Chapter 2: You Sure You're Awake?

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Later in the night at the Heartslabyul Drom rooms, Ace is fast asleep in his bed. Ace continues to sleep as he softly let out a snore.

"Hrf!" Ace says as he is starting to wake up.

He lets out a yawn as he wakes from his sleep.

Once up, Ace says, "Ahh, slept like a baby..."

However, he notices that it's not morning, "Wait, it's still dark out! I'm missin' out on precious z's right now. I'll just go back to sleep..."

Ace lies down and prepares to go to sleep.

Suddenly, he hears a gnash gnash sound.

Ace struggles to sleep due to the noise, "Mnrgh..."

Then the sound grows louder. GHASH GHASH GNASH.

Ace wakes up, annoyed by the noise, "Seriously. Deuce is grinding his teeth again? How is he so loud? His jaws must be way more buff than the rest of him..."

Thinking it's Deuce, the sound goes gnash again. Then all goes silent.

"Finally, peace and quiet. Now I can rest..." Ace says, and prepares to go back to sleep.

And soon falls back to sleep with, "Zzz..."

Suddenly, there is a big bang from the door. Followed by someone shouting, "Everybody up!"

Ace wakes up in shock, "Whoa! What now?!"

Ace turns to see Trey has slammed the door open.

"Oh, hey Trey, "Ace replies. "Why are you busting down our door in the middle of the night?"

"Ace! Thank goodness, you're okay!" Trey says, relieved.

Then asks, "Are the rest of your roommates here?!"

"Huh? You sure you're awake, Trey?" Ace questions with a grin. "Everybody's sound asleep. I doubt anyone would sneak out for a late-night a late-night jaunt after the day we had.

Then turns his head and calls out, "Hey, Deuce, wake up! You gotta see this! Trey's all dazed and confused."

However, Ace notices something amiss. Deuce isn't responding.

Ace grows confused, "Hm? Deuce?"

Ace then walks towards Deuce bed to see that he isn't here.

Ace is confused, "Huh. Deuce isn't here." Then crosses his arms confused, Strange. I just heard him grinding his teeth."

Then turns his head, "You heard it too, right guys?"

"However, he notices that the other two roommates are gone as well

"...The other two aren't here either," Ace says, confused. "Where'd everybody gone?"

"I'm too late..." Trey says, sounding distressed.

Then turns to Ace, "Ace, you better come with me for now."

After getting dressed into his dorm uniform, Ace and Trey walk into the Dorm's lounge to see many students are awake, and talk in deep concern and fright.

One of the Heartslabyul students notice, "Hey, it's the vice housewarden!"

Riddle walks over and asks, "How were things on your end, Trey?"

"The only person I found was Ace," Trey answers.

"Oh no..." Riddle says, concerned.

Then Ace speaks up, "Hey, so... Not to interrupt your brooding, but could someone fill me in? Why'd you drag me to the lounge in the middle of the night?"

Riddle and Trey remain silent.

Then Riddle answers, "...They've vanished."

"Who now?" Ace asks.

"Some Heartslabyul students. They're gone," Riddle answers.

Then explains, "Over half the students in our form have up and vanished without a trace. We checked the dorms thoroughly, of course. We've searched everywhere from the rose maze to inside our teapots and still, nothing. It appears the only remaining Heartslabyul students are the ones in this room."

"Just us, huh?" Ace replies, shocked. Then notices, "Wait, where's Cater?"

Trey remains silent.

Then Riddle says, "By the time we noticed something was wrong, Cater was nowhere to be found."

"Oh geez..." Ace says.

"Something extraordinary has happened. That many people don't just disappear all at once," Riddle says.

Then turns to Trey, "Trey, question the students and see if they noticed anyone strange hanging around the dorm. I'll go report to the headmage."

And with that, Riddle leaves the dorm to report the disappearances to Headmage Crolwey while Trey begins questioning the remaining students.

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