Chapter 36: Shut up and kiss me

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Chapter 36| Shut up and kiss me

"Layton." I barley made out as the tear streamed down my cheeks.
His head popped up and frowned. The unknown girl looked over at me shocked. Layton quickly got up and slipped on a pair of shorts and a shirt but I was already flying down the stairs. My tears clouding my vision. I felt an arm grab my arm and spin me around.
"How long have you been lie to me!" I shouted.
He was quiet staring at my eyes. I could see hurt in his eyes but I could care less he deserved to hurt.
"I told you this is why I was afraid to take this step. I was afraid of getting hurt. And you promised. You promise I wouldn't get hurt. Douche!" I shouted and pushed him away.
He grabbed my hands and held them to his bare chest.
"Jade listen to me."
"No." I pulled my hands from his grip. My left hand hurt from the sudden attention but I could care less.
"You cheated on me Layton Williams. You cheated! Stella was right about you!" I shouted.
"No, no, I love you Jade." Layton said as tears started to stream down how face.
"I didn't mean to hurt you it just happened."
"Who is that girl?" I shouted.
"She's, she's my ex-girlfriend. Mollie."
"Well now you have another ex-girlfriend!" I shouted.
"How could you! You knew all the things I went threw, and you still did this! Do you even care about me!"
"I do Jade." He bawled. "I love you so much."
I wanted him to come up with an excuse a crazy excuse that I would believe. This couldn't be happing he was perfect everything we did was perfect.
"If you really loved me why did you hurt me." I said waiting for his answer.
When he didn't reply I stormed out of the house and to the garage. Jumping into the closest car and back out Layton stood on the steps. He was fighting with Mollie now. And she left with tears in her eyes. How long had he done that? How long had he planned on keeping it from me.
I didn't even bother to get out and open the gates wide I just ran threw them and sped down the road. I didn't even know where I was going but as long as it was away from Layton I was good. I gripped the steering wheel tighter as more tears fell down. I knew I shouldn't have let him persuade me to be his girl friend. I should have listen to Stella when she said he cheated on 6 other girls. My phone buzzed and out of curiosity I looked to see Becky was calling. I ignored it but it keep ringing. This time being Layton. I rested my cast on the window. Stopping at a red light I ran my hand threw my hair.
How could he do that to me? Did I mean nothing to him? Once it turned green I sped up. I made it out of the town so instead of buildings there was trees and grass. I drove aimlessly for what felt like hours before coming to a stop at a small town. Pulling into a gas station I looked at myself in the mirror.
My makeup was smeared everywhere. My hair was a mess. I fixed myself up as good as I could before going inside and buying a Mt. Dew.
"Rough day." The cashier said.
I fake smiled at her.
"Ya, break up." I replied.
"I'm sorry, those are the worse." She said. "Wait right here."
I nodded staring at the counter until a pint of ice was set in front of me. Ben and Jerry's.
"It's on the house." She smiled.
"Thanks." I said grabbing the Mt. Dew and ice cream.
I walked out to where the car was parked to see a pair of green eyes and brown hair staring at me.
"I seriously have had enough of you Williams." I growled going to climbed into the drivers seat.
"Oh honey but I'm not a Williams."
I rolled my eyes. Reaching for the handle but his hand reached it first.
"I'm driving."
We had a stare down but he won. I went around to the passenger side and climbing in.
"How did you even find me?" I asked.
"Well this is my car, and it has a tracking device."
I groaned running a hand threw my hair.
"Did you know he was cheating on me?" I asked.
Tucker was quiet.
"I didn't want to keep it from you. But Layton is my brother and the bro rules."
"But you broke them. Why?"
"Because I'm in love with you Jade. And I don't know how yours so blind to seeing it but I am. He made me go with you to prom so he could have a day for Mollie. When he told me that I decided I needed to do something."
"Kissing me was your idea?"
He nodded.
"Once I saw you in the hallway. You know how I caught you?"
"You made me run into you."
He chuckled.
"Ever since that day I liked you but Luke had dibs."
"Luke!" I cried.
"That's why Luke was giving Nick death glares the first day." Tucker laughed.
"He swore on his favorite basket ball."
"What did you swear on." I asked curiously.
I rolled my eyes.
"Then Layton broke the bro rules."
"No cus Luke got back together with Krystal so you weren't dibs. That's when Layton made a move on you and dibs you."
"So did all you guys know he was cheating on me?"
"Luke, and me where the only ones."
I nodded.
"How long?"
"About a week. Maybe 2."
"How did I not see that." I said. "Tucker how come you didn't want to go to prom with me? Or when I was in the hospital you never came and saw me. If you liked me how come you didn't."
