Chapter 5: Own Up to It

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Jack and Silver continue to attack Jack with their magic as fast and hard as they can.

Suddenly, Jack screams, WAAAH! My beautiful face! You got DIRT on it!"

"I think this fight is over," Jamil says.

"Aieee!" Jack screams, "There's no competing with such brutality!"

Suddenly, a strange white mist leaves Jack's body, catching Jamil and Silver's attention.

"Did you see a while mist fly out of Jack's body?" Jamil asks.

Jack remains standing, but a little limp.

"He was wailing a moment ago, but now he's completely silent," Silver says.

He walks to Jack and asks, "Hey, are you okay?"

Jack slowly opens his eyes, "Huh?" And sees, "Silver? Jamil?"

"What are you two doing here? And where is 'here' anyway?" Jack asks, looking around.

"Are you back with us, Jack?" Silver asks.

"What does that mean?" Jack asks.

"Okay, just listen. This is what happened..." Silver says, and explains to Jack what has happened at the school.

Jamil and Silver explain to Jack everything from the beginning. Soon, they're done with explaining to Jack.

And Jack is very surprised, "Wow, I can't believe things are that bad at school... And that I was acting all fussy and getting an attitude with you guys..." And says in shock, "And that I was WAILING?!"

This makes Jack angry, "I would never do any of that!"

"Well, you did," Jamil says.

"I don't believe you!" Jack shouts.

"Silver witnessed it as well. You're going to have to own up to it," Jamil says.

Then Silver asks, "Do you really not remember anything?"

"Nothing," Jack answers, "I remember going to bed, but everything between then and now is a complete blank..."

Just then, Jack remembers, "...Oh! There was a ghost!"

"There was? Jamil and Silver question.

Jack explains, "Yeah. I vaguely recall hearing a strange voice while I was asleep... It said, 'Welcome to the Spectral Realm.' Then I opened my eyes, and this ghost was right up in my face, and then..." He then rubs the back of his head and says, "...What happened after that?"

"It all comes back to ghosts, then," Jamil says.

"You clearly weren't yourself back there. Even the way you moved was stiff and awkward," Silver adds.

Then says, "I'm starting to wonder if you were possessed by a ghost."

"Possessed?! Jack asks, shocked.

Then says, "So that's why I was fussing and wailing and taking a swing at you guys..." I... I'm so sorry you had to see that..."

But Jamil says, "There's no time for moping. We've got to rescue the other student and put an end to this Halloween."

"I don't really know what to expect, but I'd feel more confident with you at our side," Silver says.

And asks, "Will you join us, Jack?"

Then Jack calmly smiles and says, "Oh, you don't need to ask me twice."

"I won't be satisfied 'til I get back at whoever pulled this ridiculous stunt," Jack adds with an aggressive expression on his face. "Just you wait, ghosts! Jack's coming for ya!"

A Twisted Halloween II: Spectral SoireeWhere stories live. Discover now