all on your own. You 4 are cramped in a van full of computers and wires and a bunch of crap. Lilly and Nina will cause a distraction. Distracting all of the policemen. While Drake turns off cameras so they don't catch your pretty little face while you grab the money and then you both meet up in the next town. That's why you stole two cars. Because you are using them as distractions. Isn't that right?"
Tyler was silent as I pulled up to the Williams house.
"But you don't know why I'm doing this."
"No, but have you forgotten that we use to be great friends. You use to tell me all of your hopes and dreams I'm sure I can figure it out. So you have until next Saturday to tell me where Wyatt is. Got it?"
"Got it." He said.
I ended the call and went inside I felt pretty proud of myself. I just out smarted Tyler Harrison one of the most wanted criminals in California.

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