"I couldn't control myself when I was around you I just wanted to wrap my arms around you. But I couldn't so I stayed away from you as long as I could. I mad you hate me so the temptation wouldn't be as hard. When you got in that wreck and you where in the hospital. I freaked out and went to get my anger out."
"I saw you, that makes since now."
"Saw me?"
"Ya I was in this weird state where I was like half dead half alive. I even saw you come in to my room and tell me you love me. But I didn't understand why you never came in. Or why you didn't want to hang out with me. Or why you tried to make me hate you so bad."
We where silent until Tucker broke it.
"Your dad called told me to tell you, your leaving to MM records tomorrow. My mom and Stella are packing your things they will be sent to New York."
I nodded.
"And you gonna freak when you hear who's gonna pick you up."
I turned my attention to him.
"Wyatt." He replied.
My eyes winded.
"You found him!"
"Well not exactly I always knew where he was at."
I looked at him confused.
"Tucker what is your real last name?" I asked.
"Fisher." He smiled.
"Tucker Fisher. The boy who lived next door." My eyes brighten as the memories came back.
He nodded.
"You mean this whole time you knew me but never said anything?"
"I didn't at first but once I video chatted Wyatt that night I saw the resembles and made the connection."
"Tucker! Your kidding right! You remember me and you never said anything?"
"You could of remember."
"You where my brothers best friend when we where little how would I remember that. All my memories from my child hood are horrible. I chose not to remember them."
My eyes widened as I remember everything. Remember when we would all run off to the woods behind our houses to play tag. How we would always by a piece of candy after school.
"That makes since why you said we are more alike than I think. Cause we both had abusive parents!"
"Glad you finally caught on Blondie." He laughed.
I glared at him.
"Why did you move?"
"I didn't move. My dad and mom picked up my little sister and me from school one day. My dad was driving and he was drunk. He over corrected and rolled. Of course they weren't wearing seat belts so they died on scene. Katie, and I were stuck in the back. The rescue crew had to make a choice. If they grabbed me Katie would die if they grabbed Katie I would die. I keep yelling at them to grab her but they didn't. They grabbed me inside. It should have been me that died." He said and a tear rolled down his cheek.
"Tucker I had no idea."
He wiped the tear away and pulled off to a dirt road.
"I got put into foster care until Becky and Jacob adopted me. Wyatt and I where in foster care together we were lucky to be in the same one. When he got adopted a lady that worked there planned it out so Wyatt and I could video chat and stay in touch."
"So this whole time you knew where Wyatt was?"
He parked the car, running a hand threw his hair.
"I'm sorry Jade. I should have told you. You deserved to know. Wyatt didn't want me to. He didn't want you to know. He was afraid you hated him or would be shocked like the people told him."
"Did you tell him I've been looking for him?"
"I did, I told him how pretty you are. How funny you are." He open the car door and came around to help me out we came out of the trees to a small ledge that over looked the towns below.
"I told him how you love to bake but wouldn't let me eat the batter. How you furrow your eyebrows when you get mad. How you freak out about me killing your baby. How you hate steamed vegetables. That you have these nightmares, but I was there to comfort you. You love your music. How you can sing but not so much dance. How you sass me. How you so clumsy and ruined your prom dress. How your independent and how strong you are. I told him about how your eyes change colors from a sparkling green to an ocean blue. How when we kiss fireworks go off, and I feel like a fool."
He said leaning in. This time I closed the space between us. How did he know all that stuff about me. Layton doesn't. I then realized Tucker remember the little things.
When I pulled away to catch my breath.
"You really told him all that."
"Nah, not really. But it's sounded good didn't it?"
I laughed. Resting my head against his.
"How come I was so blind?" I asked.
"What do you mean."
"I fell for Layton the perfect dream guy. The one that every story tale makes up. His rich, tall, handsome, strong. Everything goes right. Everything is right. Except for he didn't care for me. He didn't understand. I was blinded by this dream guy that I didn't see the real guy behind him. The guy who actually cares, actually loves me. Layton and mines relationship is the perfect one. The one every girl dreams off. But your and mine is the messy, the funny, the horrible, and the good all combined into one imperfect thing that makes us perfect. Because you can't have a perfect guy. That takes you on perfect dates. It's no fun. But you."
I laughed.
"When I'm with you I know it's always gonna be an adventure."
"Now your just rambling." He smiled.
"Just shut up and kiss me."

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